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Politics & Government - 25 April 2007

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Civic Participation · Elections · Embassies & Consulates · Government · Immigration · International Organizations · Law & Ethics · Law Enforcement & Police · Military · Other - Politics & Government · Politics

Who should have ultimate rule & control so the majority of legal citizen benifit the most? Clue it ain't happening NOW absent proof of democracy for voters with no means to verify your vote thru tranmitted numeric results.

2007-04-25 08:06:30 · 4 answers · asked by bulabate 6 in Other - Politics & Government

I have heard some argue that the anti-war protesters are undermining the troops, because they are bad for their morale. Why does anyone honestly think that the soldiers give a toss about what those of us at home have to say? They're on the front lines, risking life and limb, so I seriously doubt that the opinions of the anti-war protesters are what's on their minds.

2007-04-25 08:03:55 · 19 answers · asked by tangerine 7 in Politics

I believe that the jury selection process system is in dire need of reforming by some other method than is used presently. For instance, if people are convicted of crimes by a jury, and then it transpires that the person is innocent, as proven by DNA tests, then that jury was wrong to convict, and it is so vital to know how they were influenced to judge anyone if they are so susceptible to other influences, such as over-zealous police and prosecutorial misconduct. Barry Scheck and Peter Neufeld, of the Innocent Project, have enabled 200 innocent prisoner to walk out free after being wrongly convicted by 200 times 12 jurors, who were terribly wrong to! That's 2400 people who "Thought" they were right! So, how can we, the people, work to change how jurors are chosen, to ensure fair and impartial verdicts, maybe some intelligence tests for jurors, and other safeguards, some method to balance out the way jurors become equal to such a heavy duty in seeking true justice for all of us.

2007-04-25 08:03:38 · 5 answers · asked by Anonymous in Law & Ethics

70 percent.Number of Americans who oppose sending more troops and are against the war in Iraq, according to a new AP-Ipsos poll. “Just 35 percent think it was right for the United States to go to war, a new low in AP polling and a reversal from two years ago, when two-thirds of Americans thought it was the correct move.” The war is becoming unpopular and most Americans want the troops out now. The Iraq war is lost.

2007-04-25 08:02:51 · 17 answers · asked by Anonymous in Military

Whyt cant they answer questions logically without sinking so LOW?
Got this hate mail just now:

From: i_want_to_be_nice
Subject: Re: You couldnt answer the question as usual
Message: LOL-- You liberals are so funny.
You're just upset that I am a BLACK conservative that your party can't control.
That is quite racist of you to think that I have to be some kind of robot and conform.

Nothing of the sort. SHE is the racist for implying something so wrong. This does proove once again how racist right wingers really are.
And that they cannot argue a point without smearing.

Thanks anyway. This works for the moderate/liberal majority in the long run.

2007-04-25 08:00:26 · 5 answers · asked by Jim W 2 in Politics

What would you change to make this nation better for all Americans of all races and colors ?

2007-04-25 08:00:14 · 24 answers · asked by Anonymous in Immigration

Is a conscientious objector someone who refuses to enter into military service upon being drafted/ or is it someone who is already in the army and then refuses to keep serving?

I would think that both would qualify as being conscientious objects.

Second Question:

If there was a draft, are there any penalties for being an objector? and how does one actually go about proving they are an objector?


2007-04-25 07:58:59 · 10 answers · asked by Ben 1 in Military

A)let's cut and run party
b)tax and spent party
c)Blame America first party

2007-04-25 07:56:27 · 30 answers · asked by Anonymous in Politics

1st hitting kuwait in gulf war , 2nd helping israel in its war with egypt , 3rd Afghanistan , 4th Iraq , 5th us navy is in the gulf threatning Saudi Arabia , Kuwait , ..... , remaining : Syria , Egypt . AND IN THE END THEY SAY THAT THE US PEOPLE IS THE ONE IN DANGER HMMMM!!! ,i am really waiting for the us troops in ma country sooooo soon

2007-04-25 07:53:01 · 7 answers · asked by egypt 2 in Politics

The majority of Americans are moderates who lean slightly towards the right. Dems have won precisely three of the last ten presidential elections, and each of those three times was with a centrist. If history is any indication, the Dems will go out of their way to nominate someone slightly to the left of Lenin, and will then scratch their collective heads in bewilderment when they lose yet again.

To get the Dem nomination, a candidate has to be far enough to the left to satisfy the DailyKos and other leftists in the blogosphere, but then has to race back to the middle, hoping to garner votes from Mainstreet America.

