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Politics & Government - 18 November 2007

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Civic Participation · Elections · Embassies & Consulates · Government · Immigration · International Organizations · Law & Ethics · Law Enforcement & Police · Military · Other - Politics & Government · Politics

Demand a better country? I mean they can march here why are they not marching by here by the thousands demanding Mexico start changing their home country? The illegals,their supporters need to be out in the streets demanding Mexico change since all of them can do it here. Isn't almost like the pro's and illegals are not interested in changing Mexico at all?

2007-11-18 10:01:43 · 6 answers · asked by Anonymous in Immigration

Would having more than just the Democratic and Republican parties address major issues better? Also would it cause you to vote if you don't vote already?

2007-11-18 09:57:54 · 13 answers · asked by atlcutie20493 1 in Elections

I am a manager who is having issues with an employee. This past thursday night, I received a phone call from one of my employees stating that she has a doctor's note excusing her from work Friday and Saturday. I asked her to bring in the doctors not so that I can document and excused her absences.

When I realized that she also worked Sunday, I called to clarify that if her note states "Friday/Sat" only, than she has to work. Right when her shift started on Sunday, she came in with her doctor's note and it read:

please excuse ***** from School until November 20th. When I pointed it out that the note stated "school" instead of "work", she gave me a "wtf" look. Hence, I told her that accroding to complany policy, if she cannot produce a legitimate Doctor's note excusing her from work, than she may be terminated.

So my quesiton is: Just because the note says "school" does note mean that it relates to work, also, right? Keep in mind that the chit is 16.


2007-11-18 09:50:46 · 12 answers · asked by chickiebabie02 2 in Law & Ethics

Supporting a dicatator always fire back on US!

2007-11-18 09:50:16 · 10 answers · asked by LEE DA 4 in Politics

They are not going anywhere. There are still millions of them. You can rant about getting rid of them and wanting them all killed, but American business loves them and is still going to hire them. Certain cities are still going to protect them. Yes, there's all these little laws that are going up in small states and cities against them. But for the most part it's only hot air for the coming elections. But $$$ is what really matters not anyone's opinions.

2007-11-18 09:49:47 · 15 answers · asked by J. 2 in Immigration

2007-11-18 09:48:28 · 9 answers · asked by BreakTheIce 1 in Law Enforcement & Police

After a fair trial, and allowing time for ONE appeal, why do we not serve justice by executing murderers in America? How did our society get to the point where we defend or feel sympathy for those who prey on the innocents in our country? How did we get to the point where we allow them to sit on death row for so long, costing us millions while lawyers play appeal games to keep them alive? I feel complete disgust over this issue. Someone help me make sense of it all.

2007-11-18 09:45:59 · 6 answers · asked by Anonymous in Law & Ethics

If you have a gun... would you register it?
yes/no answers only
Plz leave occupation

2007-11-18 09:42:25 · 8 answers · asked by Anonymous in Law Enforcement & Police

forever,its identity lost at the behest of those in Brussels,which is incidentally a city British soldiers have given their lives for in European conflict.

2007-11-18 09:38:09 · 14 answers · asked by Anonymous in Immigration

like in texas?

2007-11-18 09:36:07 · 3 answers · asked by rafa3l09 2 in Civic Participation

It's been proven that the extreme of either is horrible.

2007-11-18 09:35:44 · 17 answers · asked by You 2 in Politics

2007-11-18 09:34:29 · 2 answers · asked by coconutsssss 3 in Law & Ethics

Fear that a US attack on Iran could lead the Islamic Republic to stop its oil exports or block key shipping channels for oil tankers in the Straits of Hormuz is one of the factors that has driven oil prices to record highs in recent years.
He predicted however that hostilities would not break out.
"My prediction is that no war will break in the region," he said. "Our assessment is that this region will not witness a war. There is no cause for concern ... America and its allies are incapable of launching a strike against us."


2007-11-18 09:34:02 · 10 answers · asked by Anonymous in Military

My car was recently broken into and they robbed me blind. Stole everything I had in my car. They probably got away with about 800.00 worth.

I am thankful they didnt take the entire car.

I am scared though b.c I am a tiny girl. What if someone tries to rob me when I am in the car?

What can I keep in my car to protect myself? I have heard that a ball bat is illegal. I plan on getting pepper spray. What about knives?

I feel like I need protection now. I live in an upscale neighborhood however, it is on the border or a crime ridden downtown so we get a lot of trash wandering thru.

I am so scared.

2007-11-18 09:33:19 · 14 answers · asked by . 3 in Law Enforcement & Police

Does this forthcoming election have you a little worried?

It seems like there's more tension, more to be gained or lost, with this one than any I can recall.

What worries you about the forthcoming election?

2007-11-18 09:32:58 · 17 answers · asked by Anonymous in Elections

I don't hate women or anything, but they can't be cop. I mean, they are not tough as men, they cry easily, they're afraid of breaking a nail, come on. They use excessive force, and handle a gun very dangerously, because they feel 'threaten'.What do you guys think?

