What would be the positives/negatives of a tax system in which Americans were able to determine the individual policies/programs their tax dollars would support? For example, after it was determined how much tax you owed, you could then fill out a sheet stating which programs those tax dollars would fund. Therefore, if someone was against the Iraq War, they could decide to not fund it, if someone was against a particular social program, they could decide to not fund it. If a person did not want to take the time to do this, they could leave it blank and Congress could allocate the money. I realize this could cause some programs to be "underfunded" and others "overfunded", but wouldn't that mean that citizens were letting their voices be heard regarding what they want their government to do for them? Additionally, this is in no way changing how much people pay, it is simply saying that citizens say where it goes, instead only voting every couple years for other people who then decide.
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