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Politics & Government - 4 March 2007

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Civic Participation · Elections · Embassies & Consulates · Government · Immigration · International Organizations · Law & Ethics · Law Enforcement & Police · Military · Other - Politics & Government · Politics

Conspiracy theorists claim that a missle, not a commercial jet, hit the Pentagon. If there was DNA from passengers aboard the jet that supposedly hit the Pentagon then that would be evidence to disprove the conspiracy theorists..

2007-03-04 08:03:23 · 6 answers · asked by dejr5346 1 in Government

i see a lot of flag waving a ribbon wearing going on around, (now mind you i live in a religious conservative territory) and i got into a discussion with some people in what it means to support the troops.

i asked them what they have done, or people in general, i said there is more to it than fly some flag or posting a ribbon on their car.

i asked how many of them are willing to quit their nice job, or disrupt their routine to join the Army? none said they would ever do that even though the Army really needs people.

then i asked who they voted for, then i informed them that they voted for people that cut VA funding, they had no clue to that at all.

so what does it mean really to support troops? i think it means a lot more than flying a flag or wearing a ribbon.

as a disclaimer, i don't think everyone should get up and join either, i am just saying it seems a lot are hoo rah for combat action for our military, but yet they are unwilling to do it them selves.

2007-03-04 07:59:51 · 9 answers · asked by mricon 2 in Other - Politics & Government

In many movies that have U.S. fighter pilots in them, whenever the pilot launches a missile they say "Box 3" or "Box 4" or whatever. What is the significance of the word box? My guess is that it's some kind of designation for the missile that is being launched, but I'm sure there's a better answer.

2007-03-04 07:59:05 · 3 answers · asked by john s 1 in Military

Why do they say wars CONSUME valuable resources???

2007-03-04 07:58:40 · 2 answers · asked by Anonymous in Other - Politics & Government

2007-03-04 07:55:49 · 24 answers · asked by decider JR 3 in Politics

I'm not demeaning the movement. I am a highly environmentally conscious conservative. I'm just wondering if high profile Democrats use it as a means to political ends. Do they really care?

2007-03-04 07:52:59 · 9 answers · asked by Anonymous in Other - Politics & Government

I am in need of numbers and dates. I am mostly referring to the continuous firebombings that occurred in 1945 before the dropping of the nukes. I know that the US was killing thousands a week but that wasn't enough and they were doing everything they could to kill faster. I need numbers, approximate dates and most importantly sources because this will need to be verified. How many died in particular raids is useless. I need weekly figures.

2007-03-04 07:50:54 · 4 answers · asked by Archknight 2 in Military

Can a foreign born married to a US citizen drawing soc sec draw soc sec themselves. I was under the impression that you had to contribute to social security in order to obtain benefits.Husband is US citizen wife is legal immigrant who has never contributed. Both are seniors

2007-03-04 07:50:46 · 8 answers · asked by wadamp@verizon.net 1 in Immigration

Why did President Truman decide to drop the A-bomb? What were some issues that affected his decision? What was the debate over whether it should be done or not? Does anyone have any good explanations or VERY informational websites relating to the subject? Thanks a lot.

2007-03-04 07:50:15 · 12 answers · asked by Jane A 3 in Politics

2007-03-04 07:50:14 · 20 answers · asked by decider JR 3 in Politics

How can this be confirmed if true?The Treasury Secretary made that comment yesterday and I have a hard time believing it.

2007-03-04 07:49:40 · 4 answers · asked by drokk 2 in Government

This is so shallow but i feel sorry for myself, i got pulled over by the police last night for having a rear light out and it scared the wotsits out of me. Pathetic, i know, but i thought i was going2get a fine and points and EVERYTHING! Anyone have any stories about police being really unfair to make me feel lucky thats all i got busted for?

2007-03-04 07:48:49 · 19 answers · asked by Anonymous in Law Enforcement & Police

I'm on medicaid and will come into a large inhertance- will I have to pay back what medicaid paid for my medical care in New york State over the last 15 yrs? I am only 40 yrs old

2007-03-04 07:46:02 · 1 answers · asked by cgoodjgood 1 in Law & Ethics

we had an ice age right now? Less than 20,000 years ago, half of the U.S. was covered with ice and Canada was one big ice cube. 20,000 years is less than a second when compared with the age of the earth.

