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Politics & Government - 5 April 2007

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Civic Participation · Elections · Embassies & Consulates · Government · Immigration · International Organizations · Law & Ethics · Law Enforcement & Police · Military · Other - Politics & Government · Politics

It seems as soon as the captives reached friendly soil people started criticizing the way they handled themselves during the entire ordeal. I've never been in that situation, but I'm not sure anyone should risk dying just to save a little face. I probably would have "confessed" and apologized too.

2007-04-05 17:44:25 · 11 answers · asked by Kat A. Tonic 5 in Military

He has lied, manipulated and does not do the job he was elected to do...the will of the people.
He should be impeached and prosecuted.

2007-04-05 17:43:53 · 29 answers · asked by universatile love 3 in Politics

yes i have a ? i was asking some legal ?'s on myspace.com and these two people claimed they was undercover cops or undercover fbi agents
and they said they was coming for me to arrest me in a couple of days and also they said mean things

another cop on here told me they were fakes because undercover cops cant tell you there undercover cops and plus they wouldnt tell u if they was gonna arrest u they would just do it
who do u all believe the two fakes or the cop

2007-04-05 17:38:04 · 2 answers · asked by jerry a 1 in Law & Ethics

and vice versa? Why is it that conservatives call liberals dellusional? Why do the liberals call the conservatives ignorant? Who is right? Please help me understand this because I am from Guam and we are not very much into politics. Thank you.

2007-04-05 17:31:09 · 33 answers · asked by Go For Broke 3 in Politics

would start a 'grass' roots movement of everyone playing johnny potseed. Would weed be seen growing in ditches on the sides of highways, along the farmer fields, edges of housing developements, even in the flower beds of city municiple buildings? Would it work, would the law be to busy eradicating stray weed, to look for hidden patches?

2007-04-05 17:27:33 · 13 answers · asked by Anonymous in Law Enforcement & Police

I'm black and joining the Army Infantry but I was doing some reading and I was upset to found out the numbers of blacks enlisting was decreasing

Is this why in all the ads there seems to be a over representation of blacks?

In your opinion why are blacks not joining as much?

2007-04-05 17:25:51 · 11 answers · asked by banner_man13 1 in Military

She has struggled to live and has had no maintenance assistance from her kids who were more than able to provide for her but did not want to due to their own selfish ways. Her husband has a farm that she now toils alone. Before the husband died he would tell her often that all his property will be hers if he were to die. The kids have never been interested in the farm, until that is they hear rumors that it is worth a lot of money. Now they want to claim their share according to Hindu Act and want their mother to sell the land so they can profit from it. There was no will by her husband, the father, but at the time of his death noone wanted a share and only the mother's name was registered as owner of farm. She has another small piece of land that has little value and a house of little value. Both were in her husband's name until he died. None of the kids want to claim a share of this property since there is little to be gained for themselves.

What rights does the mother have?

2007-04-05 17:21:45 · 4 answers · asked by MCAT 1 in Law & Ethics

i have filed with the state for them to go after him, what is the next step? they have address verification now what? once paternity is established will i be required to allow my child to spend time with his family? ( they have made many threats against me in tha past) if he is married now will the wife be resposible to pay the child support if he is out of work?

2007-04-05 17:20:26 · 6 answers · asked by what2do? 2 in Law & Ethics

For example, if there's an 8.5" by 11" paper with font 7 posted in the hallway of a dorm, is it considered a legal notice which would be considered proper notification of a certain dorm rule?

Or, if one hasn't signed a sheet saying he or she has reviewed or agreed to a certain rule, how could they be held against a person if not clearly posted (e.g. via a large poster in the lobby numbered 1, 2, 3, etc.)?

Furthermore, common sense would seem to dictate that posting 500 words or so in tiny font is extremely unlikely to be read and therefore should not be considered public notice. Common sense would similarly seem to dictate a minimum font size that can be easily read by the vast majority of the population, in order for a notice on the wall to be considered legal. I really don't know anything about the laws on this matter.

