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Politics & Government - 29 August 2007

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Civic Participation · Elections · Embassies & Consulates · Government · Immigration · International Organizations · Law & Ethics · Law Enforcement & Police · Military · Other - Politics & Government · Politics

Let me start by saying; I am going to every website for all presidential hopefuls both reps and dems to research their plans. Obama seems to be making a whole lot of sense on issues facing America. So my question is what is the deal with Barack Obama? He seems to be more honest and intelligent than the others. It looks like he would benefit both parties and America. Is it just because he is black or was taught islam (when he was younger) people dislike him? Please only intelligent feedback.

2007-08-29 07:12:24 · 13 answers · asked by Anonymous in Elections

I have to admit I must live a sheltered life because I was shocked hearing the details of the Craig scandal. Toe tapping signals for sleazy bathroom sex! I've never heard of such a thing. Don't people go to cheap motels anymore? Are we missing the point here. There is a bigger issue here that I think we are missing. Don't straights and children also use these bathrooms. It's really a sad statement about our society.

2007-08-29 07:12:10 · 19 answers · asked by Enigma 6 in Politics

MONTEBELLO, Quebec – For a meeting about a secretive partnership among the heads of state of the United States, Canada and Mexico who have been reluctant to share with the public the details of the plan, the seclusion of Montebello, Quebec, is ideally situated.

The Fairmont Le Chateau resort, where U.S. President George W. Bush, Mexico's President Felipe Calderon, and Canada's Prime Minister Stephen Harper are meeting to discuss the Security and Prosperity Partnership, is literally in the middle of the rural Quebec woods.

At 4:30 a.m. today, SPP security workers began shuttling journalists by bus from Ottawa on the hour-long trek in the dark through the Canadian countryside.

(Story continues below)

The resort itself has been surrounded by a double security fence – chain link on the outside perimeter and what appears to be a thick-mesh wire barrier dotted with live security cameras.

Within the compound, the Royal Canadian Mounted Police are clearly in command, and busloads of heavily armed Sûreté du Québec, the provincial police, have been dispatched throughout the compound.

Military presence, both U.S. and Canadian, also is evident, although low-key.

When Bush arrived yesterday, Harper greeted him by commenting on his Secret Service detail, noting in the live feed over an open mike, that, "You really travel with a small army, don't you."

Bush, looking strained, laughed and responded that the setting for the meeting was beautiful.

Even within the compound, the press is limited to a specified area, with no apparent access to the SPP working group meetings, except for an occasional photo op with the three national leaders.

Today's agenda began with a closed-door meeting the three leaders held with the North American Competitiveness Council, the 30 multi-national North American companies selected by the Chambers of Commerce in each respective state to advise the SPP working groups how to follow their business agenda.

The U.S. Department of Commerce has set up the NACC to serve as the chief policy adviser to the 20 SPP trilateral working groups that have been "integrating" and "harmonizing" North American administrative laws and regulations across a wide spectrum of public policy issues.

Press photographers were allowed in the room as the session began, to take the customary photos for worldwide distribution.

Bush, Calderon, and Harper appeared awkward wearing their suit coats and blue button-down shirts buttoned fully to the last button before the neck, all without ties.

In contrast, the NACC business leaders either did not get the message or could not bring themselves to part with their ties, even though the closest boardroom is an hour or more from Montebello.

Once the three leaders sat down to get to business, the photo op ended and the press were returned to the press pool, left to watch live satellite news feeds or play computer golf on their laptops.

Every now and then, the CBC, Canada's national broadcasting network, would wheel out an official, such as U.S. Ambassador to Canada David Wilkins, who on cue answered the interviewer's probes with calming reassurances that what was going on was fairly boring bureaucratic work, all designed to make the trio of nations more secure and more prosperous.

Gone from this year's Montebello summit is the comfortable familiarity Bush seemed to enjoy with his "amigo" President Vicente Fox, evident when Bush entertained at the first SPP summit in Waco, Texas, in 2005, or when Fox was the host last year in Cancun.

When the word circulated that Calderon was leaving early because of Hurricane Dean, seasoned members of the press speculated that Calderon had found a ready excuse to get away early.

Perhaps, some callous media speculated, Calderon did feel bitter that Bush had not delivered on his promise to Fox that he would push some form of "comprehensive immigration reform" through Congress that would have, among other goals, created a path for an estimated 12-20 million illegal aliens in the United States to legal residency.