2007-11-18 09:30:12 · 25 answers · asked by Anonymous in Law Enforcement & Police

Do you approve of the way the economy and national deficit is being handled by the current administration?

Would you apply the same stratagies the government is using (borrowing large sums and getting hit with enormous interest payments) with your own personal finances?

2007-11-18 09:27:08 · 4 answers · asked by kfinn360 2 in Government

Will the next Presidential election come down to electing someone who wants to stay in Iraq versus someone who wants us out?

2007-11-18 09:25:45 · 7 answers · asked by Anonymous in Politics


Reading this article, it seem like Hispanics will soon be the majority in the US. Will it happen? Do you think Hispanics are going to take over the US?

2007-11-18 09:22:37 · 12 answers · asked by Anonymous in Other - Politics & Government

The definition of democracy which is majority rules (for the most part), implies that policies and laws would at least be at a minimum equalized between the few rich and the many non rich. But in actuality it seems that societies that are democratic have laws and policies that are designed to clearly favor the few rich above everyone else.
Does this just go back to the idea that money brings about influence that those who don't have it simply cannot compete? Which of course raises the question, if that is the case, are these really democracies?

2007-11-18 09:22:35 · 3 answers · asked by ron j 1 in Government

Someone told me that if one was caught with a knife in their vehicle (not a pocket knife) then they would be arrested and it could be a felony. The reason the person would be carrying it in their car would simply be for protection sake. Does anyone know the validity of this statement?

2007-11-18 09:20:44 · 11 answers · asked by Anonymous in Law Enforcement & Police

2007-11-18 09:17:27 · 20 answers · asked by lavidasigue40 3 in Law & Ethics

Interesting letter...my question is: whats your opinion of it?

This is from a Hispanic who lives in Texas. He's had a column in the
Fort Worth Star Telegram and as you can see, expresses himself very


I can almost assure you that everyone who is a true American was
sickened when you saw multitudes of protesters carrying Mexican
flags protesting the new Immigration Reform Bill in the Senate. This
display of Mexican flags should give you a heads up on where these
protesters allegiance lies. Their hearts are in Mexico and their
bellies are in the United States.

As an American of Mexican Heritage I want to set the record

2007-11-18 09:17:21 · 12 answers · asked by Anonymous in Immigration

-Who/What was an object or motivation during Martin’s quest for presidency?

-What was Martin’s party platform for president?

-What did Martin aspire the United States to be as an independent nation as president?

-What political party is Martin associated with?

-Was Andrew Jackson a role model to Martin, and a resource for his assistance during his presidency?

-How do you think Martin left the United States as a shape after leaving the office?

2007-11-18 09:14:15 · 2 answers · asked by Anonymous in Politics

2007-11-18 09:12:02 · 2 answers · asked by Carlos 2 in Politics

From there are two government-led official investigations on the JFK assasination, the committes concluded that the assasination is solely carried out by Lee Harvey Oswald.

I assume most of you reading this may have watched at least once either Discovery Channel or History Channel shows of investigating the JFK assasination.

I, an enthusiastic investigator of the JFK assasination, have contacted incredible amount of information on this affiar.

I will not go into detail on this. But there is one mystery still unsolved- even by today.

Let's exclude all the other issues-motives, plans, etc. Let's just focus on the assassination itself.

If Oswald was the only gunner at the scene, shooting the president at the back, then why does the famous Zapruder film show the president being shot at the front of the head?

Seeing is believing. Here is the film.


Same video, but different website: http://www.youtube.com/results?search_query=kennedy%20assassination&search=Search&sa=X&oi=spell&resnum=0&spell=1

Clearly, the last fatal head shot was fired from in front of the president, not at the back of the president, where Oswald was known to be shooting.

If you closely observe the film of the moment when the president gets shot in the head, the bullet came from the front of the president. It is proven by

1. The film clearly shows the president is getting shot in the front forehead, foolproof. You can clearly see the wound at the president's front head, as the bullet strikes.

2. the president's head flips back as the force applied to the target.

3. Also, at the moment of the impact to the target (JFK's head), the blood splash tells us the bullet entered from the front of the president's head. Throughout the entire shooting time, Oswald was at the BACK of the president.

(by the way, just before the headshot, the president was shot through his throat. After a few second, Jackie asks him, "Are you okay?")

Therefore, there must be a second gun man.

Anyone who has shot a gun before, should be able to understand what I am talking about.

I am not saying Oswald is innocent. I am saying there is a possiblity that Oswals was one of the shooters at the scene. (Or, Oswald may have not shot him at all.) Because Oswals was also assasinated before going into a further interrogation, this affair remains mystery.

But one thing for sure; I am confident there was another gunman.

If you would like to leave any opinions, you are welcomed. But no insult, profanity and attacking the other users, please!

2007-11-18 09:11:32 · 5 answers · asked by davegesprek 1 in Law Enforcement & Police

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