The main conspiracy points put forward are outlined below. (These points are in no particular order)
Conspiracy 1) The George W Bush administration conspired to either organize the attacks or, at the very least, allowed them to take place. The evidence for this, conspirators argue, comes in the form of a policy document - Rebuilding America's Defenses: Strategy, Forces and Resources for a New Century (pdf, size: 852KB) (external link to - which was written a year before 9/11. The report was authored by leading members of the Bush administration under the name of The Project for the New American Century (Dick Cheney, Donald Rumsfeld, Paul Wolfowitz, Jeb Bush were contributors to this report, according to UK Channel 4 documentary 'The 9/11 Conspiracies', broadcast 9/9/2004). The report says that it would only be possible to fully secure America's defenses in the world if there was a 'catastrophic' or 'catalyzing event', 'such as a Pearl Harbor'.
Michael Moore's movie Fahrenheit 911 argues that the Bush presidency used 911 to radically increase powers at home and to increase a climate of fear, so that it could wage wars which will increase America's influence in other areas - American business has much to gain from the reconstruction and oil in Iraq. In a meeting after 11th September, Bush was keen to find a connection with Iraq so that it could be attacked.
Counter: There is a report, and it does say these things (page 63), but does it mean that these people therefore engineered 9/11? This is seen as a smoking gun by many conspirators, and even for skeptics this is quite a strange report. The counter must be that the George W Bush administration would be absolute monsters to do it. After 9/11 they pretty much did react in the way set out in the report, which could be seen as an understandable reaction if they felt the country was under attack.
Iraq never had anything to do with 9/11.
Conspiracy 2) President George W Bush, or those in his Administration, stood down air defenses on September 11, 2001. According to the conspiracy argument, in the year before 9/11, commercial airlines went off-course 57 times and in each case they were given an airforce escort. Where were the airforce on 9/11? If there was such an order it would have had to come from at least Vice President level.
Counter: The 9/11 Commission looked into this and did not find evidence of a stand down order. Embarrassingly for the USA, however, this investigation revealed that the USA was particularly vulnerable on 9/11 to this type of attack. As part of the peace dividend, following the collapse of the Berlin Wall and Communism, savings were made to the airforce cover provided inside the USA. The emphasis was more on preventing an attack from abroad, not from inside the US itself. So, airforce cover had been shut down as a long term policy, rather than told to stand down specifically for these attacks. (Where does the assertion that, 57 times before 9/11, the airforce did provide cover come from?)
Conspiracy 3) The Pentagon attack. The Pentagon was not even hit by flight 77, but was hit by a missile under US orders. The impact crater in the Pentagon was only 18 feet wide, but it had just been hit by a Boeing 757 which has a wing span of 125 feet and a tail 40ft high! There was also little wreckage. The US (or Soviets, or UFO) must have bombed it with a missile, surely?
Counter: Many credible eyewitnesses saw a Boeing 757 hit the Pentagon. Security camera footage (from which the still, above, is taken), which was used by those putting forward this conspiracy argument, missed flight 77 actually hitting the Pentagon, it just sees the explosion (it also doesn't show a missile hitting the Pentagon either by the way). The plane hit the building at some 500 miles an hour, the subsequent inferno burnt up the plane which explains why hardly any wreckage was found.
Evidence: To see the video (released under the Public Information Act 16th May 2006, click here (.wmv format)) to see all the frames from this video click here.
Conspiracy 4) The sudden collapse of the Twin Towers. Conspirators say that a steel framed high rise building has never collapsed before just because of fire. The collapse is consistent with a controlled demolition. Did US agents plant explosive charges to maximize the death toll?
Counter: The Twin Towers of the World Trade Center were designed in the 1960's to withstand either a hit from an airplane or fire, but this attack was both together. Leslie Robertson, Structural Engineer of the World Trade Center: "There is no evidence there was a bomb inside." The planes were filled with fuel and this set off a chain reaction in the buildings which caused the damage.
Conspiracy 4b) We have seen arguments that the following footage shows a controlled explosion (video: wmv rm). We just don't see it that way. A controlled demolition would have required an explosion from the bottom, all this video shows is the tower collapsing from above. It is said that you can hear a large bang (the commentator refers to it) but that could easily have come from the beginning of the collapse at the top of the structure.
Conspiracy 4c) We have also heard arguments that the top-down collapse of the mainly steel Twin Towers can be compared to a controlled explosion of a brick and mortar building, as seen in this example (wmv rm). Trouble is, the Twin Towers did not collapse like the second controlled demolition example in this video. In the controlled demolition example the explosive charge is set at the base of the structure (you can't see it explode because there are buildings in the way), the explosion then starts off a domino type effect and the entire structure collapses downwards. The Twin Towers collapsed from the top down, not bottom-up like in a controlled explosion.
Conspiracy 4d) We have also heard it alleged that the secret services have hushed up satellite images which apparently show a heat source at Ground Zero, after the collapse of the building. The conspiracy says that it was this (additional) heat source that enabled the Twin Towers to collapse in the way that they did. However, following the high heat required to destroy the towers from the aircraft filled with fuel, we would expect to see a heat image following the collapse of the building, and don't see that this proves there was an additional heat source put there to create the controlled demolition.
Conspiracy 5) Israeli agents knew of the 9/11 attacks in advance but did nothing to try to stop them, hoping it could be used to their advantage against the Arabs. A group of men in a van were seen apparently celebrating when they saw the Twin Towers being attacked. They were arrested by police. The police were suspicious. They found dual passports, $4000 cash in a sock. At least one of the men was Israeli secret service who refused to take a lie detector test for 10 weeks.
Counter: This opened up a conflict between Israel and the USA. The USA seemed to be unaware that Israel were spying on them. The men were not charged, apparently on the condition that Israel stops spying on the USA. There is no evidence that Israeli secret service had any information on 9/11 before it happened.
Conspiracy 6) Similar to Conspiracy 5) but the House of Saud were behind the 9/11 attacks in the hope that the USA would then take action against the growing fundamentalism which is particularly destabilizing for them in Saudi Arabia. Immediately after 9/11, charter flights crisscrossed the USA picking up high ranking Saudis including many bin laden family members to enable them to leave the country. Surely they were material witnesses who should at least have been questioned? This is alleged to be part of a cover up as there are close family/business ties between the Bush family and the House of Saud.
Conspiracy 7) Al Qaeda used the stock market to make money out of the 9/11 attacks. Suspicious short selling was observed in the airline companies involved in the attacks, which meant that someone somewhere profited when the price of the airlines involved in the attacks fell sharply when the stock exchange reopened.
Counter: The 9/11 Commission investigated all trades and found no links to Al Qaeda. There are millions of trades outstanding at any time in a market the size of Wall Street. It is unlikely that Al Qaeda would be able to do this without it being traced back to them as the market is highly regulated (highly auditable
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