Harper's predecessor, former prime minister Paul Martin, in Waco seemed out of step with the desolation, uncertain what footwear would work if cowboy boots were just not comfortable.

In the few public appearances Harper has made since the Montebello summit began, he also appears uncertain, perhaps of his own standing as the leader of a minority government in a Canada that is increasingly suspect of the SPP's ambitious integration agenda.

Truly, all three leaders are here in a weakened position.

Bush, after the second defeat of his Kennedy-McCain "sham-nesty" bill and the departure of Karl Rove, is a lame duck with less influence, even within an increasingly contentious Republican Party.

Within Mexico, Calderon is still fighting off charges that he stole the election from his leftist opponent Lopez Obrador.

The public highlight of the morning session was when the three leaders strode confidently from the resort's main lodge along a footpath past news photographers to a late morning meeting in a tent at the end of the path.

The press members then were herded by security back to the press area to await being summoned for the next SPP photo shoot.

Being inside Montebello with the press, no one has any idea if there are protesters or not. The only hint of an outside world was when a Fairmont worker drove by in a heavy-duty backhoe, evidently on the way to some construction job.

2007-08-29 07:11:53 · 7 answers · asked by MACK 3 in Government

Why is it legal too hop in a taxi without a carseat?? Are taxi's suppose too be invincivle or something?? If so I guess I need one I think it is very stupid not too require a carseat yea it is a pain taking it in and out all day long but think of the pain you would have loosing a child at your neglect.

2007-08-29 07:09:45 · 5 answers · asked by Mommyof3 3 in Law Enforcement & Police

democracy doesn´t mean bombs..

2007-08-29 07:09:25 · 13 answers · asked by Anonymous in Politics

The question above is on a criminal background check for a school district. I have a suspended license in the third for failing to pay a overdue ticket. I went to court and was found guilty and I think it is a misdemeanor. Is this considered a "crime" and should I disclosed this on my application and received an interview but HR needs this background form. Should I disclose again? Please look at the question above and tell me If I should tell them that my license was suspended. My license is no longer suspended and payed all fines at this time.

2007-08-29 07:04:41 · 4 answers · asked by Anonymous in Law & Ethics

Heres the source and quoted comments to backup my statement. This is categorized here because it was a governmental decision.

CEO pay and benefits on the rise: report


"At the same time, workers at the bottom rung of the U.S. economy received the first federal minimum wage increase in a decade. But the new wage of $5.85 an hour, after being adjusted for inflation, stands 7 percent below where the minimum wage stood a decade ago."

""CEO pay, over that same decade, has increased by roughly 45 percent," the study found.""

2007-08-29 07:03:32 · 12 answers · asked by MyMysteryId 3 in Other - Politics & Government

The topic of poverty and welfare and redistribution of wealth is often a topic of conversation on YA. But a new study shows that America's poor are not so bad off and many of their problems are of their own doing. For example:

There are two main reasons that American children are poor: Their parents don't work much, and fathers are absent from the home.

In good economic times or bad, the typical poor family with children is supported by only 800 hours of work during a year: That amounts to 16 hours of work per week. If work in each family were raised to 2,000 hours per year—the equivalent of one adult working 40 hours per week throughout the year— nearly 75 percent of poor children would be lifted out of official poverty.

Father absence is another major cause of child poverty. Nearly two-thirds of poor children reside in single-parent homes; each year, an additional 1.5 million children are born out of wedlock.



2007-08-29 07:02:41 · 17 answers · asked by Anonymous in Politics

He can declare this "emergency" in order to assume near dictatorial powers. (US under U.N. Law in health emergency).

May 2007 - Bush signs National Security Presidential directive 51 (and) Homeland Security Presidential directive 20. (giving himself more powers)

Aug 2007 - One week following the Montebello Summit....
SPP homepage outlines the North American Plan for Avian and Pandemic Flu - which features the agreement "newly reached" by "TRILATERAL bureaucratic working groups".

Co-Incidence?? I think NOT!! What do you think?

Article: US Under U.N. Law in Health Emergency

2007-08-29 06:59:58 · 14 answers · asked by windtalker 2 in Politics

Iam trying to collect information for my book... Iam not too up to date on weaponry. Obviously.

If we have warheads in our arsenal, that means we can deploy them by just about any means right? Attach them to a rocket, blast them from a ship or sub, or drop them in a bomb? Right? Or am I mistaken?

