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Politics & Government - 17 April 2007

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Civic Participation · Elections · Embassies & Consulates · Government · Immigration · International Organizations · Law & Ethics · Law Enforcement & Police · Military · Other - Politics & Government · Politics

What's so wrong with her...At least it will bet Bill back in the White House!

2007-04-17 09:10:50 · 14 answers · asked by lissome 3 in Politics

2007-04-17 09:06:07 · 15 answers · asked by Anonymous in Politics

I asked a serious question, and someone who couldnt really answer sent this:

From "baby terrorist":
shudup libtard and go suck another dik you fa ggot

Ladies and gentlemean, the intellectual paramiters of the radical Right

fair and balanced!

2007-04-17 09:06:00 · 14 answers · asked by Jim W 2 in Politics

While it may appear to be great here on Y!A...in real life...


You do realize that there are some people that DO NOT register their guns just to make sure that this doesn't happen...

and those that do...would rather die before they let you take them...

this is nothing more than a liberals wet dream....and IT WILL NOT HAPPEN....

It won't stop daydreaming...quit wishing...IT WON'T HAPPEN...No politician in their right mind will allow it...It would be political suicide...

History lesson for ya....do a little research on Hilter and find out how he felt about gun control.

2007-04-17 09:04:21 · 15 answers · asked by Anonymous in Other - Politics & Government

As a responsible, law abiding citizen why do you feel that I should not be allowed to own a gun? Before you go off the deep end, I do believe in some gun control.

2007-04-17 09:01:06 · 21 answers · asked by NO SOUP 4 U! 1 in Politics

Do you take it for granted or do you appreciate it consciously and actively? I can't direct the answers, but I would appreciate a general answer from the standpoint of being American, not from the standpoint of which party you are in. Thanks everyone!

2007-04-17 08:58:53 · 14 answers · asked by Anonymous in Politics

33 dead and all they can say is we need MORE guns.

"Respect for Life" LOL

They must think life is an episode of "gunsmoke"

2007-04-17 08:55:31 · 27 answers · asked by Jim W 2 in Politics

The assailant in yesteday's rampage obtained his weapon in a perfectlly legal manner, and not from black market "criminals". Would more severe gun laws be in order in this case, or should we look elsewhere to solve the problem? Can someone use a gun to kill if there are no guns available?


2007-04-17 08:55:14 · 11 answers · asked by Anonymous in Other - Politics & Government

Is it not sad the lack of any respect to someone who was there, was shot at, carried fallen comrades, and would have gladly put themselves in harms way to spare a comrade? Dont celebrate us, dont coddle us, just dont be so darn disrespectfull. If you are one that says "I would never disrespect a VET" I will e-mail you over 200 comments from your LIB buddies who constantly bash us VETS. What a shame. I type this with tears....

2007-04-17 08:54:06 · 21 answers · asked by Anonymous in Politics

would rather not be honest nor truthful?????????????????

2007-04-17 08:52:14 · 5 answers · asked by Anonymous in Government

Seriously, the communist government of China has quadrupled it's economic capabilities through US out sourcing thus increasing the demand for oil. Sure our clothes and toys are cheap, but gas is now 3 bucks a gallon. As for Illegal immigration, sure our veggies are a couple cents cheaper but now we have to pay more in Taxes.

2007-04-17 08:50:53 · 9 answers · asked by danielseti 2 in Immigration

33 people are dead and people on here have been turning this atrocious incident into a political and racial issue. It's not. He had issues. He was crazy.... and crazy people come in all races and political parties. And the illegal immigrant thing doesn't apply here. He had a green card and purchased the gun legally.

What we all need to focus on is the warning signs that he, as well as other serial killers, have displayed in the past so that we can hopefully prevent something like this from ever happening again.

Don't you agree???

2007-04-17 08:49:40 · 4 answers · asked by Anonymous in Politics

did making drugs illegal stop drugs not at all, what woulda happened if we all exercised our right to bear arms would he have gotten off more than one shot i highly doubt it but what do you guys and gals think?

2007-04-17 08:49:13 · 14 answers · asked by csb39272 1 in Law & Ethics

In the USA we have a Supreme Court case...Tinker vs. Des Moines...in 1969 clearly establishing that First Amendment speech rights DO NOT stop at the schoolhouse door. So...why on earth should 2nd Amendment ones?!

Isn't it shameful how the college campus has become a 2nd Amendment-free zone? This is a criminal's dream come true. Thousands of law-abiding people are required to surrender their basic human right to self-defense and become unarmed sheep for slaughter, thanks to liberal college administrators.

