I have this project to do about careers. Since I'm going to high school next year, they've got us talking about careers we're interested in.
You're supposed to narrow it down to three jobs. And I have. They are : Lawyer, Police Office, and CSI Investigator.
Now, I've known since I was a young little girl that I was going to grow up and do something in the Criminal Justice area. It's my passion, and I love it.
Although, I need your opinions on which career you think is the best?
Also, what is the difference between these three careers.
What is the pay like for each three? (I have to know the salary for the project!)
What are the Pros & Cons for each of the three careers?!
And, I also need to know, if you had a choice to be one of the three careers, what career would you choose , and why?
2 answers
asked by
*LiL Ms Gorgeous!*
Law Enforcement & Police