2007-08-29 06:56:57 · 4 answers · asked by amosunknown 7 in Military

What concerns me is that the Bush Administration seems to be heavyhanded when it comes to our rights, as the firings of the "non-republican" Attorney generals showed.

Are democrats or even republican opposers in this country are prone to being harrassed or arrested under his presidency?

I do oppose Bush for what I see are lies, misconceptions, and hypocrisy. And because I am a democrat, I feel that I am more likely to be harrassed than if I were a republican.

Does anyone else feel this way?

2007-08-29 06:56:00 · 28 answers · asked by Rosebee 4 in Other - Politics & Government

How old do you have to be to register guns in your name, buy, carry, the whole 9 yards... Thanks in advance! btw INDIANA

2007-08-29 06:55:41 · 5 answers · asked by Anonymous in Law & Ethics

2007-08-29 06:50:50 · 26 answers · asked by Anonymous in Elections

In a speech today he said, talking about New Orleans, "Today it is better than it was yesterday, tommorrow, it will be better than it is today" A person with such unbelievable wisdom is wasting his time as president, He should be reading stories to young children, oh, wait, he does.

2007-08-29 06:50:44 · 10 answers · asked by Anonymous in Politics

2007-08-29 06:49:56 · 5 answers · asked by computer_pc_doctor 2 in Law & Ethics

George Bush said yesterday that IRAN has been the leading sponsor of terrorism in the Middle East for years-Bush just does not know how to shut his mouth-so based on his info he attacked IRAQ-he is a stooge.

2007-08-29 06:47:28 · 11 answers · asked by Anonymous in Military

investigation? http://answers.yahoo.com/question/index;_ylt=ApVpZO8j1C5F9Y5yZYftE8rsy6IX?qid=20070829102830AA8QQ16

2007-08-29 06:47:15 · 11 answers · asked by Anonymous in Law & Ethics

2007-08-29 06:45:21 · 3 answers · asked by sobe_it_69 3 in Military

Where are we headed? When our RIGHT to liberty and freedom is being threatened by our own government? Government enforced dress codes? Whats next? Where will it end?

We're AMERICA for crying out loud! Not Malaysia, not Iran, not communist China (all of which have enforced dress codes).

Not only that, but this law is clearly unconstitutional and we will only waste the valuable time of the Supreme Court in order to overturn it when it just should never have been implemented.

Who cares if you don't want to see boxer shorts. I don't want to see speedo's on the beach. Too bad. Don't look at it. We don't need laws to validate OPINIONS.






2007-08-29 06:44:47 · 16 answers · asked by slushpile reader 6 in Law & Ethics

This morning, for about 30-45 minutes, a helicopter was circling quite low over our house/property (about an acre). A few times they looked like they were going to land in the yard. I finally got nervous enough that I called the local police to see of they knew of anything happening (like an escaped convict or whatever). They said they'd check into it and call back. A few minutes later, they called back to say it was just the National Guard doing training exercises. Now what I'm wondering is, why would they choose to circle over a residential area, and specifically one house/property, instead of flying over a vacant field or airstrip or whatever?

2007-08-29 06:44:45 · 4 answers · asked by Starfall 6 in Military

My daughters ex boyfriend has used our address for his car loan(they came to my house to reposses it is only reason I found out.He uased our address also on toll bridge (has a bunch of violations)andfor his car insurance progressive.When i call to say he doesnt live here they say we cant change it cause we have no forwarding address for him.Excuse me he never lived here!!I do know he use to have po box I am wondering how would i find it out?is there a way to have his mail forwarded there?

2007-08-29 06:43:14 · 2 answers · asked by hugsandhissyfits 7 in Law Enforcement & Police

2007-08-29 06:42:20 · 7 answers · asked by sobe_it_69 3 in Military


The saggy pants ban is in Shreveport, LA. A person sagging more than 3 inches below the waist line is subject to a $100 fine. Is this the dumbest law you have ever seen? Is it really enforcable? Does it target young black men? Would a cop really waste their time on enforcing this law?

2007-08-29 06:41:41 · 20 answers · asked by shortstop42000 4 in Law Enforcement & Police

And it's gradually getting worse there too? I get the impression, that many people think, that the two wars are actually one and the same.

2007-08-29 06:40:33 · 8 answers · asked by Anonymous in Politics

2007-08-29 06:40:19 · 4 answers · asked by yolanda g 1 in Law & Ethics

fedest.com, questions and answers