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Politics & Government - 14 February 2007

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Civic Participation · Elections · Embassies & Consulates · Government · Immigration · International Organizations · Law & Ethics · Law Enforcement & Police · Military · Other - Politics & Government · Politics

2007-02-14 05:06:48 · 8 answers · asked by Gemini Girl 4 in Politics

He is lying about Iran. He is about to engage in a war with Iran despite losing in Iraq! How much more can America Stand?

2007-02-14 05:06:36 · 3 answers · asked by wlday2002 2 in Politics


Love the British Army???as i,ve posted seven messages to our boys and yahoo answers have blocked them all???

2007-02-14 05:05:58 · 13 answers · asked by a.c 3 in Military

Especially when Chrysler is laying off 13,000 employees. Where will these immigrants find jobs?

2007-02-14 05:04:44 · 13 answers · asked by righton 3 in Politics

Will we get the cream of the crop Iraqis, you know the educated ones who will be needed to rebuild Iraq, or the most vulnerable of them as the U.N. commissioner seems to indicate?

Between 2003 and 2005, more than 253,000 Iraqis did return home, including from Iran, Saudi Arabia, Lebanon, Jordan and other countries.

Now, however, the returns have stopped and many more people are fleeing, including large numbers of skilled professionals crucial to Iraq's recovery.

Guterres' office has said it hopes to permanently resettle this year up to 20,000 Iraqis whom it considers the most vulnerable, including women, children, survivors of torture, the seriously ill and minorities.

2007-02-14 05:04:24 · 3 answers · asked by Anonymous in Other - Politics & Government

If it is true is it necessary to go to war over it?

2007-02-14 05:01:32 · 22 answers · asked by righton 3 in Military

Recently Rick Perry, the governor of Texas proposed to sell the state lottery to private industry. I was under the impression the lottery was a cash cow for the state and we use the monies to pay for social programs. Is the lottery a financial burden for the state? If not, why would we sell it to private industry so some individual can profit from some other peoples habits? I always knew the lottery was gambling and therefore I never play it but to put it in the hands of private industry sounds ripe with scandal to me. How can we possibly allow this to happen?

2007-02-14 05:01:29 · 2 answers · asked by baestek 2 in Law & Ethics

2007-02-14 05:00:51 · 2 answers · asked by Paige 3 in Law & Ethics

a) you build a town in Arizona desert and you put a fence all around the town with GI's

b) you welcome them with a free AK47 for each of them

c) you give a house, a car and a job to each one?

2007-02-14 04:59:46 · 7 answers · asked by sammy 5 in Military

...be able to send the same military into a war 20 years later?

2007-02-14 04:55:18 · 15 answers · asked by Anonymous in Military

A 17 (legal high school dropout) is staying at her mothers friend house, can anybody get in trouble besides the mother?

the daughter explains that the mother is unstable and cannot find a home and therefore has not gone to school.

the mother explains also that she knew her daughter was staying at her mothers friends house and not attending school

the 17 year old is stopped by the police one night and they confront the mother about the daughter who was posessing stolen property and thats when they find out she wasnt with her mother.

the mother lives in nevada and was stopped in california

2007-02-14 04:54:33 · 7 answers · asked by Zak R 1 in Law & Ethics

U.S. Federal district court judges are paid $165,200 annually; appeals court judges make $175,100; associate justices of the Supreme Court earn $203,000; the chief justice gets $212,100.

Two members of the U.S. Supreme Court claim that current salary levels are insufficient to attract the best-qualified candidates. Yet, I've not heard of a single instance in which a proposed appointment was turned down based on salary. Are they underpaid, or are lawyers in general overpaid?

Do we really "want" jurists who are in it for the money, and by "best qualified" do we mean in terms of political and business connections, book knowledge, experience level, or basic common sense? It would seem to me that all of these qualifications except common sense and book knowledge would be more of a hindrance than a help for someone deciding Constitutional issues independent of outside influences, and they have staffs to provide them with book knowledge.

2007-02-14 04:53:51 · 3 answers · asked by kena2mi 4 in Law & Ethics

The U.N. classifies most Iraqi refugees as having only "temporary protection status," rather than as permanent refugees — presumably because it assumes most will return to Iraq after the fighting ends. Guterres' office has said it hopes to permanently resettle this year up to 20,000 Iraqis whom it considers the most vulnerable, including women, children, survivors of torture, the seriously ill and minorities. Sen. Richard Lugar, R-Ind., told Rice at a hearing last week that the United States could admit about 7,000 Iraqi refugees this year.

Do you really believe as the U.N. apparently does that these vulnerable women and children, torture survivors and seriously ill will return to iraq or is this just another lie we are being told.

2007-02-14 04:53:43 · 9 answers · asked by Anonymous in Immigration

I am a Vet. I am very proud of my service. But I have moved on with my life and don't coat my car with stickers calling people who are opposed to war - cowards.

