If we fight a war and win it with brutality, what history will remember is not the ideals we were fighting for but the methods we used to accomplish them. These methods will be compared to the warfare of Genghis Khan who ruthlessly killed every last inhabitant of Persia.
2007-02-16 02:49:26
answer #1
answered by Anonymous
First, let me say that I have noticed that even Mr. Bush's spin doctors haven't been all too clear. And I'm a conservative! The objective in Iraq has shifted. If you can remember back to the Clinton days when the first UN weapon's inspector quick in disgust -- no support. It was a joke. The inspection team was being denied access and given no support. In all, there were 17 sanctions in the cease fire agreement that were not being met. Diplomacy failed largely due to the corruption within the UN. Since just before the "free elections," there was a dramatic increase in terrorist activities in and around Bahgdad -- mostly sponsored by Iran. This is the shifting point.
Iran sits atop the world's third largest known oild deposit, yet last year, they were unable to export a single drop. Why? Their oil is state run and so, while the citizens are paying all of 38 cents a gallon at the pumps, the profits are not being used to upgrade and drill new wells. Meaning, their wells are now all over 50 years old and in a decline of production of 13 % per year. Last year, not only were they unable to export, but they actually had to import just to meet their own supply and demand issues. This folks, is the smoking gun for motive in Iraq as well as for nuclear power -- whose biproduct is weapons grade uranium. Don't forget, they export terroism.
All of that having been said, the ground work is now layed for understanding what it means to win or lose in Iraq. To win, means we in the west have a fair market price for the oil we purchase -- and let's face it, the world economy runs on oil. To lose in Iraq, means Iran steps in either by invitation or not, and takes control of the oil. Iran hates the west and everything for which we stand. Can you just imagine what the price will be?
To win in Iraq, means the people there get to prosper and grow. Education, industry, self determination... Freedom.
To lose, means more tyrrany, terrorism, death and destruction.
And typically, I will get more thn my fair share of thumbs down for having done nothing more than to stick with the basic verifiable facts. No name calling, no emotional pleas and illogic. Just the facts. But then, there seems to be a huge, growing sect in our society that truly does ignore the facts. Facts just don't fit in their paradigm. NEXT!!!
2007-02-16 02:53:35
answer #2
answered by Doc 7
There is no "win" possible. The country is fractured and not in any one group's control. People are collecting around local and sectarian leaders for survival and order in their own small neighborhoods.
This is what happened when we disbanded the government after we invaded.
I don't think anyone knows how to shake-and-bake new local, regional, and national governments together instantly. The leaders that have risen up by default are not going to step down while we struggle with 'guesses' of how to put police, courts and elected officials into their towns and cities.
2007-02-16 02:27:24
answer #3
answered by oohhbother 7
Creating a democracy in Iraq. Winning means bringing the Iraqis into an American/European style government in which you vote for your leaders. I'm not saying it's right, but that's the idea.
2007-02-16 02:24:39
answer #4
answered by mac 7
A win is anything that allows President Bush to save some face.
2007-02-16 02:30:21
answer #5
answered by Timothy M 5
You cannot defeat a military tactic, used by angry - impoverished and fundementalist people.
This is why people think Americans are going to be in Iraq for 100 years.
2007-02-16 02:24:27
answer #6
answered by Anonymous
An Iraqi puppet govt./Arab proxy in service to Washington with oil infrastructure rebuilt and maximized by oil multinationals.
2007-02-16 02:25:38
answer #7
answered by Pete Schwetty 5
It will mean that Santa Claus is real, dinosaurs and humans really did coexist at one point, and that George W. Bush is an honorable man guided by God.
2007-02-16 02:24:07
answer #8
answered by ck4829 7
It's going to mean more stability for us and for Israel.Remember Sadaam was paying suicide bombers parents 25,000 dollars for every bomb blown up in Israel.
We will be on both sides of Iran ,and can base troops in Afganistan and Iraq.We are slowly coming for you Iran.
It will also stabilize the oil market.
2007-02-16 02:23:20
answer #9
answered by AngelsFan 6