I think it is deplorable that it is the 21st century and we are still using the same fuel that was used at the beginning of the 20th century. We have one of, if not the most technologically advanced countries in the world, yet we have so few advances in this area. By the time we reached the 21st century we SHOULD have been using an alternative fuel.
2007-04-04 06:01:27
answer #1
answered by truth seeker 7
We are the world leaders in coal production which helps. What you are failing to see here Pip, is if we run out of oil so will every other power player. The drop in oil will be equal across the board. I know what you are saying, "we use more than anyone else". We also buy more, and have the economy to continue buying more. It maybe $10 a gallon buy it will still be bought. Look at the price of a gallon of milk. A gallon of water even. Any other nation that say would be next in line for the Super power position relies on the same stuff we do. They will also fall away from Super powerness as much as we do. I'm all for new fuel, even though I don't think Global Warming is a concern, but we are not going to withhold the new fuel recipe from the rest of the world.
2007-04-04 04:43:06
answer #2
answered by mbush40 6
We should and are always looking for new sources of energy. Nuclear power has slipped in popularity lately, thoug it is still viable. There is far more oil left than many would have us believe. Solar power is always rising and falling in the energy world. As to losing power in the world, that will be caused more by stupidity than energy shortage. Using all resources wisely is the best way to keep the juice flowing.
2007-04-04 04:35:01
answer #3
answered by fangtaiyang 7
Yes, we definitely need to look at developing new fuel sources. The buses in my city are using bio-diesel fuel and I wish we had it for the pumps. It would much cheaper and we would not have to get it from another country. The power issue is problem, however, I think of it in a different way. When we get too low and the other country demands too much then what are we going to do to get it? I think we both know the answer. I think it is a matter of how far we are willingly to go to keep what we have and what we will do to get more. Alternative fuel sources are where our money should be spent to keep us from going to war.
2007-04-04 04:37:19
answer #4
answered by Anonymous
I don't think so. I think the the future world powers will be technology based. As for alternative fuel sources needed to keep America on the top of the food chain, some one needs to figure out how to harness all the energy we in the U.S. haul around with us. Fat conversion devices that could run our computers ipods and other small electronic devises? Come on why not?
2007-04-04 04:45:36
answer #5
answered by Mother 6
yep....and thew only energy source worth truly putting R&D money into in my opinion is the natural energy sources of solar, wind, tidal, and geothermal....all environmentally sound, safe and i think the sun is supposed to last for another 5 billion years or so....why dig all the dead plants and the oil they have made out of sunlight in the beginning anyways..??? go to the source, anything that gets its power from the sun is replaceable instantly....all we need is the gov't to commit to a program that will do this in 20 years and pour the money and research into it and the benefits will be enourmous for a long, long time.....and politically at the same time, this will insure america stays as a free country, on top of the innovative and economic pile of countries .....we could lease this technology to our friends, use it as a carrot for those who dont like us, and advance humanity at the same time....eventually the only reason to pump oil would be those instances where it is needed for lubrication...not fuel....also benefiting the environment...just think where unlimited amounts of energy could take america production wise and politically and economically...
2007-04-04 04:30:38
answer #6
answered by badjanssen 5
Yes, you are absolutely right.
You would think that, in today's day and age, we would have begun weaning ourselves from oil and have graduated to a more reliable, environmentally friendly source of energy.
However, America is now so distracted by other things that she cannot fully dedicate herself to this worthy pursuit.
In addition, the current administration has been less than supportive of alternative energy fact finding.
This is a lost opportunity for America.
2007-04-04 04:33:15
answer #7
answered by Magma H 6
I am very much in agreement with much of what you state, though I do not arrive there using the same logic.
I am in agreement with sensible and reasonable actions taken on the part of industry and consumers that would, as we understand it now, help to keep our environment as clean and safe as possible.
I agree with that up to and categorically excluding governmental regulation of industry and/or consumer actions.
The best way for America in this regard is through self regulation. If Americans truly believe strongly in your conclusions, the American people will vote with their feet and do business only with companies that are demonstrating reasonable and logical policies with regard to envirnmental impacts.
I believe that this is the best hope of breaking free of the oil chains that we are currently bound by. With minimal government regulation on business and consumer action, and with consumers being responsible and voting with their feet, industry will have the freedom to research, develop and bring to the market alternative sources of energy that consumers will use and which will make sense to our environment.
I would almost swing over to what I consider environmental activism IF the target of their efforts were directed ENTIRELY away from influencing the government so as to increase regulations and thereby give the government the power to force upon us how we do business and how we consume.
The government DOES NOT know what is best for us...
2007-04-04 04:40:18
answer #8
answered by Anonymous
Yes we are. Did you read American Theocracy too? It covers this whole subject and the downfall of previous world superpowers.Interesting stuff. Global overreach will be our downfall.
2007-04-04 04:44:44
answer #9
answered by Perplexed 7
pretty soon we will all be under islamic rule as they have the oil they also will obtain all the world's power.
we should have nuked iraq iran and saudi arabia. they are all terrorist nations anyhow.
2007-04-04 04:39:31
answer #10
answered by bakerone 3