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Politics & Government - 4 April 2007

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obviously the treaty was broken once the war started but how did the germans manage to have such army to be able to start a war.

2007-04-04 05:17:15 · 20 answers · asked by dean b 1 in Military

I don't get it... "The US does business with dictators, waa waa!" "Fidel Castro is a wonderful man, he has done much for the Cuban people!!" Yeah right, like torture, kill and imprison anyone who doesn't like to live in squalor and live, eat and breathe his bankrupt "revolucion".

Here's the bottom line. Countries enter into alliances, always temporary, to protect the country and the country's interest. Sometimes that involves dealing with significantly less than perfect people / regimes. Can't have it both ways, lefties: Whining about dictator allies and then blowing kisses at dictator enemies.

2007-04-04 05:15:47 · 22 answers · asked by Anonymous in Politics

Most things in life are not black and white, but shades of gray.

2007-04-04 05:09:55 · 24 answers · asked by Anonymous in Politics

"Winning" a war implies that there is an end to a war. However, there will ALWAYS be terrorists, so how would it be possible to win a "War on Terror"?

2007-04-04 05:08:51 · 33 answers · asked by tangerine 7 in Politics

He is a LOSER! Only a Democrat would run a LOSER for President!

America has already spoken. We don't want him anywhere near the White House!

(And Ann Coulter was right about his sexuality, although she was a bit uncouth)

2007-04-04 05:07:53 · 20 answers · asked by Anonymous in Politics

And is it even possible that it's already been done ?

Liberals want a timetable for withdrawal . Conservatives say 'no way' because it only serves to alert the enemy of military plans .

So how about giving the Iraqi Leadership a 'timetable' ?
And. . . Haven't we already done that ?
Didn't President Bush say that Iraq has until this fall to show great progress in governing their own country ?

So why go public with military plans ?
Aren't the Conservatives right about not giving 'timetables' that only serve the enemy and not the safety of our troops and the Iraqi people ?

BTW, I took the time and effort to post this . . minus any insults. . so I ask that you take the time and effort to answer the questions. . minus any insults . . . Fair Enough ?

2007-04-04 05:05:35 · 17 answers · asked by Anonymous in Politics

their enemies?

For instance, if the Iranian "savages" had decided to torture those British sailors (their enemies) would they have had every right to do that?

2007-04-04 05:01:06 · 13 answers · asked by Anonymous in Other - Politics & Government

2007-04-04 04:59:45 · 7 answers · asked by Jeff F 2 in Other - Politics & Government

The people of this country have been killing each other for thousands of years. Fighting a "holy war" since the begining of time. They don't hesitate to kill the people that want to help or there own people with a suicide bomb. So what are we waiting for? Lets drop a couple MOAB (Mother of all Bombs) on them and help them finish what they already want. To be dead. This is bull that our brothers, sisters, aunts, uncles, moms, and dads are dieing for a group of people that were already killing themselves.

2007-04-04 04:59:34 · 13 answers · asked by Spliff08069 2 in Military

The government where to offer incentives ... like say $10million or something... to a company that came up with a viable energy source to replace oil and that was fairly green... it's not changing regulations.. and that much money is hardly a drop in the bucket for the nation.. but could do great for a single company (amount could be varied.. more or less .. it's just an arbitrary number I picked off the top of my head)... you aren't really messing with the free market.. people would still have to pick what they wanted to use... how would you guys feel about something like that? It's kind of walking the line.. but I think it could help and be acceptable by most.

2007-04-04 04:56:53 · 12 answers · asked by pip 7 in Politics

not to mentioned almost set me a fire and tried to teach me a lesson for their wrong doings and by killing an innocent person and even having the gall to even show me the body in the truck of a car,well on the way to work at the hospital when I use to work for a nursing home and by them destroying my career , not to mention all these years that I have had to go through many years of counseling in mental hospitals not to mention several times throughout my life being locked up for them putting my life at stake !!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

2007-04-04 04:54:51 · 14 answers · asked by Anonymous in Government

Sick of libs shaking you from your cocoon of denial about how corrupt bush is and how corporations and profits are more important than the citizens of this country?

2007-04-04 04:53:29 · 17 answers · asked by Anonymous in Politics

I asked the Christians yesterday, I was not surprised by their response and in many ways, various criticisms of us (Christians) are valid. I am curious to see other's belief. If this life is all one has, should we do our best to help our fellow humans? Kids die of dissentary in Mexico...

2007-04-04 04:53:20 · 15 answers · asked by nom de paix 4 in Immigration

If the west, and America in particular is in a global conflict with inslamic fascist, what is the cause of this conflict?

If you feel that American policy (not persons) has aggrivated the world of islam against us, please identify what policies or actions have prompted this reaction.

If you feel that islamic fascist have brought this conflict to the west, what policies and/or actions can you list that have prompted the west to take an offensive stance against them.

Please go beyond 9/11 (not to minimize that act) and try to share the underlying reasoning.

For those of you that feel compelled to take this as another opportunity to express mindless hate for Bush or any in his administration, go ahead. We've seen it all already so one more won't make a difference.

For those of you that can't resist this as an opportunity to attack the asker, his intelligence or character. Go ahead.

Such answers reflect more against you than anything else.

2007-04-04 04:53:13 · 10 answers · asked by Anonymous in Politics

The United States was certainly founded on philosophy and reason. For the founding fathers, superstition was not allowed to justify things like "divine" kings or cruel and unusual punishments like inquisitions.

