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Politics & Government - 14 September 2007

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Civic Participation · Elections · Embassies & Consulates · Government · Immigration · International Organizations · Law & Ethics · Law Enforcement & Police · Military · Other - Politics & Government · Politics

Once again the democrats have shown they dont play this political game as well as the republicans do.

For the past 2 days the attention has been shifted to attacking general betrayus's credibility, rather than all the falicies he exasterbated in his report.

What Moveon.Org should do is take out another Full Page add,showing exactly all the inconsistencies with General Betray us's report.
Detail it all Line by line, and bring the attention right back to the issues -- rather than where the republicans have taken it...completely off the true facts they are fighting to put a cloud over.

If the dems cant do it...Moveon.Org should!!!

= = == = = = =
The entire republicans arguement is how dare anyone question general petreaus' credibility because hes a general.

Well the president is athe president of the U.S.....Dick Chenney is the V.P.
and they are not at all credible.

The Republicans expect people to follow positions....
the smart person follows truth first.
the general betrayed us!

2007-09-14 16:21:15 · 13 answers · asked by writersbIock2006 5 in Other - Politics & Government

donal rumsfeld, paul wolfowitz, dick cheney and others signed a statement stating what PNAC was about and what it stood for. The statement said that America needed to increase spending on defense dramatically and needed to wage a continuous war on many fronts focusing on the middle east with no end. in order to become the dominant imperial force in the world. and that it would take many years for this to happen unless a CATASTROPHIC PEARL HARBOR LIKE EVENT happened to speed up the process.

This has all been published, exists, and is not in any way a conspiracy theorists wet dream.

2007-09-14 16:17:22 · 15 answers · asked by Anonymous in Other - Politics & Government

I think 70% of Americans are of Hispanic or Mexican descent. Admit it !!!

2007-09-14 16:16:59 · 14 answers · asked by Anonymous in Politics

My votes:
P-38 can opener
poncho liner (the woobie)
goretex (anything with it)

2007-09-14 16:13:09 · 22 answers · asked by dee dee dee (mencia) 3 in Military

Do you think there is a good possibly I could be accepted to the US Air Force Academy? I am a sophomore in high school [I am a year ahead], I am homeschooled, I have a 4.0 GPA, I am taking advanced studies [aka Honors program] at the local community college [because my high school does not have a honors program], have OK eyesight, run, and take keichu-do [a form of karate, I am in the intermediate level]. I am thinking of joining the Civil Air Patrol Cadet Program. How much does the CAP Cadet Program cost? Would it improve my chances of being accepted? Thank you for answering.

2007-09-14 16:09:21 · 7 answers · asked by Bet 6 in Military


Take your time, come back to it.

2007-09-14 16:06:55 · 14 answers · asked by Trav 4 in Politics

Or does he not want to pollute his "beautiful Bush mind" like his mother?


Should the Commander-in-chief visit the wounded to get some perspective?

2007-09-14 16:04:57 · 15 answers · asked by Kelly B 4 in Politics

I don't recall ever saying that liberals will hide under their beds, in the fetal position, until the war is over.
And I'm quite sure I never mentioned anything about them having a handbook that teaches them how to get away with treason.
I wish these rumors would stop,--- I don't want to be the one who adds to the many problems that most liberals seem to have ever since they were tutored by Jane Fonda.

I can feel pity just as much as the next guy, and I don't think it's anybody's business if somebody wets their pants, or wants to suck their thumb.

2007-09-14 16:02:24 · 19 answers · asked by nand 2 in Politics

if i report her as a run away to the police and courts will that release me of being responsible, or will i still lose my 5,000. what is the proper protocol

2007-09-14 15:58:18 · 13 answers · asked by Richard B 1 in Law & Ethics

It appeared in today's New York Times.

2007-09-14 15:57:20 · 7 answers · asked by Jim C 5 in Politics

Hi, hope I can get some help with this. I have the standard three names, i.e. 'Jim' and 'Bob' and surname such as 'Redneck'. I use my second name, 'Bob', causes a LOT of problems as on most things, checks, driver's license, etc, it shows my first name, 'Jim'. Can I just omit the first name and sign 'Bob Redneck' and state I have no first name legally? Thnxs, Signed 'My Name Is Bob' :-)

2007-09-14 15:52:43 · 6 answers · asked by Anonymous in Law & Ethics

Didn't any country on this planet try to stop us? Why didn't China, Russia, Syria, Iran, Turkey, Saudi Arabia or anyone else try to stop us if we were so "wrong" to take out Saddam?

2007-09-14 15:50:11 · 18 answers · asked by netjr 6 in Politics


Was this a warning to others by the Pentagon to keep quiet about the war? If this was murder do you condone it?

