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Politics & Government - 24 October 2007

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Civic Participation · Elections · Embassies & Consulates · Government · Immigration · International Organizations · Law & Ethics · Law Enforcement & Police · Military · Other - Politics & Government · Politics

I was driving up a street an some teenagers decided to purposely drive at 25mph on a 35mph street and then they speeded up and immediately slammed on their brakes making me rear end them although I tried to slam on my brakes as hard as I could.

2007-10-24 06:07:22 · 13 answers · asked by babygurllilnene 1 in Law Enforcement & Police




Is Russia flexing their muscles and warning the US not to invade Iran?

2007-10-24 06:06:46 · 13 answers · asked by Edge Caliber 6 in Politics

2007-10-24 06:06:08 · 37 answers · asked by Anonymous in Law & Ethics

2007-10-24 06:04:36 · 52 answers · asked by Anonymous in Politics

cops are such pigs... they are giving away tickets here and there because they need to give certain amount of ticket each months to "move up the ladder". They tell us to obey the laws when they do not. they have special "pass" where they can get out of situations, such as speeding, wreckless driving, etc. I guess not all cops are pigs but 99.9% are.

one recent incident, cop stopped me because I had a "black car". cop thought that I was dealing drugs because I went round the block several times, but i was lost. cops made me get out of vehicle, arrested me for no reason, pushed me into his car, and 2 K9's entered my car, wrecked it, chewed my belt and sh*t inside my car. After finding no drugs, cops didnt even apologize; didnt even clean up the sh*t; i demanded apology and they told me to "go home." so I was mad, I grabbed the sh*t and threw it on the cop's car, and they arrested me. When court day came, cop didnt even show up, and i was released. now I am suing the city and nypd!!!

2007-10-24 06:03:22 · 14 answers · asked by Anonymous in Law Enforcement & Police

A person here said about fighting in Iraq and freedom in the USA:...That depends. "If you like to be free and live in a democratic State then no its not crazy to fight in Iraq". Now,....I ask all here....How is fighting in Iraq making me free in the USA? Iraq did not do 9-11.

2007-10-24 06:02:09 · 22 answers · asked by Anonymous in Military

I want to become a police officer, but i need to get some experience. I heard that they are hiring more police officer but hundreds of guys who didn't get accepted has no experience, so i was wondering, what would be the best to get into to get a good experience history? Go work as a (CSO) community service officer or Police reserve? Please include detail.

2007-10-24 06:00:56 · 5 answers · asked by Anonymous in Law Enforcement & Police

What do you think?

Are the politicians finally getting it that 85% or more do not want any amnesty or will we have to fight them every other month?

I will vote out any and all open borders politicians.

2007-10-24 05:55:10 · 14 answers · asked by youarewrongbobisright 5 in Immigration

S 2205 FAILED Cloture with only 52 Aye votes of the required 60 to pass.

Are they actually listening to their constituents?

Your thoughts?

2007-10-24 05:54:52 · 9 answers · asked by chuck_junior 7 in Immigration

He's a United States Marine. He says the Marines have a terrible outlook on the good decent Arabs. The Marines always use the F word and puts (Runs down) the Arabs from daylight to dark. He stated to me he wished he "never" joined the Marines.

2007-10-24 05:52:35 · 18 answers · asked by Anonymous in Military

Could you check the answers I have, and help me with the ones I don't? Thanks!

1. The thirteen original colonies had identical governments and interests-false
2. In the early years of America, all citizens above the age of 21 were allowed to vote-true
3. The letters in The Federalist were written to urge adoption of the Constitution by the states
4. The Declaration of Independence is the supreme law of the land-true
5. A naturalized citizen is a citizen born in the United States -false
6. Resident aliens are entitled to equal protection of the laws in the United States
7. A "patronage job" is a government position given to a person as a reward for his or her service to a political party-true
8. Elected government officials pay no attention to public opinion-false
9. For legal purposes a business corporation can be a "citizen" of a state
10.The term "suffrage" refers to the right to medical care-false
11.A majority vote of the people isnt sufficent 2 change the Constitution

2007-10-24 05:49:25 · 5 answers · asked by omgitssrachx3 2 in Other - Politics & Government

I have English class next. Should I tell my friend sorry for asking what happened to her face?

