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Politics & Government - 16 February 2007

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Civic Participation · Elections · Embassies & Consulates · Government · Immigration · International Organizations · Law & Ethics · Law Enforcement & Police · Military · Other - Politics & Government · Politics

a. More deaths translate into more political capital for demoncrats.
b. Finally proving Bush is a 'failure' translates into more political capital for demoncrats.
c. Appeasing our enemies comes naturally to them.
d. They are simply traitors.

2007-02-16 02:19:24 · 14 answers · asked by Anonymous in Politics

The Bush Regime has taken the US outside the boundaries of international law and is acting unilaterally, falsely declaring American military aggression to be "defensive" and in the interests of peace. Much of the world realizes the hypocrisy and danger in the Bush Regime’s justification of the unbridled use of US military power, but no countries except other nuclear powers can challenge American aggression, and then only at the risk of all life on earth.

The solution is nonmilitary challenge.

The Bush Regime’s ability to wage war is dependent upon foreign financing. The Regime’s wars are financed with red ink, which means the hundreds of billions of dollars must be borrowed. As American consumers are spending more than they earn on consumption, the money cannot be borrowed from Americans.

2007-02-16 02:18:41 · 2 answers · asked by MorningStar 2 in Politics

i know i'm gonna come across seeming ignorant to most conservatives out there with this question but i'll ask anyway. what exactly do conservative politicians mean when they say they want to win in iraq, or even this war on terror? it's not like there's a defined opposition with a leader who one day is gonna surrender waiving a white flag saying, "i give up, you win!!!" so what do the politicians mean by winning?

2007-02-16 02:18:14 · 9 answers · asked by just curious (A.A.A.A.) 5 in Politics

2007-02-16 02:17:21 · 9 answers · asked by Anonymous in Politics

I go to treat ment for my wounds every week; so i can pull this screen up and your thoughts will be seen by guys and ladies
that need a lot of love and inspiration
some time we feel like peole for get

2007-02-16 02:16:56 · 12 answers · asked by VHEE 3 in Military

that people are stupid enough to think the president is powerful enough that he alone runs the economy,dictates foreign policy,has control over the environment,and has a everyday significant impact on yur life?

2007-02-16 02:16:39 · 12 answers · asked by Anonymous in Other - Politics & Government

Will this strategy work in the middle east?

2007-02-16 02:16:30 · 4 answers · asked by Ted Kennedy 2 in Other - Politics & Government

The Charge D'affaires has left his Villa bought with his own retirement cash and high tailed it back to the US, saying he opposed the policy. Will he now start ratting on Mr. Bush?

2007-02-16 02:14:37 · 12 answers · asked by Anonymous in Politics

I keep hearing about this War on Terror and how we have to change our behaviour, and make sacrifices, and how the govt. --- especially the executive branch needs extrodinary powers to fight this War on Terror.

When exactly will this war be won? What are the goals of this victory? Then, when do you think this country will be able to go back to peace time?

2007-02-16 02:13:53 · 7 answers · asked by Rick 4 in Politics

Withdrawal of 1/2 of the troops from Iraq, how many more young men will he have abandoned in a foreign country? They will mop the floor with our sons, he started this war and needs to see it through. Not to mention that he's bringing 70,000 iraqians to American soil. Bush selling off his own country?

2007-02-16 02:12:40 · 5 answers · asked by Cheryl 6 in Law & Ethics

Being gay or being suspected of being gay will get you kicked out of the military even if you can do something important, like speak fluent Arabic while we are fighting a war in the Middle East.

Bashing gays helped put an idiot like Bush in power and kept him there.

Churches in this country (and the world over) say that homosexuality is a sin, which as far as I know puts them just like murderers and rapists in Gods eyes and many of these churches are dedicated to keeping the homosexual community legally repressed, and thanks to voters in this country, they are doing a good job at it.

And I am willing to bet that an openly gay person could cure cancer, AIDS, stop every war everywhere, and singlehandedly reverse global warming, and this country still wouldn't elect them to the presidency.

So given all this, what difference does it make when one famous person says what the vast majority of our country shows by its actions and laws. Why does he somehow need to apologize?

2007-02-16 02:10:21 · 11 answers · asked by Chris D 4 in Law & Ethics


2007-02-16 02:10:19 · 6 answers · asked by Anonymous in Politics

I'm gonna try and put this in the simplest terms . And to remove the 'emotion' from the argument, I chose to use the example of Charles Ingalls and company .
If it was determined that Global Warming was influenced by mankind during the 1800's.. . . . . . Do ya think Charles and friends would've STOPPED burning wood to heat their homes ? Or would they more likely have continued burning wood to SAVE THEIR LIVES ?
Today, fossil fuels are used to heat the homes of most of the East Coast and other areas of the country to a lesser extent . Should they STOP ?
Or should we acknowledge that, even if true, it will take DECADES to even make a dent in the process ? Thereby stopping the hatred and blame of one President ?

