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Politics & Government - 15 December 2006

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Civic Participation · Elections · Embassies & Consulates · Government · Immigration · International Organizations · Law & Ethics · Law Enforcement & Police · Military · Other - Politics & Government · Politics

If I use 1 vacation day, then I must use 2 vacation days at a time. Also, I can only take 3 Fridays off for the entire year.

2006-12-15 14:23:54 · 8 answers · asked by Darren 2 in Law & Ethics

Would you be against it then....even if it goes against your beliefs?

Don't spaz,I'm not trying to offend anyone...I'm just curious.

2006-12-15 14:21:59 · 16 answers · asked by kissmybum 4 in Law & Ethics

The person has collected over $6000.00 and worked the whole time.

2006-12-15 14:17:46 · 13 answers · asked by Sharon 1 in Law & Ethics

Such as:
1) Understanding the history of current, murderous faschists......or
2) Attending meetings that question whether the holocaust actually happened or not.

2006-12-15 14:14:58 · 17 answers · asked by Lily P 3 in Other - Politics & Government

because they refuse to take responsibility for their own stupidity

2006-12-15 14:14:49 · 5 answers · asked by Anonymous in Other - Politics & Government

Check this out: http://news.bbc.co.uk/2/hi/programmes/3755686.stm
"In the past our politicians offered us dreams of a better world. Now they promise to protect us from nightmares.

The most frightening of these is the threat of an international terror network. But just as the dreams were not true, neither are these nightmares."

2006-12-15 14:13:41 · 10 answers · asked by mmsc 2 in Other - Politics & Government

nevermind i can guess.

2006-12-15 14:10:38 · 9 answers · asked by Anonymous in Politics

2006-12-15 14:10:29 · 5 answers · asked by Anonymous in Other - Politics & Government

2006-12-15 14:06:05 · 48 answers · asked by Anonymous in Immigration

Down with dicktater Jorge.

2006-12-15 14:01:10 · 17 answers · asked by Dizz- Idiot Liberal. 1 in Politics

my grandfather used to tell me stories about how a Japanese samurai sword were so sharp that they could cut through a machine gun barrel. then i saw myth buster do a thing on it but they did it all wrong they heated the barrel up for 30mins then used a replica sword to try. the fact that the gun barrels were constantly heated up and cooled over and over again would had made them very brittle. so just heating the barrel up for 30min wasn't accurate and any body that knows swords that if a samurai sword didn't cut through dead bodies it was junk. so how could they use a replica and think they would get the same results?

2006-12-15 13:59:43 · 7 answers · asked by ryan s 5 in Military

You know that party has fought tooth and nail against every social program proposed: Social Security, the WPA that ended the depression, Medicare, a rise in the minimum wage, gay marriage, and on and on. Where on earth would the aging population be without Social Security or Medicare?? One-third of this country was unemployed in the depression, yet the Republican party fought Roosevelt over the WPA (putting unemployed people in make-work jobs).

I read once that the Republicans have done a magical thing: They have convinced working class people to vote against themselves. Apparently they have also convinced gay people and people of color that they really do hold the same values, they are just hidden somewhere. Perhaps they will spring out one day.

Do a little reading, please. Study a little history. Turn off the television. Research into which party shares your values. If you think of yourself as a present or future millionaire, perhaps the Republican party is for you.

2006-12-15 13:58:50 · 22 answers · asked by Woman from California 2 in Elections

Okay I am going to start an internet radio station and Its going to be ran by listeners like they upload music to me and I play it, as long as they upload it to me and its not copyrighted do I have to have a license to play it?

2006-12-15 13:54:23 · 3 answers · asked by Justin W 2 in Law Enforcement & Police

2006-12-15 13:54:06 · 25 answers · asked by Anonymous in Immigration

I've read SO many answers and questions on here talking about the "liberal" media. It seems that ALL media (with the exception of Fox News) gets lumped in as Liberal. So I was wondering which papers and networks do you consider "Liberal" and which you do not. I would also like the reasoning for your opinion. Please only informed answers.

I might be adding on to this question so check back periodically if you wish.

2006-12-15 13:53:15 · 6 answers · asked by Mrs. Bass 7 in Politics

2006-12-15 13:51:21 · 13 answers · asked by Anonymous in Politics

They plan on giving illegals a fast track to citizenship so they will have a wider voter bloc in 2008 to help them get a president in office. The illegals, granted citizenship, will have the Democrats to thank and therefore vote for them. This is the only reason the Democrats want amnesty for the illegals. Why is it so many cannot see this?

