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Politics & Government - 20 June 2007

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Civic Participation · Elections · Embassies & Consulates · Government · Immigration · International Organizations · Law & Ethics · Law Enforcement & Police · Military · Other - Politics & Government · Politics

why do they idolize Reagan, who gave amnesty to 9 million illegals in 1986?

2007-06-20 08:13:20 · 3 answers · asked by Anonymous in Politics

I'm a heterosexual man and I've never had problems with gay people. As far as I'm concerned, they can walk down the street kissing and holding hands and doing everything heterosexual couples do.

Is it because you're afraid that you might be attracted to other gay conservatives? If so, don't worry about it! Go for it! The whole world will be better off when you stop being so uptight about who you are!

2007-06-20 08:12:27 · 35 answers · asked by Anonymous in Politics

what was the salman rushdies satanic verses about

2007-06-20 08:09:28 · 12 answers · asked by Anonymous in Other - Politics & Government

It would not take much effort. One afternoon of air bombardment would probably do it and they could eliminate Castro for good. I know that the Cuban people would be extremely relieved and grateful to be free so why not do it? Sure, some people are going to criticize the US for invading a smaller country but those people don't have to live the way Cubans do. I know it’s unfair to ask the US to take on the responsibility of eliminating all the dictators in this world and continue to interfere with other countries’ affairs but unlike in other countries that the US has invaded, Cubans do wish someone would help them obtain their freedom. Nothing would make them happier than for someone to come in and eliminate Castro. They can’t do it on their own since the Cuban government has absolute control over their lives and they have no weapons available to them. I think the US would benefit from a free and democratic Cuba too since they are so close to US soil. Also, it’s well known that Castro has strong ties with Chavez and Ahmdinejad. What if the Iranian president is able to build WMD and give Castro some? Should we wait until that happens to act?

2007-06-20 08:04:08 · 23 answers · asked by 3cats 2 in Other - Politics & Government

Either medical or recreational use?

2007-06-20 08:03:45 · 31 answers · asked by Anonymous in Elections


"The Homeland Security Department has received a torrent of complaints about delays in passport applications that have hampered summer travel plans."

Many people have had to, and still are, waiting far beyond the waiting time given for a passport application to process. Because of this, the government is easing into the new passport requirements. Some people are even thinking about going on a vacation without a passport, and just "sneaking" back into the US, where they are citizens.

What are your thoughts on the delays? Do you think this could have been foreseen? Or do you think people should just wait, even if it takes longer then it is supposed to?

2007-06-20 08:03:08 · 11 answers · asked by Take it from Toby 7 in Immigration

I would go back to June 22 1948, buy a cheap submarine, go out into the Atlantic and sink the ss empire windrush, I need a small crew, anyone up for it?

2007-06-20 07:59:49 · 15 answers · asked by ? 1 in Immigration

What points are important to you when selecting and supporting this particular person?

2007-06-20 07:57:52 · 7 answers · asked by MysteriouslyMisty 2 in Elections

Wow, Billybob Clinton, Sandy Burglar now "Shoot-From-The-Lip" Mike Nifong. How many more Dems will lose their law licenses in the coming year? William "Cold Cash" Jefferson? Etc. I can hardly wait to see how many more will joining their distinguished little club. Is their room for Hillary in there somewhere? Maybe they can start a Hall of Shame?

2007-06-20 07:53:14 · 15 answers · asked by Anonymous in Politics

Why should we grant amnesty to illegal aliens? We all are immigrants – true, but our father, mothers, grandparents and so on, came here legally. We are not entitled to just move to any OTHER country and gain rights, so why should they? If we allow illegal’s amnesty, then why have so many other law abiding citizen aliens worked so hard – for nothing? Make them go home and apply for a visa like everyone else. If they have children born here, send them packing too! It’s not their fault they had folks that performed an illegal act to have them here. If the kids want to come back when their older – fine, they’re citizens of the US and rightfully so. But illegal aliens need to get here legally. I say, the more LEGAL Aliens, the better! Bring them on, but don’t make my neighbor who busted his *** for years to get his citizenship worth less because you chose to cheat your way in! Viva la Americana!

2007-06-20 07:52:23 · 9 answers · asked by Jim bob 1 in Immigration

At least 12 people on the planet feel he was not guilty - they were called THE JURY! Personally I feel this is disrecpectful of the man, and our judicial system. What am I missing? I watched the trial- and thought it was fair- This is a serious question, as all my friends think I'm off the chart with this-

2007-06-20 07:52:10 · 11 answers · asked by joye b 2 in Law & Ethics

2007-06-20 07:51:33 · 2 answers · asked by Anonymous in Politics

President Bush's veto only prevents federal tax dollars from being used to destroy embryos.

