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Politics & Government - 27 June 2007

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Civic Participation · Elections · Embassies & Consulates · Government · Immigration · International Organizations · Law & Ethics · Law Enforcement & Police · Military · Other - Politics & Government · Politics

Well It's Obvious that this question is about DRIVING, CARS, ETC.

2007-06-27 16:15:39 · 12 answers · asked by Alberto B 2 in Law & Ethics

2007-06-27 16:11:41 · 12 answers · asked by Gabe 2 in Politics

If the police caught a minor with posession of pornography, is there a consequence against the minor? if so, what are the consequences?

2007-06-27 16:10:37 · 5 answers · asked by Tai Mai Shu 4 in Law & Ethics

In brief: After previous events he then raised an Army, fought the British and was defeated. Then cowardly / totally abandoning all his loyal supporters who were to suffer most cruely at the hands of the British Govt - i.e. the Highlands cleared / emptied! He was rowed away from a barren strip of the Scottish Highlands!

Not even today, have those then imperilled parts of Scotland recovered from that brutal / after battle assault employed by the British!

Why then, is he referred to as "Bonnie"? Slipping away to live in French luxary, leaving his peoples to suffer and endure the consequencies of his defeat? Apart from the total destruction of Scotland, which his cowardly departure was to leave behind thereafter - what did he leave to Scotland?

En-mass thereafter, the peoples of Scotland either forsaking their birth right, fleeing to Colonial colonies and/or deported to them.

2007-06-27 16:10:34 · 2 answers · asked by Anonymous in Military

I asked this question earlier but have some new info .....

I was plaintiff in a limited jurisdiction case and lost. The defense lawyer filed a motion for attorney's fees in excess of $100,000 against my lawyer (the motion specifically states my lawyer only).

Does this mean that if the motion is granted, I would be responsible for 50%, all or none?

According to Wikipedia: "Most countries operate under a "loser pays" system, sometimes called the English Rule. United States is a notable exception, operating under the American Rule, whereby each party bears its own legal expenses. Some statutes permit awards of attorney fees to prevailing defendants in extraordinary circumstances, such as proving that the litigation was frivolous, in the sense of it being objectively baseless and in brought in bad faith."

The defense filed for summary judgement to dismiss the case prior to trial but were rejected by the judge. Does this mean I have a good chance of prevailing?

2007-06-27 16:10:11 · 4 answers · asked by Anonymous in Law & Ethics


2007-06-27 16:03:57 · 16 answers · asked by Gemini 5 in Politics

I am a single mom that needs to find an attorney that will take on my custody modification case for an extremely discounted rate or pro bono. Any suggestions will help.

2007-06-27 16:03:34 · 3 answers · asked by dovesong76 1 in Law & Ethics

Colonel Bui Tin of the North Vietnamese Army said this,” The American antiwar movement was essential to our strategy", "Visits to Hanoi made by persons such as Jane Fonda, former Attorney General Ramsey Clark and various church ministers gave us confidence that we should hold on in the face of battlefield reverses", "America lost because of its democracy; through dissent and protest it lost the ability to mobilize a will to win."

The Tet Offensive in 1968 was a huge military defeat for the North Vietnam Army. This could have signaled the coming ended to the war with an American victory. However, because of the antiwar protest in the U.S. the NVA were emboldened and continued to fight. From 1969 until the end of the war, over 20,000 American soldiers lost their lives in a war that the United States did not have the resolve to win.

***Could this be happening today? Could todays protesters be puting our troops in harms way?

Please read my additions.

2007-06-27 16:03:05 · 18 answers · asked by Anonymous in Politics

On what counts? Pretend you are in Congress.


2007-06-27 15:55:24 · 7 answers · asked by Specialist McKay 4 in Other - Politics & Government

Why do people on anwers say things like "what ever is not killing our soldiers" HELLO, they signed up and ALOT signed up after we were at war. They knew what they were getting into. I have a few friends at war and NONE of them complain. They KNEW what they were in for when they signed up. It's not our country is bad for being at war it's OUR SOLDIERS ARE BRAVE FOR DOING WHAT THEY ARE DOING!!!

2007-06-27 15:54:04 · 29 answers · asked by Kacey D 3 in Politics

this didn't happen as far as i know. but, lets say a doctor/nurse walks into a patients room that's on life support and trips over the cord that powers the life support and as a result kills the patient.... what happens to the doctor/nurse?

2007-06-27 15:51:23 · 7 answers · asked by Anonymous in Law & Ethics

Curious how people feel about this after seeing that California is considering it. Yeah California! Imagine if all the states had a law that required animals to be fixed by 4 months of age. Breeders would have to get breeders licenses and comply with state laws on breeding. Personally I think breeders should be limited to how many times they can breed an animal each year, regardless of how big the litter is. I think people should be fined for not having their animals fixed and I think it should be nationwide. The article I read said that 500,000 animals were put to sleep last year in California alone. That is outrageous. There shouldn't be that many animals nationwide that need to be put to sleep. American's are irresponsible! Backyard breeders beware.....the law is finally going to get on our side!

