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Politics & Government - 13 March 2007

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Civic Participation · Elections · Embassies & Consulates · Government · Immigration · International Organizations · Law & Ethics · Law Enforcement & Police · Military · Other - Politics & Government · Politics

I've posted this like 5 times! Why shouldn't we fight the terrorists with old fashioned war? How in the heck will diplomacy work?
-War killed the British in the American Revolution and War of 1812
-War killed the Confederates
-War killed the European Nationalists in World WAR 1.
-War killed the Nazi's
-War was killing the North Koreans and Communists in Vietnam until America pussied out of both wars.
On the other hand.....
-Negotiations with Adolf Hitler resulted in the death of a million innocent victims in Czechoslovakia.
-Negotiations with North Korea-in which they PROMISED NOT TO TRY AND BUILD NUCLEAR WEAPONS-ended up with them trying to build nuclear weapons.
-Negotiations with Lydia-or was it Lybia?-in 1990 failed miserably until we scared the crap out of them in 2003 when we captured Saddam.
WAR WORKS!! DIPLOMACY DOESN'T!! Why won't war work with the terrorists?!
"The Price of Victory is BLOOD"-Napoleon, the world's greatest conqueror this side of Alexander the Great.

2007-03-13 07:55:55 · 3 answers · asked by godlyteengirl 3 in Politics

"Relations between the two border countries have only grown worse since Bush signed a law calling for construction of more than 700 miles of new fencing along the long border the two countries share. Calderon has lambasted the fence — a mix of physical and high-tech barriers. He likens it to the Berlin Wall, and argues that both countries need to improve Mexico's economy to lessen the desire to seek work in the United States."
(Why is it our responsibility to improve Mexicos economy? The Berlin Wall divided a country in two, we are talking about 2 countries already divided, and how to stay that way.)

"Before their talks, Calderon had a tough message for Bush: The United States must do more to solve thorny issues of drug-trafficking and immigration."
(I may be wrong but it seems that we're trying to solve the issues, but MEXICO isn't doing anything, because police and politicians are corrupt and turn a blind eye.) Should we use a more aggressive method than just a fence?

2007-03-13 07:55:26 · 11 answers · asked by cycozomatic 1 in Other - Politics & Government

Should a sex offender be able to train in the martial arts? Should they be able to achieve black belt status?

If not... WHY?

I know the "why" may seem obvious, but even sex offenders will need to defend themselves.

2007-03-13 07:55:26 · 7 answers · asked by Leroy Studying Law 1 in Law & Ethics

Here is a link http://www.worldnetdaily.com/news/article.asp?ARTICLE_ID=54666

I ask you... do you think you could pass a psych test after the state took away your child? I think i would be so worried all the time I would be bananas.

They took her away because of latin and math? Girls are not as good at math and latin is a dead language. This stinks on ice.

2007-03-13 07:54:10 · 8 answers · asked by coolforbeer 3 in Politics

I am not saying it is good, or bad. I just would like to know what the benefits are for current Americans, if any. I respect all opinions, unless they are abusive towards me for asking a question.

2007-03-13 07:54:08 · 9 answers · asked by Karasu 1 in Other - Politics & Government

To both Liberals AND extremists on the right?

We should all be on it, I cant wait til they come up with a male birth control pill, that way women cant lie and say they are on it and trick men into getting them pregnant.

2007-03-13 07:53:36 · 29 answers · asked by Anonymous in Politics

2007-03-13 07:51:52 · 8 answers · asked by Anonymous in Politics

I see this on his LES everytime he deploys and I keep forgetting to ask him what it is for. I know it's not pay for him being safe..lol... He is currently in Iraq (again). Thanks for the information everyone! I tried to ask finance but they wouldn't tell me because I don't have the right Power of Attorney...just my luck!

2007-03-13 07:51:19 · 3 answers · asked by mustangsally76 7 in Military

Last night I was pulled over by a police officer becuase I accidnetly swerved into the other lane. He suspected that I might be intoxicated and perfomered some tests the eye and balance ones. I was course was not intoxicated but now I just am suffering from trauma from this whole event. I even feel like a worse person now.

2007-03-13 07:50:58 · 22 answers · asked by RexD 1 in Law Enforcement & Police

read about it or from what you think about it

2007-03-13 07:50:51 · 3 answers · asked by Kenneth W 1 in Military

Yeahh i deff. hate George Bush and I have plenty of reasons, not saying that if you think he is the greatest president ever you are an idiot, so dont go calling me out cause i know someone will get all defensive, but that is just the kids who need to respect others opinons, I respect yours. So tell me why you hate George Bush or If you would like to sway my opinon why he is a good president.