2007-04-04 04:52:00 · 12 answers · asked by Anonymous in Politics

We have these students from the college collecting money for liberal causes all the time. I got tired of telling them to suck an egg. They still come in my yard and ask. Last night 2 of them came in past the no trespassing sign so I waited til they were halfway to the front door, (no escape for them) and turned loose my mastiffs. Needless to say there was much screaming and barking and of course major league biting. I called the cops and then had them arrested. My wife said I was too mean. What do you think?

2007-04-04 04:51:54 · 32 answers · asked by George D 3 in Military

If Clinton HAD to ... then so does EVERYONE ELSE.

2007-04-04 04:51:30 · 11 answers · asked by omnimog 4 in Politics

Since President Bush was elected by due process fair and square, we have had to listen to the losers complain ad naseum and just be mukrakers and such bad losers for almost 7 years! Why are democrats so hostil and unable to show some decorum in the public eye. Ironically, I notice that this party seems to attract the same kind of emotional disturbed people it elects. Why such bad sports? Heck, you'd think they'd be all in favor of the election process and repsect the will of the voters?

2007-04-04 04:49:48 · 13 answers · asked by Anonymous in Other - Politics & Government

Could the way the Iranians seized the British crew, treated them nice and now are releasing them finally be the olive branch the world has been waiting for to signal peace in the Middle East?
Could Mahmoud be the next "Arafat"?
I feel warm & fuzzy just knowing there are actually kind, thoughtful and compasionate leaders in the world.
Thank you Iran
Thank you Mr Ahmadinejad

2007-04-04 04:49:19 · 20 answers · asked by heavysarcasm 4 in Other - Politics & Government

Okay, so we are now occupying a country we had no business invading. We have been there for over 4 years and the government in Iraq has yet to step up and take care of things.
We lose more soldiers everyday and there is no end in the violence in sight.
We have made a mess of this country and now we are considering complete withdrawl...for the most part. Is there another option? What will happen if we leave the country in the mess it's in? Now that we are there should we clean up the mess we've made, is that even possible?
I'm liberal, but I have a hard time supporting complete withdrawl considering we have left the country and the innocent people in dire staights.
What would you consider the best option and what will your predicted outcome of that option?

I know, lots of question, but I'd love to hear what you have to say.

2007-04-04 04:48:17 · 10 answers · asked by Anonymous in Politics

Purple hearts, maybe 1, the rest, not a chance.

2007-04-04 04:48:17 · 11 answers · asked by George D 3 in Military

Personally I'm very happy. It shows the Iranians are not the mindless bloodthirsty monsters so many say they are. Maybe there really can be peace in the middle east without military solutions.

What do you think?

2007-04-04 04:46:05 · 23 answers · asked by Anonymous in Politics

Corporations looking to influence our laws and invade the country? How much of this money is laundered money? Shouldn't we citizens take special care this election and analyze all the political campaign contributions and expose where they are coming from? How about if we elect a President who won't accept contributions and won't cow-tow to all these political, anti-American Hacks? We could do it, you know. We could all get together about four months before the election and write in a Presidential Candidate who will support the citizens of the United States.

2007-04-04 04:44:07 · 2 answers · asked by MH/Citizens Protecting Rights! 5 in Politics

That's quoting that right-wing fundie/conservative president of Iran. Isn't that something you would expect to hear from the religious right in America?

He said this in response to the fact that one of the hostages they had was a woman and a mother. Liberal western countries (like the U.S. and Great Britain) believe women are our equal and deserve equal rights. Conservative religious countries do not. They believe a women's place is in the kitchen and at home taking care of children.

People forget, but it was the religious right in America and their conservative interpretation of the Bible that was the biggest obstacle to women's rights in this country. The religious right's hate for feminists did not start yesterday.


2007-04-04 04:30:25 · 10 answers · asked by trovalta_stinks_2 3 in Politics

Motorists would pay 9 cents a gallon more at the pump and 50 percent more in annual vehicle registration fees under a bipartisan tax proposal designed to generate more than $1 billion in new funding every year for state and local roads. The package proposed Tuesday by a coalition of business, labor and government groups represents one of the biggest tax hikes in recent Michigan history.

2007-04-04 04:28:36 · 13 answers · asked by George D 3 in Government

if you look at the modern world.. those nations that have had a plentiful fuel source are the ones that have had the power.. for the Dutch it was pete (sp?) and when they ran out so did their influence.. for the British it was charcoal.. when they started to run low they had to become an empire to keep their fuel supply up.. and eventually it imploded.. for a time there was steam... but it was supplanted by oil... we do have Nuclear now.. but it's not viable for small scale actions... so if we don't get something new before oil runs out.. or if someone else comes up with something better before we do.. we run the risk of losing much of our power in the world from an economic stand point at the very least... so even if you don't believe in global warming.. shouldn't we be working diligently towards finding new fuel sources so as to insure our future as a world power?

2007-04-04 04:28:26 · 13 answers · asked by pip 7 in Politics

I understand that Hillary was able to put the money that was left over from her Senate campaign into her Presidential campaign.
Considering that, did Obama actually pull in more money than Clinton?

2007-04-04 04:28:13 · 11 answers · asked by Crystal Blue Persuasion 5 in Politics

Does political division mean that we are weaker as a nation?

2007-04-04 04:26:19 · 12 answers · asked by Terrie 3 in Government

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