2007-06-27 15:51:19 · 9 answers · asked by noellemt 3 in Law & Ethics

i have lost my drivers license in victoria, australia. can i get my license in another state namely northern territory if i become a resident and drive all over the country

2007-06-27 15:46:38 · 2 answers · asked by Anonymous in Law & Ethics

A student council advisor in illinois has recently dismissed without explanation. The advisor has been active on local to national levels of student council for the past 17 years and has never had any problems with her record. She is well reputable and admired by all who know her within the organization. I was wondering if this is within laws of Illinois school codes? Or sites I could look at to give me more information on the general subject? and any ideas you may have as to fighting this other than petition?
Please help, justice needs to be served here...


Additional Details

we are pretty sure we know the reason but the accusations of the board are completely untrue...and yes she is a teacher also

2007-06-27 15:44:08 · 3 answers · asked by Krys 2 in Law & Ethics

i live in florid a and i work 12 hour shifts, 12am to 12pm, 3 days 1 week and 4 days another week, but on the weekends i work we work 3 nights straight for the full 12 hours, total of 36 hours in 3 days.

they(management and their lackeys) say we are only allowed either 2 15 minute breaks or 1 30 minute break for the fuill 12 hours we work every night.

i've tried to find websites that show florida state labor laws and break rights.

i know of other things that management has done or let slide that they shouldnt have, but this is the first place i want to start if im going to do anything.

does anyone know whee some websits with up to date labor laws for florida about breaks? and is this legal in florida?

ill deal with the others 1 at a time.

2007-06-27 15:35:06 · 2 answers · asked by psycho_nextdoor 1 in Law & Ethics

This Question only applies to legal citizens of the United States of America

The way I see it in my mind

Thinking is all of our most basic functions, and with regard given to thinking which we all must do, then all of our ability's to like, dislike, love, hate are our feelings, and emotions formed by thought, and are also our inherent freedoms.

Our real and basic freedoms then should never be allowed to be restricted, that reverts back to basic thought, unless we act upon our thoughts with inappropriate action.

Therefor to make like crimes, dislike crimes, love crimes, or hate crimes as laws, which intend to be criminal by nature through free speech, then only infringes upon our most basic of freedoms, which is freedom of speech, and which must be formed by the act of thinking.

The only way such thoughts should ever be considered a crime, is if the thoughts are followed by inappropriate action.

If the act of committing a crime becomes our thinking, and feelings, which is communicated through free speech, then we are no longer free to think, or feel, and we might just as well not exist, and we will be living under communist dictatorship, rather than a free society.

What do you think?

2007-06-27 15:34:05 · 8 answers · asked by Thoughtfull 4 in Law & Ethics

What party was in office during ww2 and during the Vietnam War when we suffered most casualties. Were we justified in what we done in both wars. And how does 12/7/1941 differ from 9/11/01.

2007-06-27 15:27:56 · 10 answers · asked by Anonymous in Military

I really don't know is she for it or against it

2007-06-27 15:26:16 · 8 answers · asked by G O 5 in Government

Two kids, real dirt balls, who don't care if they get into trouble or not, continually threaten a beat down on my two other brothers, and potentially anyone else hanging out with us. I'm not a top target, but if I'm with my brothers and they attack, they will undoubtedly target me too. However, without engaging in a full out battle against, most probably just these two kids, what other options or alternatives can we take. I know calling the police is the best thing, but the fight would be over in a few minutes, with someone probably severely hurt, maybe even dead. Cause they are dirty, they might pull a gun and/or knife, etc. How can we defend ourselves? Let's say they come up to us and start shouting stuff like "Come on, let's do this!" And then one starts pushing and swinging, are we allowed to attack in defense? Also, when the cops come and break the tussle apart, who would be charged criminally? What charges would be charged? Any other routes to take?

2007-06-27 15:24:11 · 6 answers · asked by Anonymous in Law Enforcement & Police

If we could stop war by criminalizing religion, would you do it?

2007-06-27 15:23:38 · 17 answers · asked by guru 7 in Politics

2007-06-27 15:18:53 · 19 answers · asked by Anonymous in Immigration

I want to hear American Opinions. Because China, Russia and Iran are other possible Allys for our Nation., and we heard U.S Republican Government is against Mexicans and Mexican-Americans in USA...

What's going on here?

2007-06-27 15:16:03 · 18 answers · asked by El Alakran Mexican'O'Ian 2 in Government

Should I lie the way you did?

2007-06-27 15:10:35 · 6 answers · asked by Anonymous in Politics

I recently ran across a poll on here asking people to state their political affiliation. While I like the idea, I think there's a better way of going about it. I need just one democrat, one republican, one independant to type their affiliation as an answer, and only that. Then anyone else who stumbles across this question needs to give a thumbs up or a thumbs down to the party they are associated with. That way I can asses what the majority is, without having to scroll through countless pages of reasons why a person has chosen that side.

2007-06-27 15:05:38 · 9 answers · asked by Anonymous in Politics

2007-06-27 15:01:07 · 21 answers · asked by Anonymous in Military

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