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Politics & Government - 5 December 2006

[Selected]: All categories Politics & Government

Civic Participation · Elections · Embassies & Consulates · Government · Immigration · International Organizations · Law & Ethics · Law Enforcement & Police · Military · Other - Politics & Government · Politics


Seems like some of the yahoo participants think theyre some kind of yahoo rule enforcers. "Is there a question"? If you dont see a question than its probably not,its probably a statement. "Whats this have to do with celeberties(or religion,sports,ect)? Who cares!

2006-12-05 05:11:24 · 15 answers · asked by Anonymous in Law Enforcement & Police

We know that it may take some inocent lives but the mission of the USA is to create a better world with peace, harmony, democracy and freedom and we will kill everybody that doesn't think like we do without any trial....

2006-12-05 05:11:17 · 7 answers · asked by Jonathan N 1 in Government

I have been essentially gaged, punished and suffered damages as a direct result of Yahoo's actions for asking "Who cares if Sheriff is operating a fictitious police agency" and naming him.

Under the First Ammendment of The Bill of Rights is the alleged irrevocable guarantee of free speech which includes the right to speak out against public/political figures uninfringed. This is an important check in our alleged democratic system, imagine if we (the people) were denied this inalienable right. Yeah, corruption would run rampant and unchecked, not to mention that the percieved illusion of equitablility, justice, and integrety by the "establishment" would be exposed and destroyed.

Regardless of my agreement to abide by their terms of use and community guidelines, this in no way or means can diminish my/our irrevocable and immutable social contract, despite their "sole discretion". (they can not impeed upon my Rights even if I made a contractual agreement which states they can)

2006-12-05 05:10:54 · 12 answers · asked by Truyer 5 in Law & Ethics

I am writing a speech on why same-sex SHOULD be legalized!

2006-12-05 05:10:45 · 5 answers · asked by Danielle D 1 in Law & Ethics

The violation of protection order is phone contact during the temporary order was pending. The person is a green card holder.

1. Will he be deported?
2. What kind of problem he will have during and after completion of diversion when trying to enter USA with his green card?
3. How will this diversion affect his naturalization process? Will he be inelligible to get the naturalization based citizenship because of this diversion?


2006-12-05 05:10:18 · 1 answers · asked by good_nit 1 in Immigration

It is not someone I know, he just got in touch with me through IM and says he has no way of cashing checks himself, needs the money wired (western union) and the company sending the money can not wire it, must issue it in form of a check.

2006-12-05 05:09:55 · 15 answers · asked by Sandra D 1 in Law & Ethics

For all concerned. More Marines killed today, dozens of Iraqis killed today.

"Our course over the next year or two will determine whether the American and Iraqi people and the next president of the US will face a slowly but steadily improving situation in Iraq or... the very real risk and possible reality of a regional conflagration," he said.

Robert Gates: Senate Hearing 05/12/06

He said we are LOSING in Iraq.

2006-12-05 05:08:58 · 16 answers · asked by Anonymous in Politics

A. Tariff

B. Treaty

C. Territory

D. Trade

2006-12-05 05:06:01 · 16 answers · asked by Jayme P 1 in Government

2006-12-05 05:04:38 · 8 answers · asked by gh_amiripour 1 in Politics

My mother is Irish, so I know I can do it, unless the rules have changed. How does one do this in Canada?

2006-12-05 05:04:16 · 5 answers · asked by Gwydyon 4 in Immigration

A. China

B. Russia

C. North Korea

D. Cuba

2006-12-05 05:03:36 · 6 answers · asked by Jayme P 1 in Government

The reasoning for illegal immigrates qualifying for amnesty can be applied to any crime so why are the prisons crowded? Send the misunderstood and underprivileged home to their families and embrace the loving democratic philosophy. Everyone should forgive their behavior - they just want a better life.
Bad examples but the concept is real....... let's not discriminate- all criminals deserve the same treatment for illegal behavior.
Car thieves lack transportation, just want a ride or the money they receive for selling off the parts. They need understanding and more welfare not jailtime.
Drug dealers just want a high and can't control their behavior. Plus they need therapy more than jail just ask them. Life is hard on them and they are misunderstood. Who cares if they sell drugs to children - they can't afford to not sale to the market?