I've seen war, there is nothing to like about it.

Yeah, its hard. But I am no better of an American because I was in Afghanistan, than people who protest war.

2007-02-14 04:53:37 · 13 answers · asked by Anonymous in Military

Liberals talk a good game when it comes to alternative energy sources. The following study basically states that the East Coast can be powered by the wind.


However one of the most powerful Democratic Senators, Edward Kennedy, is blocking the establishment of a wind farm on the east coast in the waters off Cape Cod. Reason being is that he can see if from his house.


Is this a not in my back yard issue or does Kennedy really support wind power?

2007-02-14 04:53:36 · 11 answers · asked by Anonymous in Politics

since state farm is refusing to pay out to katrina victims and now pulling out of the state of mississippi altogether in order to avoid paying any more claims...should state farm be boycotted by the american public..??? isnt this exactly the reason we pay insurance premiums that are usually too high...??? this is a risk business, and as far as i am concerned, they got the short end of the stick this time, their gamble didnt pay off...so now they are trying to stick it to the small guy again...dont let your politicians give this company an out....

2007-02-14 04:53:36 · 15 answers · asked by badjanssen 5 in Other - Politics & Government

Trade deficits and mounting government debt have contributed in a decline in the value of the dollar in the global currency market. Old school economics believe a weak dollar increased US exports. This was true as long as the dollar held hegemony in the international currency market.
Today this is no longer true as the Euro has taken the lead in the currency market. When first introduced, the Euro traded at 80 cents US on the currency market. Today it trades at $1.30 US. This is about a 60% decline in the value of the dollar against the Euro.
There is $27 trillion plus dollars in foreign reserves. Each one of these dollars is a debt the USA owes. This has not made US products more attractive. It has made US companies more attractive.
Yesterday a Russian comapny announced it may buy one of the USA's largest companies, Alcoa. And why not. From their point of view, it's for sale cheap.
As the dollar declines further, will more and more US companies be bought for cheap bucks?

2007-02-14 04:53:05 · 8 answers · asked by .... . .-.. .-.. --- 4 in Politics

my daughter had to attend the local police station as a witness while there she saw a piece of paper with my grandsons name on it[he was there 3 days ago about taking a scooter without cons
ed the station and they denied this saying it was a paperless police station,my daughter knows what she saw as she commented about it and the officer said to her -pretend you didnt see that-i would like to take this further but dont know how,any suggestions please

2007-02-14 04:51:33 · 17 answers · asked by dawn n 2 in Law Enforcement & Police

What might be a courts stance on, dui charge, w/ defendant finding they shouldnt Have mixed, age over 50 , hep_c,+ acetaminophen(Arthritis Pain relief over the counter ) W/small amount alcohol/ 4 Beers.?

2007-02-14 04:51:19 · 3 answers · asked by William h 1 in Law & Ethics

I predict most libs will say its political and cons will say its about race. Confirm or deny my suspicion.

2007-02-14 04:49:43 · 13 answers · asked by Monkey Boy 3 in Politics

Would that be Illegal Posession of a Firearm, Attempted Murder or Wreckless Endangerment ?

2007-02-14 04:49:12 · 10 answers · asked by Anonymous in Law & Ethics

2007-02-14 04:48:14 · 17 answers · asked by Anonymous in Politics

is important?Not only in the short term but in the future.We all most likely agree that IRAQ has become a mess,but to send the message too others that if things go to chit. America will split it's self, into factions of it's own. As a Republican I can understand some of the LEFTS points. I also know that that fanatics love to see the split that they can cause.As a nation we are sending the message of weakness.There will not be another attack on our soil in the near future.That would be counter productive to their goals.They have managed to do what they set out to do. Split America, show the world our jelly spine. The left has all the good intetions but fail to relize the message they have sent. The price will be paid for years to come. So in closing I would ask all conservitives and moderates to pay close attention to the up coming elections,go to your polls and be heard. The future of our GREAT country depends on it.

2007-02-14 04:46:34 · 9 answers · asked by buzzmanrao69 2 in Politics

What do you believe your responsibility as a citizen is if you suspect abuse? If you suspect that a child is being abused, what should you do? What do you believe should be done to prevent child abuse? What types of treatments do you believe are most effective?

2007-02-14 04:45:28 · 5 answers · asked by ☆Ele☆ 3 in Law & Ethics

I'm not anti-american or something like that. I just wonder why your governants think that they are the only ones who can have nuclear bombs... you know, thinks liek that.

I am againt of all kind of bombs, weapons in general. Therefore, I want the Middle East countries and the Asian ones to stop making such things on their lands and under sea.

But it is the same case for your country! Why the U.N. do not say to U.S. "unmake" (if this word really exists!) the ones it has. And we all know that it has hundreds of nuclear materials...

Ok. Tnx for answering.

ie - b r a z i l

2007-02-14 04:44:55 · 16 answers · asked by Anonymous in Government

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