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Politics & Government - 24 October 2007

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Civic Participation · Elections · Embassies & Consulates · Government · Immigration · International Organizations · Law & Ethics · Law Enforcement & Police · Military · Other - Politics & Government · Politics

I'd love to see someone try and deny that it is.

2007-10-24 03:53:49 · 19 answers · asked by brickity hussein brack 5 in Politics

How much (very approximately) would a Lieutenant Colonel be paid for 15 months in Iraq? (Married, with dependents) either base pay or with separation pay, hazardous duty pay, etc.

Or do you know where I can look?


2007-10-24 03:53:15 · 6 answers · asked by P.Y.T.23 3 in Military

Should we be sending them off with an AK47 and a smile? Is it discrimination to only have men on the front line?

2007-10-24 03:53:04 · 25 answers · asked by Anonymous in Military

in the event of a situation in which a majority of representatives are suddenly unable to serve?

There is a detailed line of succession for the presidency. Vice-presidents can be replaced also, under the 25th Amendment. Senators can, I believe, be replaced by the governor of their state if there is a death, resignation, etc. But as far as I'm aware, the only way to replace a congressman is through a special election, which always takes time.

Shouldn't we have some kind of procedure for replacing congressmen, even temporarily, in the event many of them are suddenly unable to serve? Yes, I am thinking of a terrorist attack, among other things. It's possible that we could be left without sufficient leadership just when we needed it most. Those concerned about presidential power should also want a way to re-convene the House as well as the Senate quickly, also.

Does anyone know if there are any laws already in this regard?


2007-10-24 03:51:34 · 10 answers · asked by American citizen and taxpayer 7 in Law & Ethics

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2007-10-24 03:51:16 · 3 answers · asked by zen a 1 in Law & Ethics

...and raise our taxes in order to create a "surplus"?

2007-10-24 03:50:01 · 17 answers · asked by Anonymous in Politics

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2007-10-24 03:49:02 · 4 answers · asked by zen a 1 in Law & Ethics

My fiancee is in the Navy, he is in Basic Training now, his graduation should be around Dec. 7. I was wondering when will he have enough leave so we can get married.. Ive heard that after A school they have a minimum of 14 days leave, can it be done then? Can he request leave?

2007-10-24 03:47:19 · 11 answers · asked by hilarym02 1 in Military

I didnt know i was pregnant but now, i dont know what to do, i wanted to stay here until my baby borns and as soon as he can return to my country but im with a tourist visa, what is the best solution?? its too dificult in the law things to have him here??? need help please!!!

2007-10-24 03:43:03 · 8 answers · asked by Wendicita 2 in Immigration

About 6 months ago we left our old apt. complex early and told the landlord we were leaving. they said it would be no problem but they had to check with corporate first. we left and heard nothing from them for about 2 months. Every once in a while they call us telling us corporate wanted one more months rent. I talked with her today and she said they are sending it to collections if we don't pay the balance. She claimed they left a note under our door before we left. She is threatening us having to pay interest and lawyer fees? Are these empty threats and can she actually send that supposed balance to collections. We did leave our lease early but they never told us we had to pay anything until months after we moved. Is this ligitimate?

2007-10-24 03:42:01 · 16 answers · asked by lacrosse13bb 3 in Law & Ethics

Don’t go to Philadelphia, according to this article.
PHILADELPHIA (Reuters) - Philadelphia is home to the least attractive people in the United States, a survey of visitors and residents showed on Friday.
The city of more than 1.5 million people was also found to be among the least stylish, least active, least friendly and least worldly, according to the "America's Favorite Cities" survey by Travel & Leisure magazine and CNN Headline News.
Philadelphians' self-esteem has been undermined by national surveys showing they are among the fattest people in the United States.

Geesh, according to many of the red state bashers on here, Philadelphia has moved south of the Mason Dixon line- right? Shall we send government aide to help lift their self-esteem?

Oh, and before you people bash me, I happen to like Philadelphia.

2007-10-24 03:39:46 · 28 answers · asked by Anonymous in Politics

I am an American living in Europe and my fiance is from Japan. When I go back to the USA, we would like to get married, but I cannot file a fiance visa through the US Embassy. Do I have any other options other then waiting until I get back to the USA to start the K1 Visa? Because of my job, getting married first and trying to file an immigration visa causes complications.

