You know that feeling get when you pay off a major bill and now you have extra money to spend that won't send you into further debt? What would it take to get our elected officials to spend our money that way?
Social Security won't be able to meet its obligations soon. The national debt is at $8,644,121,120,053.27 today. Federal spending is $2.47 trillion, but out income is only $2.2 trillion. Doesn't that seem ridiculous?
The prescription drug program is supposed to cost about $750B over ten years. We spent that much in INTEREST on the debt in the last two years alone! Just think, with no debt, we could outright afford this program, or we could not tax people and let them use the money as they see fit.
How do we act on the debt? Do we spend less? Tax more? Continue to spiral into more debt; debt that is owned by foreign governments that could strategically "attack" us by refusing to finance our runaway spending.
Should we fix this problem and if so, how?
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Other - Politics & Government