2007-10-24 05:47:01 · 19 answers · asked by Anonymous in Immigration

That must be that awesome respect Republcians have for "Free Speech" right?

What are you so afraid of Sam?

Anyway the answer to the question you asked me directly (in violation of Yahoo Answers TOS) is:

How disconnected from reality do you have to be to defend someone such as Mark Foley?
Your "source" link in that question actually states Dems are trying to figure out a way to reduce this obscene national Debt your party has run up by borrowing from Communist China, while it states that Republicans are using extortion to ensure they get a piece of the pie.

The only reaosn to ask me a quesiton and then not permit me to answer it, is you are afraid of my response being right and making you look foolish.

Too late: you did that yourself.

2007-10-24 05:40:45 · 15 answers · asked by Anonymous in Politics

support kids do their best but he's evasive, lives in his one of his mothers houses, barely works, and has never been a "good" dad and we never see him. Private lawyers are expensive and I can't pay anyone unless they actually get the money. Help!! my daughter deserves to go to college and is in her senior year right now.

2007-10-24 05:37:07 · 8 answers · asked by Jewells 2 in Law & Ethics

When some calls to get a reference from my prevoius he gives me a good one. But he tells someone else the name of the company and they call and slander my name. What can I do about this?

2007-10-24 05:36:52 · 5 answers · asked by Anonymous in Law & Ethics

Bush wants 500 million to combat drug trade in Mexico.
"The United States will do all it can to support Mexico's efforts to break the power and impunity of drug organizations and to strengthen Mexico's capabilities to deal with these common threats," White House press secretary Dana Perino said in a statement. The initial request for Mexico is part of a program that will total $1.4 billion. The Bush administration has also requested $50 million for counternarcotics efforts in Central American countries.
Also in recent news Mexico is declaring they're running out of oil.
Any thoughts?

2007-10-24 05:33:08 · 19 answers · asked by Enigma 6 in Politics

I believe he should be the next president

2007-10-24 05:29:16 · 29 answers · asked by que otro hay 4 in Elections

If my husband has set up a military allotment, how long will it be before the first deposit is made? He and I aren't sure why it hasn't gone through. He set it up sometime after the 8th. of october. does it take a couple weeks like when you first set up direct deposit, or how does that work? Is there anyone I can call to see if it did get set up correctly? Thanks!

2007-10-24 05:28:32 · 8 answers · asked by Anonymous in Military

Im asking because my first test was really high, but was really nervous and really stressed, but they told me to calm down and then it dropped down to normal, Im wondering if they test it again durning the mini physical?

2007-10-24 05:28:05 · 4 answers · asked by Cody B 2 in Military

something was on the news at break and a co worker stated that all felonies are the same and they stay on your record for life, some of the other workers and i disagree withthe level thing . surely someone who commits murder is not charged with the same class felony as someone who commits some lesser felony such as a financial crime felony. and what about the record for life thing? are there levels (classes?) thanx for any input.

2007-10-24 05:26:01 · 10 answers · asked by Anonymous in Law & Ethics

I know you guys want the tax cuts to remain permanent, so what is the solution to get us out of our trillions of dollars of debt while making the tax cuts to Americans permanent and spending 150 billion dollars a year on wars?

2007-10-24 05:25:24 · 26 answers · asked by Anonymous in Politics

i've always been woundering what i would get for answers on this

2007-10-24 05:24:57 · 16 answers · asked by locke cole 1 in Law Enforcement & Police

state . i was wondering if i have a daughter and my ex has custody of her and she is moving out of state does my ex have to tell the court that she is moving bc the visitation is going to be all messed up now and who is going to do the transportation if she moves out of state and doesnt tell the court in georgia can she get into trouble ? what will happen if she dont tell the court she is moving only me and i really dont agree with the arrangements that she has made can ne one help me on what the conseqeunces will be for her if she moves out of state and does not notify the court of it and also i would like to have some say in the matter on visitation and so forth

2007-10-24 05:19:20 · 12 answers · asked by Anonymous in Law & Ethics

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