One idea I had was having my father with a power of attorney file it for me. Is that possible?

2007-10-24 03:38:56 · 6 answers · asked by mnbvcxz52773 7 in Immigration

Iraq they never said we were losing the war or making mistakes or going down the wrong road or anything other than we're doing the right thing and we are the solution not the problem?

But, when violence has decreased do they say we are winning the war and decreased violence proves it?

Either violence in Iraq is a measurement for success or it isn't... which one is it?

2007-10-24 03:36:34 · 19 answers · asked by E M 3 in Politics

Haven't heard of any fights, rapes or shootings in the San Deigo shelters yet. Why the difference?

2007-10-24 03:36:33 · 12 answers · asked by Anonymous in Other - Politics & Government

Why or why not? Both are warrantless.

What are the similarities, and the differences?


2007-10-24 03:35:31 · 6 answers · asked by American citizen and taxpayer 7 in Law & Ethics

I currently work in my local store sorting out the papers and magazines in the morning. But I want to have extra hours, so I want to work behind the till, but the boss says that I cant because of the 'New' ciggarette law.

Because the new law in Wales is that you have to be 18 to buy ciggarettes, but you can still smoke at 16, he cant give me work. I spoke to someone else who works up there and he said that you can still serve them to people, even if you are under 18.

I just want to know what the 'real' situation is with all this.
Please help me, thanks.

2007-10-24 03:32:19 · 1 answers · asked by d4n2005 2 in Law & Ethics

If we give back those areas back to Mexico it will be their problem to fix it?

2007-10-24 03:27:45 · 14 answers · asked by Anonymous in Immigration

ie: All citizens have equal rights under the law.

2007-10-24 03:26:11 · 26 answers · asked by Darth Vader 6 in Politics

Since even Bill Maher gets yelled at by the fringe leftists for not believing the President was responsible for 9/11, I figure it won't be long before they blame the President for the wildfires.

I figure this will be their reasoning - President Bush wants to help the housing market and so all these burned down houses means new construction. That will help the economy.

Do you think something like this will show up soon?

2007-10-24 03:25:27 · 32 answers · asked by Anonymous in Politics

Some say because Al Quida beheads Americans we are justified for tortureing captured Al Quida suspects.

We didn't gas the nazis war criminals, we looked at ourselves in the mirror and recognized that we wanted to be something better, granted our better was still humanity at its worse in August 1945 when we dropped the bomb,

its hard to make these sophisticated points here in Yahoo Answers in the form of a question, but I'm trying.

2007-10-24 03:21:09 · 19 answers · asked by Spartacus 3 in Politics

Why don't we heard Dems trying to get votes from people who take personal responsibility? Why do they go after votes mainly from people who want their country to do something for them?

Do Dems think JFK was a fool?

2007-10-24 03:17:20 · 13 answers · asked by Duminos 2 in Politics

2007-10-24 03:16:55 · 30 answers · asked by Anonymous in Military

To be exact, how do they live in Iran whose president is an Holocoust denier(not entirely but believes it's exaggerated) and whose foreign policy doesn't recognise the State of Israel.
Part 1
Part 2

This might really surprise you. Pls leave a comment. Peace.

2007-10-24 03:15:08 · 11 answers · asked by Mr.POP 5 in Politics

And will he ever admit that he was wrong to write that letter?

2007-10-24 03:13:07 · 16 answers · asked by Anonymous in Politics

I've heard on several talk radio shows about a Marine sergeant suing a U.S. senator for defamation (either Reid or Murtha) because he called U.S. troops in Iraq murderers. Don't know much of the details, but I do know the statement was made out in public (not from the Senate floor) and that the judge involved has ruled that the senator will, at least, have to respond to the complaint.

Can anyone give me more details and what the status of the case is currently?

Also, why have I heard nothing about this on the liberal media?

2007-10-24 03:11:01 · 4 answers · asked by Anonymous in Law & Ethics

2007-10-24 03:10:20 · 11 answers · asked by redd1673 1 in Law & Ethics

and the Right deemed to be wrong ?

2007-10-24 03:08:56 · 9 answers · asked by Anonymous in Law & Ethics

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