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Politics & Government - 14 September 2007

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Civic Participation · Elections · Embassies & Consulates · Government · Immigration · International Organizations · Law & Ethics · Law Enforcement & Police · Military · Other - Politics & Government · Politics

I mean they the claimed to be an american company but now that they pocketed the money and moved to the UAE shouldnt the Current contracts be pulled and given to a real American company like they were supposed too?

2007-09-14 09:20:37 · 7 answers · asked by BigBadWolf 6 in Law & Ethics

Ed Koch said that any DEM who does not condemn the ad is a disgrace and that includes Hillary.

2007-09-14 09:20:28 · 8 answers · asked by Anonymous in Government

My husband who was in the Marines didn't use up his GI Bill for college and was wondering if we can pass it on our daughter for her college fees?

2007-09-14 09:17:11 · 16 answers · asked by vw 1 in Military

Who said yesterday on CNN that American blood is a small price to pay for for our objectives in the middle east

2007-09-14 09:16:55 · 25 answers · asked by Anonymous in Politics

how does that even hold any merrit?? I would understand if they had polled soldiers, or Iraqi citizens. But asking a bunch of opinionated people that only know based on what they see on TV....who cares if I believe (based on third hand information) that the surge is or isn't working? How are you and I even qualified to respond to a poll like that?

2007-09-14 09:15:57 · 12 answers · asked by smellyfoot ™ 7 in Military

I have been ranting about this for months, have any of you read about this?

What are your thoughts?

This "explanatory memorandum," as it's titled, outlines the "strategic goal" for the North American operation of the extremist Muslim Brotherhood (Ikhwan). Here's the key paragraph:

2007-09-14 09:14:26 · 22 answers · asked by Anonymous in Politics

2007-09-14 09:13:41 · 6 answers · asked by kimberly h 1 in Government

Dear Soumen Chakraborty,

This is an affirmation that your experience and qualifications where found successful for the requirements of Sheraton Hotel & Resort and to this end no interview is to be conducted on you as your experience is credible and up to the standard of the company requirement after their screening, your appointment was approved and accepted However, for expatriate services employees who do not presently posses their valid Nigeria residence and Work Permit papers, they are to make contact with the address given below for directives and assistance on the acquisition and procurement of their valid residence and work permits papers with the Nigerian Immigration Services here in Nigeria.

Also as an employee,you need a Visa to come to Nigeria,on your arrival Sheraton hotel will apply for a Valid Work and Resident Permit for you. And the Work and Resident Permit will be issued and prepared by the Nigerian Immigration service so you should take note on this.
Also as

2007-09-14 09:06:37 · 9 answers · asked by Rose 2 in Immigration

Just thinking about it, Ann coulter Does anything that Georgey boy asks, just like a little puppy. So if someone were to dig Deeper, as to what Ann Coulter has to do with George Bush, Will they find a Smoking Cigarettee? With a name like Bush, you cant call it a Big Cigar, lol
So lets hear the Fun answers back. Younge George bush, says he has a good sence of Humor, So lets see if thats true of Fanny-Anney

2007-09-14 09:06:33 · 14 answers · asked by kjokergo11 3 in Elections

America was founded because a group of people go tired of the Tyrany of their government.
America was founded to protect individual rights, rather than political power.
America was founded to create a government strong enough to protect individual liberties and provide stability without creating a despotic state which would destroy the liberties it was intended to preserve.
America was founded under the ideal that ALL people are created equally.

now under these founding ideals, how is being liberal anti-american, when most liberals are fighting for the exact things that this country was founded on. Wouldnt it be the other way around, that the group trying to prohibit individual rights, and the group who is letting the government destroy that which it was created to protect...would actually be anti-american.

2007-09-14 09:06:06 · 26 answers · asked by Anonymous in Politics

The subprime meltdown has finally spread to the overall economy and the country is falling into recession. Why is no one concerned?

2007-09-14 09:04:20 · 25 answers · asked by Perplexed Bob 5 in Politics

One day you wake up and you're worshiped as the absolute ruler of a tribe of people. The only way to get food would be to go out into the jungle and hunt for animals all day. Would you have them divide the meat among everyone; including the slightly effeminate males who sat in the tents braiding each others hair all day instead of hunting, or only let those who hunted for the meat and contributed keep and eat it?

2007-09-14 09:03:06 · 5 answers · asked by Anonymous in Politics

My boyfriend of one year has decided that he wants to be a state trooper (we live in Alaska). He will basically be able to stay at home for a year, until training starts. Then for more than a year he will be in training in a different city. After that they will probably be relocating him to a village that will probably be too hard to get to to visit him. At this point, we are in a very serious relationship and are pretty sure we will be getting married after he spends a couple years in the village (because then he can move back to the city).

My question is, have any of you dealt with something similar? Or how would you deal with this? Also, does anyone know how dangerous this job is? I am kind of worried about him! Any reassurance from police officers or troopers would be nice too!

2007-09-14 09:01:49 · 28 answers · asked by Treasa 5 in Law Enforcement & Police

i mean like how do i become an officer and what r they requirments to become an officer?