2007-03-13 07:50:40 · 24 answers · asked by Jenn 1 in Politics

I live in tampa. I cannot travel to NY. My relative has been missing since May 2006. NYPD told me to report the matter to local tampa police and not to them. Local tampa police told me that i need to report the matter to NYPD. I am confused. Please Help.

2007-03-13 07:49:44 · 6 answers · asked by August1992 1 in Law Enforcement & Police

what do you think of america using them in iraq?

2007-03-13 07:49:05 · 13 answers · asked by Anonymous in Military

Do you work on weekends?
Do you live on post?
Do you make exercise early morning?
Do you have an schedule?
How is a whole day in AGR?
For how many years is your contract?
Did you get deployed?

I know i have a lot of questions , but i have a baby and i want to know if this will work for me. Im prior service.

thank you

2007-03-13 07:47:37 · 7 answers · asked by ginany25 1 in Military

over the fence and make him retrieve it like a dog repeatedly!!! how would this "exercise" make this recruit a better "Marine"?

2007-03-13 07:47:05 · 8 answers · asked by Beaujock 1 in Military

I don't see how anyone could, that was a hilarious movie. Though I do seem to forget that many people out there Liberal or Conservatives walk around with a stick up their bums and find anything offensive.

2007-03-13 07:47:02 · 11 answers · asked by Fiesty Redhead 2 in Politics

Do you think that Hilary Clinton should be our nation's first woman President, or President at all? Why? Who do you think should become President?

Your answer to these questions would be highly appreciated!



2007-03-13 07:46:37 · 41 answers · asked by wondergrlpenguin 1 in Elections

From camera's, chip implants, unmaned spy planes, and american world domination we are getting closer than we ever have in the past to big brother.

2007-03-13 07:43:22 · 11 answers · asked by 4knowreason 2 in Other - Politics & Government

For their acts of treason and for the attack on America on 9/11?
Just wondering...

2007-03-13 07:43:15 · 18 answers · asked by </3 Bush 1 in Politics

expect an influx of 100,000 new mexicans by months end after the decider made his speech in mexico march 13th/07!

2007-03-13 07:42:07 · 7 answers · asked by overworkedsingleguy 2 in Politics

responsibility/integrity= "Nazi prude"
care for the planet= "goddamn hippie"

This is why I hate both major parties. Democrats suck and Republicans blow.

2007-03-13 07:39:47 · 19 answers · asked by Anonymous in Politics

Truck drivers would disconnect from their trailers and beeline it to the ATMs, Wal-Mart, then home.

How much food and water do you have on hand?

Do you think this scenario (or one like it) is likely?

I believe it's almost inevitable, and it would be like an anthill being kicked over. Our modern society will collapse if there is a lengthy disruption, panic and intense self-interest spree.

Will multiple cities burn? Will the rot of our society bloom and destroy what we've all worked so hard to build?

The Twin Towers took years to build, but an hour to fall. The Titanic...same. Is America about to perish?

What do you think?

2007-03-13 07:39:39 · 16 answers · asked by Anonymous in Military

when choosing someone for jury service in Scotland

2007-03-13 07:39:20 · 3 answers · asked by Anonymous in Law & Ethics

At least 50 Arabic specialist have been discharged because of this backward policy, come on now what is more important?

2007-03-13 07:38:17 · 9 answers · asked by PARKERD 7 in Politics

My neighbours are absolutely horrible. Besides the constant pounding music, screaming, yelling, and parties, they let their 3 pitbulls run wild without leashes. Not only am I concerned for their 3 yr old child's safety, but also for ours and the rest of our neighbourhood's. Besides safety, when they run into our yard, they use it as a toilett, and their urine often kills the plants there. I know problems come in the territory of living in a bad neighbourhood, but it needs to stop. It's just rude. If we call the police, can they legally make it stop? I live in Michigan and the leash laws here are kind of ambiguous, so if anyone knows, please tell me :)

2007-03-13 07:37:02 · 4 answers · asked by Jess 4 in Law Enforcement & Police


Since states are working on getting this vaccine REQUIRED. And I say working because there are people still fighting it. Why cant we require birth control for young girls as well?

How about providing incentives for young girls to NOT get pregnant, like help with college, etc. Instead of helping the ones that DO act irresponsibly and get pregnant at a young age?

2007-03-13 07:36:59 · 24 answers · asked by Anonymous in Politics

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