I guess the question is, "Which public notices are people legally required to be aware of?" or "How are these determined?"


2007-04-05 17:14:41 · 3 answers · asked by Jim_Bob_Waye 2 in Law & Ethics

2007-04-05 17:11:51 · 13 answers · asked by Phyus I 1 in Politics

Then add Al Sharpton as Secretary of State isnt there something magical about this combination?

2007-04-05 17:11:08 · 7 answers · asked by Anonymous in Elections

Through no fault of my own, I have been discriminated against because of my race, color, sex, national origin and material status first begining with a security company where I started as a guard and moved up to human resource manager for the compamy when the harassment began even in the front of my supervisor, who also necame victim for being a witness after filing complaints I was release form service. I was later harassed through co-workers under the same elements bedroom eyes and nice lips, my hair was long, skin to light and I was slim build. The female worker became malicious due to the attention and the assaults began verbal and physical and the supervisor then joined in and I became a model employee to a problem employee for a period of 5 years I was charged with 24 charges that was later dismissed but not removed from my files, I was again charged and injured by a co-worker on the job and this time all evidence showing failure to accept medical notice was denied and I lost.

2007-04-05 17:06:45 · 5 answers · asked by Kathleen04051964 1 in Law & Ethics

My neighbors' house got broken into last night, and I am now thinking about buying a gun for protection. I live alone, and I just want a gun just in case, any opinions?

2007-04-05 17:01:05 · 13 answers · asked by Starcraft 2 in Law & Ethics

This word gets used a lot as a derogatory term, but it has lots of meanings which don't sound all that bad. Can someone give a sincere definition of the word based on how it is in U.S. political rhetoric when used as a form of namecalling?

2007-04-05 16:56:32 · 18 answers · asked by Anonymous in Politics

Thanks to everyone who responded to my parental rights question-your insight was very helpful-so much so that I would like some help with something else- I am an assistant at a group home for mentally disabled adults. A few months ago, a client of mine attacked me, held me down, fondled me, and told me I was his and he loved me-Since then he has said he dreams about me nightly. I know this is a risk I take by working in this field-HOWEVER- I do not feel safe being in the same room with this particular client anymore. Now, the company is telling me that they believe the client has some guilt and sexual issues with me JUST being in the house and if the situation doesnt get resolved, I will be forced to transfer to another home almost an hour from where I live and if I refuse, they said I will be terminated. What are my legal rights here-?after all I was the victim and in no way did anything wrong. Can they really fire me if the client doesn't come around? Thanks so much for your advice

2007-04-05 16:55:43 · 3 answers · asked by yarps246988 1 in Law & Ethics

Well i have a quetion me and my family move out of a bad area and moved into a good area and yea my bf ain't a perfect person he has a backround but he change his life went out got a job and stood out of trouble thee only thing is that we move to an all white neighborhood and my bf is Afraican American there was one woman that threathen me and told me that she would do what she can to put him away for a long time i called my owner to see if he can come and break the lease he dodge my calls and refuse to return my calls i spoke to his wife and his wife had told me that the police calles her husband and told them they were going into my home they grab my bf on 6-6-06 out of his car brought him to the house walk him in and straight to the back the raided my house and said they found drugs and guns if that was the case why did they only lock my bf up for as much as they said they found i feel there was no john doe i feel he was the target and i wanted to know wat can i do "HE NOT GULITY"

2007-04-05 16:53:23 · 10 answers · asked by Police get away with so much 1 in Law & Ethics

I'm not talking about small claims, I'm talking about civil. I mean if someone tries to sue you and they've got a weak case but deep pockets so they hire a lawyer. If you do your research and you're smart, can you defend yourself successfully? I've heard someone say, well, you can't do surgery unless you're a doctor and you can't win a court case unless you're an attorney. But I've heard the same sort of analogies made about car repair. And I've done alright working on my own vehicle.

2007-04-05 16:49:20 · 10 answers · asked by L T 3 in Law & Ethics

1) Halliburton billed taxpayers $1.4 billion in questionable and undocumented charges under its contract to supply troops in Iraq, as documented by the Pentagon’s own auditors.

