Be careful, rebeca! It looks like most of the people who have answered this question so far have never even read a book on the Vietnam War. So, for you AND them:
2007-06-27 15:22:16
answer #1
answered by WMD 7
The US told the world that it would ally and help any country that didn't want to be under communist rule. The communist North Vietnam wanted the whole country to be under communist rule. South Vietnam did not want to fall under that rule and ASKED the US for help. When we first got there in 61' it was not to start a war but to make sure the north didn't come south, our forces helped train the South Vietnamese army. Then North Vietnam invaded the south that same year and thus began the war. The USS Maddox, the destroyer that was attacked in the Gulf of Tonkin in 64', was not used to bring the US into the war (we had already been their for 3 years "Unofficially"), it gave a reason for the US government to OK the continual bombing of North Vietnam ("Operation Rolling Thunder"). This is primarily when most people state that the US joined the war, but we were pretty much already involved before then.
2007-06-28 04:12:54
answer #2
answered by calicheese3 2
As part of a U.N. peacekeeping force that went awry. But originally it was in defense of the French and the Vietnamese Govt's who went to the United Nations and requested military assistance against an invading military force (Who happened to be communist, but was definitely atrocious. Their official policy was to crush the skulls of unarmed men, women, and children with rifle butts, because the bullets to shoot them cost too much money) .
After letting millions of Jews die needlessly in Europe before entering WWII, and subsequently helping to form the U.N. so as to help ensure such atrocities can no longer exist, it was our obligation to do so, as opposed to just talking the talk about helping the world community, we had to walk the walk and show we were willing to stand up for what's right. The same EXACT reason we went to Korea, and are still there to this day. Same EXACT reason we went into Bosnia. Same EXACT reason we went into Lebanon. Same EXACT reason I had my azz handed to me in Somalia. The U.N. isn't perfect. By ANY means. Just ask the victims of Pol Pot. But as members, we are required to answer the call. That's why we went to Vietnam.
2007-06-27 15:18:21
answer #3
answered by Anonymous
Uh,,,,,,,,,,,, There are whole Time-life books on this....
The short answer to a very complicated question is to support our Ally South Vietnam & to stop the advance of Communism into SE Asia.
2007-06-27 15:20:29
answer #4
answered by lana_sands 7
To stop the spread of communism. This was during the Cold War when the US and the USSR were waging proxy battles throughout the 3rd world in order to expand or repel communism. The "domino theory" was the idea that if one country in SE Asia fell to communism, then other countries around them would also become communist. China, then Vietnam, then Laos, Cambodia, Burma, etc. To stop this,we went to war in Vietnam.
2007-06-27 15:06:31
answer #5
answered by Baysoc23 5
supposed reason: "To bring freedom and democracy to the people and to keep the dreaded communists from our doorstep",.
But really to make war contractors a lot of money.
The firing on our ship was faked.
South Viet Nam had a totally corrupt government that we were proping up.
The North took over and communism didn't spread, figure that.
2007-06-27 15:05:54
answer #6
answered by Anonymous
Because the Communists were invading South Vietnam.
2007-06-27 15:05:25
answer #7
answered by Anonymous
practice the policy or containment, to stop the spread of communism. also before that, US relations with South Vietnam were always good and i heard that US promised to always help south vietnam.
2007-06-27 15:05:17
answer #8
answered by johnny 3
rebeca....President Eisenhower signed a treaty with Vietnam in the fifties say we would back them if there was a conflict.President Kennedy had to uphold the treaty and therefore you have the Vietnam Conflict.
2007-06-27 15:09:14
answer #9
answered by ♥ Mel 7
To combat the global communism takeover i believe
2007-06-27 18:00:22
answer #10
answered by Anonymous