2007-02-16 02:09:28 · 11 answers · asked by Anonymous in Politics

I say it's Lt. Columbo of the LAPD

2007-02-16 02:09:19 · 19 answers · asked by Anonymous in Law Enforcement & Police

Democrat John Murtha is trying to construct a house bill that limits the scope of the troop surge and handicaps their actions, rendering them less useful to the American generals in Iraq. Does Murtha think he's a better general than the actual generals?

Another arrogant Democrat who "knows better" than a General.

Is Murtha TRYING to handicap the troops in the surge in order to limit their ability to FIX the problems in IRAQ and ENSURE that Bush's troop surge will fail- allowing the Democrats to say "told you so" ???

2007-02-16 02:08:38 · 15 answers · asked by Anonymous in Politics

I have been a Bank of America customer since 1982. I have a legitimate drivers license, social security number, and I am a legal American. However Bank of America has never offered me a credit card. What's the deal?

2007-02-16 02:08:06 · 7 answers · asked by Anonymous in Immigration

There was the shock stage of we cant believe you just entered iraq a sovereign country?
Then there is the injured stage of running to relatives who need help and figuring out where food is going to come?
Then there is the grouping stage of freedom fighters?
Then there is the military assistance from other countries?


2007-02-16 02:06:51 · 5 answers · asked by Anonymous in Military

Lets see how long you whiny @ss liberals take to get me kicked off again. But since you are so anit gun- tree hugging, scared to death of global warming. Let me ask you a question.. You and your wife are leaving a restaurant, theater etc. A masked assailant comes up from behind, grabs your wife and is intent on hauling her off, most likely to rape and then murder her. I come along with my legally carried .40 caliber semi-automatic, would it offend your anti-gun liberal sensibilities if I blew the guys brains out, therby saving your wifes life, or should I abide by your anti gun mentality and ignore the situation and walk away?

2007-02-16 02:06:23 · 8 answers · asked by Anonymous in Law & Ethics

...stage for a 'police state" run by the United State?

GENEVA - Unrelenting violence and insecurity in Iraq could cause as many as 1 million Iraqis to flee their homes this year, the world's migration body said Friday.
"The numbers of people that are being displaced are increasing every day," said Jemini Pandayar of the International Organization for Migration. "The security situation is not improving. It's not changing."
Washington announced it will allow about 7,000 Iraqis into the United States this year — up from 202 in 2006 — and will pay more to help Iraq's neighbors cope with the surge of refugees.

And so, now we have created still another problem for millions of innocent people. By now we all know that Bush does not plan to leave Iraq anytime soon. It appears that by the time he leaves office, we'll be so deeply entranched in 'occupation" there will be no immediate way out..

Would you allow potentially thousands more refugees into the U.S.?

2007-02-16 02:05:07 · 5 answers · asked by rare2findd 6 in Other - Politics & Government

All opinions are excepted!!!

2007-02-16 02:04:26 · 9 answers · asked by Ty 1 in Elections

The German army was within 20 miles of downtown Moscow, when the cold Winter bogged them down. As the German forces were closing in on Moscow, the commies gathered up their yarmulkes and were hauling arsses for Eastern Russia. If the German army would have gone into Russia just one week earlier, there would be no communism today. the Germans would have arrested them all and they would have written the history books. The Germans were outnumered 4 to 1 and they fought valiantly against the evil communists. The Germans had learned that Russia was about to attack Germany, so they moved first. If Germany had not fought the communist and stopped them at Germany's doorstep, all of Europe would have been taken by the communist all the way to the Atlantic Ocean.

2007-02-16 02:03:44 · 5 answers · asked by Jesse J 1 in Military

That is a piece of history that got ruined. I think that is a huge crime among the many. Who agrees?

2007-02-16 02:03:02 · 12 answers · asked by nassim420 3 in Politics

You keep asking liberals if we want to win ...WIN WHAT???

Nearly 4 years now and nothings gotten better!!!

They are even having problems with Afghanistan and the Taliban again!!

What are you hoping or wanting to win???

2007-02-16 02:01:43 · 10 answers · asked by Anonymous in Politics

But never mention the heinous acts of terrorists and tyrants UNLESS they can somehow use it for Bushate, Bushblame, or Bushfear?

2007-02-16 02:01:34 · 6 answers · asked by Anonymous in Politics

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