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Politics & Government - 11 February 2007

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Civic Participation · Elections · Embassies & Consulates · Government · Immigration · International Organizations · Law & Ethics · Law Enforcement & Police · Military · Other - Politics & Government · Politics

if i had gastric bypass can i do it?

2007-02-11 16:41:02 · 7 answers · asked by Lakers 2010 Champs!!!! 4 in Military

Its good those girls recovered. Never let some narrow-minded, george bush loving southerns stop you.

2007-02-11 16:40:42 · 20 answers · asked by soxfan12546 1 in Politics

I was just wondering what the response from Liberals would have been if Bush had decided to just "turn the other cheek" after 9/11. Would there have been more attacks on the US? If nothing had been done to stop the terrorists from breeding hate, and murder. I'm pretty sure there would be a whole lot of Liberals speaking out against the "lazy, coward, good for nothing" President who "did nothing"...just a thought....

2007-02-11 16:39:49 · 12 answers · asked by Anonymous in Politics

I'm in high school and read Jimmy Carter's Palestine Peace Not Apartheid. I'd like to know why Israel doesn't stick with the 1967 borders. Is there better farming in the West Bank? Why don't Palestinians form their own country in the West Bank and call it quits with the suicide bombing?

2007-02-11 16:39:44 · 3 answers · asked by ConnorWilhem3 4 in Politics

Could anybody tell me where the MOS school for 2600 (Signal Intel.) is located at? Also any information about the MOS, Thank you.

2007-02-11 16:37:54 · 3 answers · asked by DewBerry 3 in Military

The most liberal of all the media reported on chemical weapons found in Iraq. Who cares if they only found two, that means that there are many more. When you create chemical weapons, you make more than one. This shows that it is all the more important for us to keep doing our good work in Iraq and make sure we find the rest of those weapons before they get in the wrong hands.

Saddam claimed to have destroyed ALL chemical and biological weapons. We found some, which is enough to prove he was lying, now we need to just work on finding the rest to complete the goals of our invasion

2007-02-11 16:36:58 · 10 answers · asked by THEBurgerKing 4 in Military

How might the misrepresentation benefit the opposition? I can think of several ways. Just a thought.

2007-02-11 16:35:26 · 14 answers · asked by Anonymous in Politics

I'm just curious... Congress set the mileage requirements during the Oil Crisis of the '70's... and magically during the late 80's and 90's they disappeared from all ads... why ?

HOW did this happen, WHAT were the laws that allowed it... and SHOULD we stick the fat-politicians with a bill or fine ?

2007-02-11 16:35:20 · 1 answers · asked by mariner31 7 in Government

Plus the ticket is OLD - he got it back in Oct 06 - just wasn't able to pay it cause he works out of town alot and couldn't get off work - and when he did get off work we didn't have the money
But now we do but he's still out of town - He wants to take care of this ASAP - but the only way is if I can go down there and pay it for him - I know it will be more than it intially was - but even if they do take payment from me - will there still be a possible warrant for him - could there be one now ?? Not sure how all of this works - niether one of us has had a ticket before now

2007-02-11 16:33:23 · 7 answers · asked by Photogra-mama 4 in Law & Ethics

You know, not too much experience, not too little experience, but just right?

2007-02-11 16:32:43 · 9 answers · asked by Anonymous in Politics

In case you missed it, check out this story.
Know it's not politics but thought we could use a break from all the insults and name calling.


2007-02-11 16:31:00 · 6 answers · asked by Anonymous in Law Enforcement & Police

2007-02-11 16:29:39 · 8 answers · asked by Anonymous in Politics

2007-02-11 16:27:34 · 16 answers · asked by john 1 in Military

Why do liberals disagree with the death penalty? I understand the right to appeal, and it makes sence, but I find it ridiculous to allow someone live 40, 50, 60 years off of our tax dollars. I don't want to pay for the upkeep of some criminal that's killed people. They get food, water, a place to stay warm, and a bed to sleep on...there are a lot of innocent people who don't even get those things. Why not let them appeal a couple times and then if found guilty, get rid of them?

2007-02-11 16:26:18 · 11 answers · asked by abacus314 3 in Law Enforcement & Police

2007-02-11 16:26:12 · 11 answers · asked by Nemola 1 in Politics

Is it just me or has any body else gotten a ticket that is one mile under wreckless driving...followed by the cop saying "I'm doing you a favor..i'm only going to charge you with speeding" isn't that lying under oath? wouldn't a case get dismissed that way.. even if you were going faster than that?

2007-02-11 16:25:42 · 7 answers · asked by acidwarp 2 in Law & Ethics

Well im doing a project and i've found damage reports.
what i need is a graph that can show how the pacific fleet was dammaged by the attack...

or i can make it myself but i still need information
what i could use is how many ships were in the harbor during dec 7 and how many actually made it thrught the attck

2007-02-11 16:25:34 · 2 answers · asked by susie321123 2 in Military

How should the problem of unruly children, asbos and young adults be dealt with? The parents dont care what their children are getting up too. Kids sat in bus shelters with cans of beer in their hands, drunk, rude, terrorising their neighbour hoods and the elderly, they refuse to work and the list goes on. Is national service the answer, or bring the parents to task about their lack of control and why should hard working people foot the bill for lazy families who refuse to work and have unruly kids?

2007-02-11 16:24:02 · 3 answers · asked by Teresa C 2 in Law & Ethics

2007-02-11 16:23:06 · 1 answers · asked by acidwarp 2 in Law & Ethics

who would you rather vote for?

2007-02-11 16:22:34 · 15 answers · asked by Ivanka <3 2 in Elections

Which states could form autonomus countries? Would some states merge to form one autonomous country? What would the alliances be?

2007-02-11 16:21:29 · 18 answers · asked by ANON 4 in Politics

2007-02-11 16:21:18 · 17 answers · asked by acidwarp 2 in Politics

im looking for a website, my husband is an engineer in the army and i want the logo to it so i could make a shirt when he gets home any suggestions on websites please.

2007-02-11 16:20:03 · 1 answers · asked by Anonymous in Military

When I entered the freeway i squeeled my tires a bit then proceeded on the highway at 75 that had a speed limit of 65. The cop saw everything, when he pulled me over he said that he could write me up for several violations, such as wreckless driving, but only wrote me up for exibition of speed. The ticket states I was doing 30 plus on a posted 45 but I was on the highway. Does the onramp have a speed limit of 45. He has no radar, lasar, or pace on my ticket checked. If i plead not guilty can he bring up the other things when i go to court. This is also my first ticket of anykind. Should the judge offer a plea bargain to drop it to a civil, or do I ask him/her if then can because i really would rather not go to court, and do the offer this plea bargain if i say i am guilty or not guilty. I do not know much about the whole court system, i just really dont want my insurance to go up and have a criminal record.

2007-02-11 16:19:48 · 5 answers · asked by saleens7turb0 2 in Law Enforcement & Police

How many people actually still think about that day? How many of you appreciate this country, no matter the short comings? I just think it's a day that shouldn't be forgotten. I think everyone should take time time and appreciate the men and women who helped, and pray for the families that live that moment over and over every minute of every day. Just a bit emotional today and think it should just be a reminder to everyone, that it did happen, and that we should never forget.

2007-02-11 16:17:48 · 15 answers · asked by APIDLady 2 in Government

2007-02-11 16:17:09 · 3 answers · asked by abi d 1 in Immigration

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