Okay. im awfully curious- I keep seeing postes from canadians who arrogantly think Canada is better than USA- What a laugh- America has FREEDOM. a strong military, a superior eduaktional system, international respect, etc.
Canda is a socialist state where you wait years to see a doctor- Canada is like one giant massachusetts- they tolerate gays marrying and let people smoke reefer. If they beleived in freedom they would BAN those things.
Canadians drive American cars and use American products,which is proof they want to be like the USA- yet they are a communist socialist state- I have never been to canda, and will never go- why bother, the eskimos can have the place..
What does canada have America lacks- other than no freedom, vietnam and Iraq war draft dodgers, an arctic climate, a weak military, no international respect , Motreal strippers and socialism ? Why would any American want to live in Canada? They would lose all thier freedoms!
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