Overall, the will of the American people are totally unimportant. All that matters to Bush/Cheney is their legacy and how history will look upon them, and to appease their rich supporters. When all is said and done, the rich will say they were great. Historians will say the administration was probably the worst in history.
2007-01-12 07:28:41
answer #1
answered by Anonymous
I understand that the American public is growing tired of the same old story...but honestly, it's hard to sort through all of the name calling and "b.s." and find out what people are really feeling. The opinions of the American people are valid and would be much more easily heard if we could have an honest, open debate without the unnecessary nasty things being said. Having said that, it's difficult for the American public to support something when we don't have all the facts. I want to know MORE....what is really going on. However, maybe telling us those things would cause problems in itself...who knows? I have a little faith in my political party left and I'm hoping we can come out of this with our heads up!
2007-01-12 15:22:45
answer #2
answered by mommyismyname 3
Because he his doing what he believes, after consultation from the best agencies and people there are on these subjects, that what he is doing is in the best interests of the American people.
Also, I don't care or hold any value in the opinion of the American people, nor have I ever, and I have excellent reason not to. Yahoo Answers is a prime example of how the American public, particularly the youth is unbelievably ignorant. No, ignorant is an understatement; just down right stupid. 66% of people from the age of 18-25 could not even find the state of Louisiana, or the nation of Iraq on the map or globe in this country, and you think that Americans can understand the complexity of geo politics enough to know whats best for them? Come on.
2007-01-12 15:27:43
answer #3
answered by billy d 5
Hey, he doesn't even take the recommendation of the Iraq Study Group or from those diligent Service Commanders, and seems to uphold the advice of Zionists who had fervently dragged us into the Iraq War at the very beginning. This is one President who cares less what the majority of Americans want. He used to say he hears the voices of God. Today, I wonder what voices he hears, if asked the question????
2007-01-12 15:25:20
answer #4
answered by United_Peace 5
This administration does pay attention to the will of the Public. He's doing what I voted him into office to do. So I'm pleased. You have your democrats now and you are getting screwed already. I got what i want in a president and you are apparently happy now that you are getting screwed by congress. Everyone is happy.
2007-01-12 15:22:39
answer #5
answered by Anonymous
My intent is not to be ill towards you, but Michelle...one must realize the "polls" you've seen splashed across CNN and MSNBC are as accurate as Paris Hilton's virginity. Which is to say they are NON-EXISTENT.......the bulk of our country's populace have not in any way been consulted about this, or any other issue.....
2007-01-12 15:23:52
answer #6
answered by sorry excuse for an answer 1
They don't serve the "people" but rather their own selfish interests under the guise of fighting terrorism or being a "good Christian", they will burn in hell.
P.S. get the disinfectant, I think shiraz has a crush on you, lol.
2007-01-12 15:32:22
answer #7
answered by Anonymous
Because the will of the American public voted him into office twice. Do you really want your elected officers to do a poll on every issue so that the incredibly fickle and naive American public can make decisions on things they don't understand?
2007-01-12 15:19:09
answer #8
answered by AT 5
Hell, lets just get rid of the Executive branch and we can phone in our vote like American Idol! (Sarcasm)
2007-01-12 15:23:29
answer #9
answered by Anonymous
We the People made him Commander and chief
Deal with it
respect the office, support OUR President
Quit showing your French surrender monkey heritage
Show some pride and Patriotism, Want to win the war not cut and run and show your yellow streak running down your back
2007-01-12 15:23:27
answer #10
answered by bob b 3