Private funds are used for embryonic stem cell research on a daily basis.

Bush did not make it illegal.

By the way. You and I were embryos, once.


2007-06-20 07:50:56 · 11 answers · asked by ABC 3 in Government

I think that only people who pay taxes should be entitled to vote.

2007-06-20 07:49:37 · 18 answers · asked by Anonymous in Elections

Then have to pay 9% on purchases (and all the hidden sales taxes that were passed on from the manufacturer all the way to the buyer).
Why does the Left want even more? I am tapped! (and NO, I am not rich!). Wake up Liberals. I would hire more people if it were not for the Liberal State that keeps trying to put me out of business.

2007-06-20 07:49:18 · 6 answers · asked by Stereotypemebecauseyouknow 7 in Government

Like the war in Iraq?

2007-06-20 07:48:45 · 9 answers · asked by hichefheidi 6 in Politics

I'm just curious if the people who are upset about Latin American immigrants are going to be equally upset when war refugees begin to start streaming into the country (as they inevitably will)?

Don't get me wrong, I'll welcome them with open arms - but it seems to me that the same Americans who were so gung-ho to go to war are the exact same Americans crying about an "invasion" of Mexicans (who just so happen to be the backbone of the American agricultural industry).

2007-06-20 07:45:18 · 11 answers · asked by Anonymous in Immigration

2007-06-20 07:43:32 · 11 answers · asked by thesunshineking 2 in Law & Ethics


"Senior judges from North America and Europe were in the midst of a panel discussion about torture and terrorism law, when a Canadian judge's passing remark - "Thankfully, security agencies in all our countries do not subscribe to the mantra 'What would Jack Bauer do?' " - got the legal bulldog in Judge Scalia barking"

"Are you going to convict Jack Bauer?" Judge Scalia challenged his fellow judges. "Say that criminal law is against him? 'You have the right to a jury trial?' Is any jury going to convict Jack Bauer? I don't think so.

2007-06-20 07:37:18 · 6 answers · asked by Anonymous in Politics

They broke the law.

Casual Lawbreaking at the White House

2007-06-20 07:36:46 · 18 answers · asked by Ray Eston Smith Jr 6 in Immigration

The cop singled me out of a whole group of speeders. He clocked me with a laser going 53 in a 35 zone. There were several others cars going just as fast as me. Do I have any hope of winning if I fight it?

2007-06-20 07:36:05 · 13 answers · asked by Deckard F 2 in Law Enforcement & Police

This assertion was put forward by a person as an answer to another question, and I think it has merit. My own feeling is that, no, we wouldn't mind as much because the illegals would be less likely to be carrying leprosy, TB, Dengue, West Nile Virus, and other diseases being brought here by immigrants from tropical climates; and the British immigrants would probably be more well-educated and able to contribute as more than manual laborers.

But placing all that aside, the fact that the illegals from Britain would speak English and come form a much more similar culture would seem to me to make them far more easily assimilable as American citizens. The cultures of such countries as Mexico and Guatemala are an uneasy blend of Spanish and pre-Columbian cultures, and far more different from the culture of the US than is that of Britain. As recently as 1964, for example, a Mexican father sacrificed his first-born son to the rain god.

But what's your opinion?

2007-06-20 07:34:30 · 23 answers · asked by kscottmccormick 6 in Immigration

Why do some people feel the government owes them money for something? Far too many people are victims in life! Our government is going broke on paying people for everything they feel they are due, for example, Food stamps… HELLO, Of course it’s not a lot to live off of, it’s not to help you eat like a king, it’s to keep you from starving to death – get a job! People are entitled to what they earn, not to what they can sue for or con the government into giving them. If we elect Mrs. Clinton – National Healthcare will brake this country or turn us into Sweeden.

2007-06-20 07:32:20 · 21 answers · asked by Jim bob 1 in Politics

Ok me and my family have been arguing about something lately. My sister think that a cop (with out radar) can give a speeding ticket to someone that is driving by them. In my opinion a cop has to have proof that you were speeding before he can give you a ticket for it, but my sister says that he can just give you it. To me if a cop pulls you over for speeding and he has no proof that you were actually doing so all he can say is "it looked like you were speeding" than he cant give a ticket. Someone please help stop this family argument.

2007-06-20 07:32:11 · 10 answers · asked by Bryan M 1 in Law Enforcement & Police

who is worse george w bush or bin laden and why?

2007-06-20 07:31:27 · 5 answers · asked by Anonymous in Politics

Neo- is a prefix, derived from Greek that connotes a "new" or recent form of something, or a revival in a modern form.

New and Improved Conservative movement.... Ouch that hurts.

2007-06-20 07:28:45 · 10 answers · asked by Antiliber 6 in Government

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