2007-04-25 07:49:59 · 23 answers · asked by Rick N 5 in Politics

1. John Edwards
2. Hillary Clinton
3. Dennis Kucinich
4. Ralph Nader
5. Bill Richardson
6. Barack Obama
7. Joe Biden
8. Christopher Dodd
9. Mike Gravel
10. Al Gore
11. Wesley Clark
12. Brian Schweitzer
13. Sam Brownback
14. Ron Paul
15. Duncan Hunter
16. Tommy Thompson
17. Jim Gilmore
18. Chuck Hagel
19. James Gilchrist
20. Dale Thompson
21. Michael Bloomberg
22. John McCain
23. Newt Gingrich
24. Rudy Guiliani
25. Fred Thompson
26. Mike Huckabee
27. Tom Tancredo
28. Chuck Hagle
29. Elaine Brown
30. Kent Mesplay
31. Kat Swift
32. Cynthia McKinney
33. Rebecca Rotzler
34. Mike Jingozian
35. Bob Jackson
36. Steve Kubby
37. Al Sharpton
38. George Phillies
39. Christine Smith
40. Doug Stanhope
41. Kent McManigal
42. Gene Chapman
43. Barry Hess
44. Robert Milnes
45. Wayne Allyn Root

2007-04-25 07:49:57 · 10 answers · asked by sal 2 in Politics

Democrats with the timetable for RUNNING away and defeating ourselves in the middle of a war,

Are the naive fools, or knowing traitors, or cowards or BOTH ?

2007-04-25 07:45:40 · 22 answers · asked by Anonymous in Military

My room mate who I dislike greatly, wants me to be a witness to the argument his b/f and him had in front of me. His b/f filed a restraining order against him and now he has to go to court. I know that my testimony is not what my room mate wants to hear and I know it will not help his case, but if I told him this he'll get mad, if I decided not to be a witness he'll get mad and if I decide to go and I testify he'll probably get mad when he hears what I have to say. I don't want any problems with him at home since he could pull me into legal problems as well.

2007-04-25 07:43:14 · 6 answers · asked by jennytkd13 3 in Law & Ethics

We already give too many free handouts n this country. If some people cannot take advantage of the capitalist economy and learn to better themselves, too bad for them. They are just trying to drag everyone else down with them.

2007-04-25 07:41:05 · 20 answers · asked by Anonymous in Politics

You may be worshiping a mentally ill person.

2007-04-25 07:39:05 · 14 answers · asked by Duminos 2 in Politics

Didn't anyone tell them it didn't work in '06?


2007-04-25 07:37:33 · 16 answers · asked by Anonymous in Politics

I find that intriguing conservatives say he is not a true conservative but yet they support all of his policies.

2007-04-25 07:37:18 · 10 answers · asked by Anonymous in Politics

If a democrat wins the presidency, are the troops coming home for sure?

2007-04-25 07:36:24 · 12 answers · asked by Zezo Zeze Zadfrack 1 in Politics

It's pointless, isn't it?

2007-04-25 07:36:14 · 3 answers · asked by Columb H 2 in Politics

for the bin laden, it lied, for the war in irakil lied, is what one day it will say the verity?

2007-04-25 07:33:41 · 6 answers · asked by ? 4 in Politics

I received a court summons a couple days ago for a 5 year old $2200 debt that's been sent to a debt collection agency. So far I've talked to the rep 4 times and I've offered to settle it in one lump sum of $800. He said he would call me back the same day and did not...so I called him today and he said that he hasn't herd from "them" regarding my offer and will let me know as it takes a "few days". I feel as if he's trying to kill some time as my court date is May 10th and feels the pressure will force me to offer more?

What do I need to know regarding this as I'm completely clueless on the process and the length it takes to settle and what happens if an amount is agreed upon.

What do I need to do to put his behind me and settle this for the least amount of money possible? I'm a college student and obviously broke.

Is the process typically back forth phone tag and how long does it take to settle?

I'm in college and totally broke....if I threatened bankruptcy would this help?

2007-04-25 07:30:12 · 8 answers · asked by Questioner 1 in Law & Ethics

2007-04-25 07:29:24 · 7 answers · asked by jason200584 1 in Law & Ethics

now i trying to become an police officer i did law enforcement while i was in the millitary and my problem is i got a dwi while i was in and now im wondering if i can become an police officer. it was the only thing ive ever di dwrong i have a good conduct medal and good charector statements from all my comanding officers it has been three years since that happen and now i have a whole new life i have 2 children and a wife. do you think they will hire me?

2007-04-25 07:29:05 · 6 answers · asked by TEX 1 in Law Enforcement & Police

Gonzales, Rove, Rick Renzi, Sara Taylor & Monica Goodling. Doesn't this all point to Bush?

2007-04-25 07:25:28 · 12 answers · asked by perrrfection 3 in Other - Politics & Government

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