2) Parsons billed taxpayers over $200 million under a contract to build 142 health clinics, yet completed fewer than 20. According to Iraqi officials, the rest were “imaginary clinics.”

3) Custer Battles stole forklifts from Iraq’s national airline, repainted them, then leased the forklifts back to the Coalition Provisional Authority (CPA) through a Cayman Islands shell company — charging an extra fee along the way.

4) Halliburton double-charged taxpayers for $617,000 worth of soda.

5) Halliburton tripled the cost of hand towels, at taxpayer expense, by insisting on having its own embroidered logo on each towel.

6) Halliburton charged taxpayers for services that it never provided and tens of thousands of meals that it never served.

2007-04-05 16:49:05 · 13 answers · asked by D.O... 3 in Other - Politics & Government

I see way too many questions on here referencing the book he was reading. It was an elementary level book meant for a group of ELEMENTARY students. What was he supposed to read to them? The latest Tom Clancy novel? Come on, already, this is ridiculous. Of everything that happened that day, this is probably one of the most insignificant. Your thoughts?

BTW - can we at least TRY to remain civil?

2007-04-05 16:47:10 · 21 answers · asked by Anonymous in Politics

He also has full custody and she makes the decicions about the boys when they are comming to see me and all that he is a truckdriver and isnt home much so he put her in charge while he is gone.She told me i have no rights she is taken care of them now and he said he gave her power of atorney. I hopw somebody can help me

2007-04-05 16:46:14 · 12 answers · asked by Anonymous in Law & Ethics

Pollution is a real reason for a citizens militia. If you care, that is.

2007-04-05 16:42:00 · 6 answers · asked by warning 2 in Government

Is there any war in all of history that you think has been a justifiable one? If so, which one and why?

2007-04-05 16:40:50 · 25 answers · asked by Anonymous in Politics

They just recently voted for a $15,000 a MONTH retirement plan!!! Must be nice to vote for your raises and retirement. I just feel this could be put into check somehow, by someone other than themselves.

2007-04-05 16:35:04 · 7 answers · asked by bankster 3 in Other - Politics & Government

A friend of mine came back from class a few days ago to find his doorknob unlocked, though nothing was stolen. A couple of days later, the R.A.'s found a box of wine in the refrigerator (he's over 21, but not everyone in his wing is); but how did they know it was there? Their story is that the fridge was open, so they saw it. I say that's a ridiculous story because no one I know leaves the fridge door open while they're out.

Students had the impression that R.A.'s could enter a room and look around but not look through belongings or open things. I spoke with two of the three R.A.'s who entered the room, and they cannot verify the other R.A.'s story (who happens to dislike the resident) that the refrigerator was open already, so she could see the box of wine.

Our friend today voiced his desire to sue for illegal search and seizure . Later, when he returned from class, his door was wide open . Since nothing was stolen, we think it was the R.A.'s screwing around. Is this legal?

2007-04-05 16:24:47 · 8 answers · asked by Jim_Bob_Waye 2 in Law & Ethics

will gain even more power to take over not just the Presidency but the entire US Govt. for the next 25 years or more.

Is political suicide your goal? Is your blind faith in Bush so great that you are going to not only go down with his ship but bring the entire GOP with you? Do you want another 60 year reign of Dems dominating US Govt like they did with the start of FDR only this time it's going to start with Hilary?

Do you see the freight train that is about to run you over at 100 mph or are you as clueless about Iraq as you are about the Dems?

2007-04-05 16:07:36 · 17 answers · asked by Anonymous in Politics

just name the places you know to be truely legal if you can.

2007-04-05 16:05:34 · 7 answers · asked by sxysmkr 1 in Law & Ethics

I think the Irish, Polish, Chinese, Italians et al need reparations...(sarcasm)
One of the things you won't be told by the current history books is how many blacks were sold into slavery by blacks.

2007-04-05 16:03:03 · 24 answers · asked by skunk e 1 in Politics

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