2007-09-14 15:48:37 · 12 answers · asked by Anonymous in Other - Politics & Government

I don't like the Rudi is pro choice, willing to accept gay marriage or regulation on guns. Those are not conservative principles. But he is far more likely to keep up the fight on Islamic extremist then our left wing nutt jobs, going to be more reasonable in closing the border then our open border left wing nutt jobs, and will be far more unlikely to raise taxes then our planning to spend it all left wing nutt jobs.

So if we abandon Rudi or any of the "middle of the road" Republicans we end up with a left wing nutt job...so do you abandon those principles and support the "party" candidate or go third party and insure a left wing nutt job?

2007-09-14 15:43:14 · 14 answers · asked by netjr 6 in Elections

2007-09-14 15:42:28 · 2 answers · asked by Anonymous in Immigration

Once they serve the order of support on my employer, the employer has to start garnishing my wages because if they don't my employer can

A) Be fined and possibly be forced to pay the amount of the order as deemed by the courts

B) Have their business license suspended

This is if you look under the word "BLACKMAIL" or EXTORTION" in a dictionary these are both one and the same, but yet they can easily get away with it, but let me try and extort or blackmail someone and I will get a free stay at the Crossbar Hotel.

Maybe this is wrong but them using someone's social security number without their consent is a crime too? I mean if they can obtain your social security number and freely use it shows your social security number is really a way for the government to track you for their advantage and makes it really worthless!

2007-09-14 15:42:21 · 9 answers · asked by Loves Los Angeles 1 in Civic Participation

I am currently working at a bank of america as a teller, and I reallly hate it. I've told my manager that I want to quit, and that I need to cut back my hours, and only work one week. She has told me that I am legally bound to work for the next 2 weeks, and at the schedule they've already given me. Isn't it just a courtesy to leave a 2 week notice? If there are any Bank of america workers out there, can you tell me where I can find this info? I really just want out, and could they force me to work there? Any answers would be much appreciated

2007-09-14 15:41:19 · 17 answers · asked by rara_avis 1 in Law & Ethics

Just curious... I need to que my old vhs recorder so I can tape it.

2007-09-14 15:41:17 · 21 answers · asked by Anonymous in Military

2007-09-14 15:39:07 · 5 answers · asked by heavy 1 in Law & Ethics

This is an assignment that i need help with. A preson goes to a restaurant and hands his imitation fur coat to the hat check lady. He is handed a ticket with his name and a description of the coat. On the reverse of the ticket it says "We will not be held responsible for any loss or damage of whatever nature or however cause". The restaurnat says they will not pay him anything and they are not liable.

What could the coat owner do legally.

2007-09-14 15:36:13 · 4 answers · asked by Anonymous in Law & Ethics

Do you see the war as a serviceman with half his limbs blown off (as I do) or as a serviceman with half his limbs intact (as our President does)?

2007-09-14 15:35:25 · 6 answers · asked by Anonymous in Military


2007-09-14 15:34:04 · 6 answers · asked by light star girl 2 in Military

Me,for Rudy ''The Great One'' Guiliani.And you?????

2007-09-14 15:33:29 · 26 answers · asked by The Apostle 2 in Politics

In Georgia does my husband and I have to live apart to get a divorce and to be final? We are going to file and had before but dropped it stupidly. We have lived in separate bedrroms and no sex in years all his doings believe me. Now I hear I may have to move to get a legal divorce in Ga. But I need time to perpare once I know this is going to happen for real as I hope it will. I can't apply for my SSI until divorce is final and need help to see all utilities are out of my name as he ruin his credit with them. Can we have the same address on the divorce papers yet it states we are separated for at least 6months or more. As it has been more. Also this is in an untested with no children or property. Please tell me the truth here. dp

2007-09-14 15:33:27 · 3 answers · asked by Anonymous in Law & Ethics

Once they serve the order of support on my employer, the employer has to start garnishing my wages because if they don't my employer can

A) Be fined and possibly be forced to pay the amount of the order as deemed by the courts

B) Have their business license suspended

This is if you look under the word "BLACKMAIL" or EXTORTION" in a dictionary these are both one and the same, but yet they can easily get away with it, but let me try and extort or blackmail someone and I will get a free stay at the Crossbar Hotel.

Maybe this is wrong but them using someone's social security number without their consent is a crime too? I mean if they can obtain your social security number and freely use it shows your social security number is really a way for the government to track you for their advantage and makes it really worthless!

2007-09-14 15:30:57 · 7 answers · asked by Loves Los Angeles 1 in Other - Politics & Government

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