2007-09-14 09:01:37 · 15 answers · asked by JOHN J. R 2 in Military

This link says it all: http://www.ajc.com/metro/content/metro/stories/2007/09/13/hispanics1_0914.html

2007-09-14 09:01:16 · 12 answers · asked by Terry H 3 in Immigration

We all knew this, but now it's official:


2007-09-14 08:57:57 · 37 answers · asked by Anonymous in Politics

Do you really believe he wants to continue in this job? Please. The Vacationing King is SO DONE with being President of this country. It's harder than he thought it would be, and he's looking forward to his exodus from the White House. In fact, I bet it's the only thing for which he has EVER had an exit strategy.

So what makes you think he wants to continue to be President?

2007-09-14 08:56:36 · 10 answers · asked by Bush Invented the Google 6 in Politics


Troop draw-down will not return us to pre-surge levels...

That was the endless game in Viet Nam. The politicians would claim they were bringing troops home, all the while they sending even more of them to the front. This was the game played from 1968 to 1974.

One week you'd have 50,000 troops. The Pentagon would announce it was bring 20,000 home, but not mention they were sending 40,000 new troops in. By the time this did get mentioned, they'd be blathering about another reduction, while planning on committing even more on the side.

In this way, they kept reducing troops in Viet Nam for about five years. They reduced 30,000 troops all the way down to 100,000 troops.

And the public never even noticed the game.

Sad how history is repeating itself.

Exhausting really.

2007-09-14 08:55:50 · 8 answers · asked by Anonymous in Military

2007-09-14 08:54:57 · 17 answers · asked by Zac 1 in Military

Even though there is no such evidence that states that Iraq had anything to do with 9/11?

Even though the fact that all evidence points towards Osama bin Laden and his al Qaeda organization?

Even though the official 9/11 Commission Report states that Iraq had nothing to do with 9/11?

Even though Osama bin Laden and Saddam Hussein hated each other and were sworn enemies?

Can one of you Americans that represent roughly 30% of Americans that believe this, please explain to me why you beleive this? Because I can not for the life of me fathom or understand why you would think this. I would also like to ask you if you've been clinically diagnosed as suffering from mental retardation?

Why are so many Americans so easily brainwashed and weakminded, that they allow themselves to be subjected to propaganda by the Bush administration and various neoconservative groups; being placed in mental shackles that prevent them from independent and rational thought?

2007-09-14 08:53:58 · 21 answers · asked by Anonymous in Other - Politics & Government

What a cowardly network. Real pansies.

2007-09-14 08:51:12 · 18 answers · asked by Anonymous in Politics

and if not,laws would you recommend be enacted for your state?

2007-09-14 08:50:36 · 1 answers · asked by colecole1979 1 in Law & Ethics

2007-09-14 08:48:00 · 2 answers · asked by Anonymous in Elections

I was driving on a three lane road in Dallas and I was in the front of the "pack". At first I thought there was just a man walking across the road, but then I realized he wasn't moving, and I had to slam on my brakes not to hit him ( as well as the truck behind me that swirved over not to hit us both). When I pulled off onto a close residential street and asked him what t he problem was and why he would walk across three lanes to stop me, he answered with, "I'll tell you when I find out who Im talking to." He ticketed me with 53 in a 35. But when I noticed that he had his motorcycle parked right next to the road, I was furious. Why didn't he pursue me on his bike WITH LIGHTS!? Im taking it to court and many say im wasting my time. But being a 20 year old female in Dallas, I will not EVER stop for that again because it could have been anyone in a police costume. The rates of impersonation, kidnapping, and danger in Dallas are just too high for this to be legal. so now what?

2007-09-14 08:47:16 · 15 answers · asked by Anonymous in Law Enforcement & Police

I hit a fire hydrant last week, and the city says i must pay to get it replaced. How much will It be?

2007-09-14 08:46:41 · 10 answers · asked by Anonymous in Law Enforcement & Police

2007-09-14 08:43:59 · 7 answers · asked by Roggles 4 in Military

is jr applied to name on birth certifificate and if so is sr bound to change his own?what about name on ss card?if jr is on birth certificate can it be removed after sr death?

2007-09-14 08:42:56 · 6 answers · asked by deceit 1 in Law & Ethics

I've looked at several of the same question in the Yahoo! Answers archives, but the answers were either on a complete bias or didn't really answer the question. I would like an honest, unbias answer. All the websites seem to have a slant as well.

I simply want to know what the main differences are between parties without smart*ss, bias answers. Is it possible to have political views without having loyalties to a party? I've never considered myself either, mainly because I don't know the difference. I've always voted on the issues, not along party lines. Thank you for your time. I really appreciate it.

2007-09-14 08:41:42 · 18 answers · asked by still waiting 6 in Politics


It sounds like he's innocent, but there's a joke in here somewhere. I just can't find it!

2007-09-14 08:40:35 · 9 answers · asked by ? 6 in Other - Politics & Government

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