they did it world war 2, their only involvement was dropping bombs on german conscripts from high up, thier ground battles had a lot left to say as the titanic struggle and real fight went on in the eastern front. no ownder the germans admitted after the soviets were the ones who won world war 2.they even bombed two civillian cites with two atom bombs as they had no courage to fight the japs house to house, just like on the western fronts, in vietnam the same, when the viet knog offensive was in full motion, the americans carpet bombed civillians with napalm, phosherous bombs and sprayed millions of tons of agent orange another cowradly act,and in iraq and afghanistan when fighters fire on them instead of hunting them down house to house they call in airstrikes and to drop 2000 pound bombs killing innocent civillians and many children, out of the 700,000 thousand dead iraqi's, two thirds have been kiiled in cold blood shot at point blank range and from air strikes,cowards, cowards.
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