The thoughtless policies which ban firearms and concealed-carry from our universities have cost us dearly this time, with 32 dead and more wounded.

If only ONE law-abiding student or faculty member had been allowed to excercise their 2nd Amendment liberties, tragedy could have been averted or curtailed much earlier.

Perhaps this will serve as a wake-up call for the leftwingers who foolishly suggest that Constitutional Rights somehow end at the schoolhouse door.

2007-04-17 08:45:46 · 24 answers · asked by Anonymous in Politics

Bush and Clinton are to recent to accurately judge so here are the choices:
A. Jimmy Carter
B. Woodrow Wilson
C. Warren G. Harding
D. Andrew Johnson
E. Other

2007-04-17 08:45:39 · 23 answers · asked by Anonymous in Other - Politics & Government

2007-04-17 08:43:33 · 35 answers · asked by The Forgotten 6 in Politics

A. Ronald Reagan
B. John F. Kennedy
C. Abraham Lincoln
D. Franklin Roosevelt
E. Other

2007-04-17 08:40:56 · 12 answers · asked by Anonymous in Other - Politics & Government

Was in a movie theater the other day, and they were broadcasting some Global Warming Propaganda to a theater full of kids. It went something like this. Kids talking to each other one kid says this year I am getting a bicycle, another say I am getting coastal flooding, another say I am getting a scooter, another says I am getting massive soil erosion. Isn't it wonderful that we let people pollute our childrens minds like that. Why are the theaters using our children to further liberal political agendas? At the same time polluting their minds with violence, sexual content, and offcolor humor.

2007-04-17 08:36:48 · 20 answers · asked by Anonymous in Politics

killings at Virginia Tech??
has america had enough to learn a lesson that such a right shouldn´t be granted so freely and also,that it is rather unnecesary
to have that right in the constitution?

2007-04-17 08:33:29 · 32 answers · asked by Black Raven Rose 5 in Law & Ethics

My dear BF is in IRAQ for a now 15 month tour. This is the first time that I have dated a military man, so of course I am anxious! Initially, he was supposed to be in Iraq for a year, but now it's 15 months. Initially, he mentioned that he may be home for a two week visit in the summer. Does this still hold true? Or does the tour extension change that?

2007-04-17 08:33:14 · 8 answers · asked by miss_him_lots 1 in Military

I have often thought it would be advantageous in any number of ways if the Presidency were divorced from partisan politics. What I mean by this is something analogous to the Israeli model, in which the President is above partisan politics and is not of any particular party.

Don't get me wrong: I'm not interested in Presidency being a figurehead position like Israel's is. I would like to see him retain all his current functions and responsibilities save head of party.

What do you think?

2007-04-17 08:32:37 · 9 answers · asked by Rick N 5 in Politics

I can't think of a quicker way to cultivate peace in the world.

2007-04-17 08:30:45 · 30 answers · asked by Anonymous in Politics

If George W. Bush was running again for president ( I know he cant because he has already served two terms) would you vote for him in the primaries again?

2007-04-17 08:27:09 · 24 answers · asked by gaahgasjhagshjkgahksjaghjks 2 in Politics

Let's open our borders...let whomever would like to come to this country, come in...and see how long it lasts.

Then we will finally know who is right and who is wrong on this whole debate...

Come on in...we won't even screen them....no need to check them out...(don't want to mess with their "rights")...no need to know where they are from...

Social services...you can have them too...we have MORE than enough money floating around in this country...

2007-04-17 08:26:01 · 14 answers · asked by Anonymous in Immigration

The world is getting more dangerous. I think law abiding citizens should have to right to carry protection. Hand Guns! In the old west, people were careful because everyone carried a gun. Could less life been loss at Virgina Tech, if someone had the ability to protect themself? How about daily life? If your life is threatened, would you want to be able to defend yourself? What about 911? The stewards and pilots if they had a way to protect themselves? Crimes, would there be less if they knew just about anyone could harm them in a criminal attempt? I know someone will say more gun control is needed, and I will say to that is: nothing will stop a law breaker, but if you have a way to defend yourself then you at least have a chance.

2007-04-17 08:22:42 · 16 answers · asked by Anonymous in Law & Ethics

Wouldn't there 'reverand' skills come in handy in this time of death and pain?

Or do they only care about censoring white people?

2007-04-17 08:19:51 · 23 answers · asked by Anonymous in Politics

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