An ice age would cause billions of people to starve to death.

The grand canyon was formed from melting water from thawing ice ages. Over 20 million years, melting water carved out huge sections of land in Arizona.

NASA has said that great temperature changes are normal. Just 10,000 years ago, the earth warmed up extremely in less than 20 years. There were not many people around at that time.
"Rapid changes between ice ages and warm periods (called interglacials) are recorded in the Greenland ice sheet. Occurring over ONE OR TWO DECADES, the warming of the Earth at the end of the last ice age "
NASA link: http://earthobservatory.nasa.gov/Study/Paleoclimatology_Evidence/Images/gisp2_temperature.gif

2007-03-04 07:45:24 · 12 answers · asked by a bush family member 7 in Politics

it seems to me with vacationers,visitors to and inside the park who are having problems finding a ranger this is the reason it seems like highway robbery when a ranger on a state highway is positioned in such a way as to be stealth until youre right on top of them is fundamentally wrong.
such as the nps rangers along al. state hwy 35.
what say you?

2007-03-04 07:44:07 · 7 answers · asked by boutgivup 3 in Law Enforcement & Police

be held accountable for his actions in defiance of the Constitution, his illegal actions and attacks on our liberties and be tried for those crimes or would all be forgiven?

2007-03-04 07:41:59 · 15 answers · asked by seattleogre 3 in Politics

i don't think so, there actions have proven so also, seems to me the american gov is just to dumb to acknowledge this fact.

they don't allow our troops to hot pursuit people over the border, they don't pursue the extremist groups on thier own, and they were a supporter of the taliban before 9/11

to me pakistan will be another typical "ally" of america, like iran was before 1979, iraq was during the 80's, the taliban and every other extremist group was during the afgan soviet invasion, and heck, we even consider saudi arabia our "friends" but yet they don't even come close to our democratic ideals.

2007-03-04 07:41:20 · 4 answers · asked by mricon 2 in Other - Politics & Government

2007-03-04 07:41:13 · 7 answers · asked by aiminhigh24u2 6 in Politics

If so, how much should the fine be?

If not, please explain why not.

2007-03-04 07:39:50 · 11 answers · asked by Chi Guy 5 in Politics

I'm not sure what party I truly identify with. I am certainly not as liberal as most of my dem friends and not as conservative as some reps. I don't believe in abortion unless it jeapordizes the life of the mother, I do believe in people's right to choose who they love inspite of their sexuality, I believe immigrants need to learn the English language and respect American gov't or go back to their own country, I believe that we should give undocumented Mexicans with children born in the United States a path to legalized residency and still find a way to secure our borders because of the economic burden of supporting them. I can go on and on but which am I, a dem or rep?

2007-03-04 07:39:27 · 11 answers · asked by bb m 1 in Other - Politics & Government

I am trying to put together a comprehensive list of every world leader who claimed Saddamy had WMDs from 1991-2002. If Bush lied about it, then everyone listed must have lied about it too. If you have links, that will help.


2007-03-04 07:37:51 · 23 answers · asked by Anonymous in Politics

For not standing up to our Government and demanding impeachment proceedings immediately? For working and paying taxes to fund an illegal war?

The United Nations charter has a provision which was agreed to by the United States formulated by the United States in fact, after World War II. It says that from now on, no nation can use armed force without the permission of the U.N. Security Council. They can use force in connection with self-defense, but a country can't use force in anticipation of self-defense. Regarding Iraq, the last Security Council resolution essentially said, 'Look, send the weapons inspectors out to Iraq, have them come back and tell us what they've found -- then we'll figure out what we're going to do. The U.S. was impatient, and decided to invade Iraq -- which was all pre-arranged of course. So, the United States went to war, in violation of the charter. Making the war illegal.

Google.. ‘United for Peace : Events’

Help bring the Bush Regime to justice!

2007-03-04 07:37:47 · 13 answers · asked by Anonymous in Politics

since you neocons love war so much, how many have you answered the call to serve your country????????

2007-03-04 07:37:25 · 8 answers · asked by Anonymous in Politics

2007-03-04 07:37:14 · 7 answers · asked by The Lamb of Vista 3 in Military

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