2006-12-15 13:46:27 · 23 answers · asked by Anonymous in Immigration

since I'll be in a very critical condition,my physician won't give me permission to travel from Duhram in NC to Charlotte(because there is no immigration office in Durham).my transplant will take place on the 20th of Dec.and the immigration officer asked me to report to you after one month if I NEEDED TO STAY FOR LONGER PERIOD(Iam a Canadian landed immigrant and my visa tothe U.S valid for 2 .years.My medical situation won't allow me to be in puplic areas or among crowded people.
I wonder if I can register with u on line, or by mail .
My physician and the hospital are ready to provide you with a special letter to state the reasons for my request
I hope that you will constder my circumstances and permit me to submit any papers by mail or on line
(copy of my visa and passport.etc.)
the hospital is Duke Medical Centre in Duram NC
My physician is Dr. David Rizirrie
His Assistant Theresse Hennig
PHONE # 919 668 1091
Ihope that my request will be considered

Khaled Kitmitto

2006-12-15 13:45:27 · 5 answers · asked by khaled k 1 in Immigration

I'm just wondering if there is anyone out there who is still a hardcore supporter of President Bush and his decisions?

2006-12-15 13:45:19 · 23 answers · asked by Jessica - AKA - Carolina Girl 2 in Politics

there was a news report on WNPR, CT about a study done by the Hispanic Health Council. The study concluded that the lack of health insurance amongst the Hipanic population in CT is causing the rise of: cardio-vascular diseases, diabetes, sexually transmitted diseases, and many others. The director of the council went on to complain that the illegal immigrants are costing CT tremendous amount of money in health care. The low income hispanics should have universal health care. and at the end, this woman said that they wanted to ask the law makers and state government to help the Hispanic population to break the Language barrier so they can have better access to better health care.

I don't know about you, but I couldn't help but laugh at such intentionally false reasoning of a problem(what a cop-out, the Hispanics have the State Gov. to blame for their bad diet, their poor choice of sexual practice,ect...)
and yeah, like these latinos tried soo hard to learn English all these years.

2006-12-15 13:44:13 · 4 answers · asked by Anonymous in Immigration

I'm running straight headers on my bike and when I accelerate it sounds like I'm going alot faster than I really am. Coming off of a stop light, I was pulled over and ticketed for reckless driving and was told to go to court . . . on my way home, I realized that he didn't give me my license back. I called the PD and was informed that they hold the license until I go to court. It seems like they wouldn't be able to punish me before I go to court. Double Jeopordy?

2006-12-15 13:42:10 · 8 answers · asked by andrews_19d 1 in Law & Ethics

I didn't know that check was bad untill my bank called and told me. When I got the cashier's check . It looked legit and even had a handwritten sigutare on it..I have offered to pay the check back over time...but they are talking bout getting the FBI in it..unless I can come up with the money.....I mean there was no letter and it came from the state that my family lived in...So I thought my dad sent it to me..I am praying that they don't get the FBI in this..I will pay the money back all of it$4950.00 I mean it might take me about 5 years but I have to take my time...Can everyone pray for me and hope that they will be easy on me knowing that I didnt know that the check was bad

2006-12-15 13:40:05 · 4 answers · asked by gabrielle_snider 1 in Law & Ethics

My friend was in an accident the other day and he only has liability insurance and he wants to sue the person that hit him. What happened was that he was driving and a car was about to get over to get off the bridge but I guess it was the wrong exit so he swerved back over and caused a 4 car accident. Who can be held liable, if anybody?

2006-12-15 13:40:05 · 5 answers · asked by Mizz Understood 1 in Law & Ethics

2006-12-15 13:37:54 · 8 answers · asked by bettysdad 5 in Politics

The Bush adminstration is sending more troops to Iraq after the first of the year. Can't this "IDIOT" president of ours, see that he cannot stop the fighting over there? They have been fighting since the beginning of time way back in the Bible days. More troops will be killed and more families will be without fathers, mothers, sons, and daughters. Maybe if his daughters were over there carring an m 16 machine gun things would be different, or put his *** over there. This nonsense has got to be stopped. My son just returned from Iraq and is being treated for major depression from the things he had to deal with over there.

2006-12-15 13:37:26 · 22 answers · asked by redneck452004 1 in Military

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