We as taxpayers will save BILLIONS if not trillions as there is no longer a need for police, prisons, parole boards etc..

Sarcasism or fact??

2006-12-05 05:02:40 · 15 answers · asked by Akkita 6 in Immigration

Krammer, he went off on the comedy stage, but if he were black, there would be no controversy

Just explain to me how that is not racial discrimination

2006-12-05 05:01:42 · 18 answers · asked by Anonymous in Politics

2006-12-05 05:01:21 · 3 answers · asked by Ram 1 in Immigration

In southeast Ohio or northern Ohio that knows child support law as well as military law?

2006-12-05 05:00:25 · 3 answers · asked by Tara C 2 in Military

Is this close to a dishonorable discharge OR does this mean that their status can change to an honorable after 6 months? A family member of mine got that because he had alot of trouble with his surperios ex: company commander and he was placed in the wrong MOS his army recruiter somehow placed him in the wrong MOS (92 fox) when he was supposed to be in another MOS regarding satellite computers. Eventually, I think being in this situation got to him and he was discharged under a bad conduct discharge but yet his paperwork (DD214) says General with honorable conditions????? I'm confused. But anyways, what are the odds that he could boost it to an honorable. They told him to write the gerneral requesting an honorable in 6 months ---is this the norm? And if so what are the odds that he'd receive one?

2006-12-05 05:00:00 · 8 answers · asked by Anonymous in Military

2006-12-05 04:59:48 · 16 answers · asked by Anonymous in Politics

I'm pretty sure this type of law will catch on everywhere. Granted, people should not eat trans-fat, but is the government now telling us what we can and cannot eat? Is this going too far?


2006-12-05 04:54:08 · 12 answers · asked by sacolunga 5 in Politics

I don't think Bush is stupid...I think he's just a complete partisan who will do things to benefit his party and friends above what is good for all Americans. Anyone who swallows what he says about this or items like global warming (once again a distorted take on the truth) have to be just gullible or unwilling to be logical or critical of their own party (even in a constructive way)

2006-12-05 04:49:44 · 13 answers · asked by Ford Prefect 7 in Politics

Crescent News Network?

2006-12-05 04:48:33 · 18 answers · asked by Anonymous in Politics

2006-12-05 04:48:00 · 12 answers · asked by I HATE AMERICAN CRIMINALS 1 in Immigration

Were there other countries involved as some have suggested, it took money and resources to get close to the men that were suppose to die that day. Who wanted Lincoln and the others dead and why?

2006-12-05 04:47:15 · 10 answers · asked by odyssey 2 in Other - Politics & Government

Putting a that patriotic stuff, and that junk about honor and pride, (i got nothing against people joining the army) but would you join at this moment? knowing that the war is being mislead, and that chances of coming back home are small. does honor cost the price of human life? I know plenty of people waking up to the reality that it's not a good idea to join the army at this time.

2006-12-05 04:45:51 · 12 answers · asked by world's greatest hero 2 in Military

I am a single parent on benifits and would like to change my surname.

There is no frudulant reason for this, or any other reason just I dont like my surname.

I recive child support and income support and am scared that if will effect my benifits, that my money could get stopped?

2006-12-05 04:45:18 · 6 answers · asked by lwag 1 in Law & Ethics

I heard on the radio that in one municipalty the city council enacted an ordinance prohibiting loud music from vehicles, and lo and behold, about 60% of the traffic stops resulted in arrests for drug possesion, illegal firearms, underage drinking, unlicensed or expired licenses, and uninsured operators. Are criminals that stupid that they want to draw attention to themselves, or has rap music caused brain damage?

2006-12-05 04:44:57 · 2 answers · asked by timbo44b 3 in Law Enforcement & Police

If so, I want to know the exact legal principle involved. I'd like to hear from legal experts: are you a lawyer?

2006-12-05 04:44:26 · 3 answers · asked by rainfingers 4 in Law & Ethics

do you guys think that there should be female leaders or not?
why or why not?

2006-12-05 04:43:30 · 11 answers · asked by Nicki 1 in Politics

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