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Politics & Government - 5 December 2006

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Civic Participation · Elections · Embassies & Consulates · Government · Immigration · International Organizations · Law & Ethics · Law Enforcement & Police · Military · Other - Politics & Government · Politics


is it just or not just ? why?

2006-12-05 12:24:08 · 10 answers · asked by unknown 1 in Other - Politics & Government

The killers finally got convicted by courts. Do you think that LK Advani- MM Joshi, Vinay Katiyar will also be sentenced for organising mass riots and inciting people to kill during Babri Masjid Demolotion? Do they deserve such sentences. Congress is also responsible for killing of (suicides) because of price rise and hunger and poverty. What next?

2006-12-05 12:22:11 · 8 answers · asked by pianist 5 in Elections


2006-12-05 12:22:08 · 14 answers · asked by anil a 2 in Law & Ethics

I would like to know how many members of the current govt have served in the military.I would also like to know how many con & lib dem M Ps have served.

2006-12-05 12:21:17 · 10 answers · asked by Anonymous in Military

Second-hand smoke kills but one has to be exposed to it over a long period of time. When I was growing up I was around a smoker and I'm 30 now with no signs of cancer. Although, I do smoke now. I admit it's a filthy habit and one that makes things stink horribly. It's not good for my body either. But to outlaw smoking will put tobacco farmers out of business. Alcohol isn't especially healthy either so why keep that legal when people do stupid crap when intoxicated like get behind the wheel and kill others? If alcohol destroys brain cells and is man-made then why can't marijuana be legal since it grows in mother earth? Ever around a woman with too much perfume on or someone who smells like they just got done making love to a skunk? In America freedom of choice is a right that we have. Why are car companies making the seats bigger to accomodate overweight people? Should fast food joints be shut down for selling grease products that can lead to health problems? Answer away!

2006-12-05 12:13:37 · 16 answers · asked by Anonymous in Law & Ethics

Do you think that America's Superior attitude will be the downfall of America?

2006-12-05 12:13:21 · 30 answers · asked by mrhealer26 1 in Politics

My worldview respects your freedom and your property. The conservative worldview does not ask any more of you than to help keep the roads paved and maintain order. Paying a 50% effective tax rate, how much more should I be required to give?

When we talk about restricting freedom, why does this never come up?

2006-12-05 12:11:08 · 12 answers · asked by WJ 7 in Other - Politics & Government

I even got my Masters degree, but I can continue with my carreer unless I get my greecard. Any sugestions? thanks

2006-12-05 12:09:14 · 5 answers · asked by Anonymous in Law & Ethics

After one year from the ratification of this article the manufacture, sale, or transportation of intoxicating liquors within, the importation thereof into, or the exportation thereof from the United States and all territory subject to the jurisdiction thereof for beverage purposes if hereby prohibited.

^^^ That is the 18th Amendment of the Constitution of the U.S. and I sort of get it but could someone put in in...smaller? terms like not using such big words or whatever. Please and thank you!

2006-12-05 12:08:33 · 4 answers · asked by Shorty 4 in Other - Politics & Government

I have heard about the JFK assasination and the "magic bullet" and the fact that there were two shooters. can anyone else explain to me more in detail? We briefly dicussed this in my government class but not much was said.

2006-12-05 12:07:43 · 9 answers · asked by bebepauline6 2 in Politics

2006-12-05 12:06:33 · 21 answers · asked by Anonymous in Politics

Democrats always attack Republicans for being in favor of big business and trampling the little guy. What people don't realize is that, in order for the Democrats to defend the little guy, they have to take steps to ensure his existence. That way, they can pretend to defend him. Republicans, on the other hand, believe in giving everybody a chance at success and leaving it up to the individual to employ hard work and determination in order to succeed. Democrats would rather have people completely dependent on the government for everything. That way, people have no more control over their own individual lives, and the government can make everybody's decisions for them or just outright tell them what to do and how to live. This is known to most people as Socialism and prominent members of the Democrat party are admitted Socialists (like Hillary Clinton).

2006-12-05 12:01:12 · 16 answers · asked by Anonymous in Politics

You people make me sick, why don't you get rid of that coward general thta wants to leave a great war like Irag. This is what makes men and trains them for future conflicts.

2006-12-05 12:01:07 · 11 answers · asked by Anonymous in Military

give it to another people simply because they could make better use of it.

2006-12-05 12:00:50 · 7 answers · asked by Anonymous in Politics

Ok this is something I have been very curious about for a while. I have an example before I give the question.

If I was to have a wireless LAN up and running, broadcasting an SSID, but I left the network UNencrypted, yet having some type of MAC address logging software installed on the router...

If someone came buy and started downloading illegal content, who would be at fault. The person providing the unencrypted internet access, or the person downloading the illegal content (whose mac address was recorded, AND NOT SPOOFED).

This question is about not me, please don't e-mail with any hate mail or for any other reason other than to answer the question.

I'm talking legally of course

2006-12-05 11:57:53 · 5 answers · asked by D 4 in Law & Ethics

Do you think the U.S. has evolved, as a society, to the point, where a
qualified women can run and be elected to the highest office in our government?

2006-12-05 11:55:02 · 5 answers · asked by Anonymous in Government

both HOME and AWAY.... A very special thank you for doing their

2006-12-05 11:52:27 · 14 answers · asked by Anonymous in Military

2006-12-05 11:52:11 · 11 answers · asked by kobacker59 6 in Politics

I have absolutely no problem with people attempting to become a U.S. citizen the legal way. They pay their dues, take the test and if they pass they are AWARDED citizenship. I am not heartless to those who have a worse life in another country but if you illegally come into America and for a better life then you are breaking the law. I think most people would be ok if only a few people, such as Mexicans, did that but when a whole bunch of people do that time and time again it gets to be insulting. Especially when the government wants to grant the illegals amnesty. From news reports I've heard illegals use somebody else's social security number to gain employment. So, to, are the employers guilty who turn the other cheek. With no law and order there is chaos and anarchy. So when a large group of people band together to get what they want and next to nothing is done about it then maybe every one who is a legal citizen should band together for reasons such as abolishing taxes!

2006-12-05 11:51:58 · 22 answers · asked by Anonymous in Immigration

2006-12-05 11:50:08 · 11 answers · asked by Anonymous in Government

If someone could explain to me in less than three sentences (one would be even better).


2006-12-05 11:49:55 · 8 answers · asked by Truth 2 in Law & Ethics

Hint: It was WAY lower that George W. Bush's, but look it up, you may be surprised.

2006-12-05 11:47:25 · 2 answers · asked by senior citizen 5 in Elections

I'm just confused on where I would fit. I define myself as a moderate liberal and find mysef supporting Democrats more but I also support Republicans on occasion. Anyone care to help me define my political ideology? I am a faithful Catholic teen, I believe in no abortion, don't believe in gay marriage (although civil unions I support), I'm a supporter for welfare and better and cheaper healthcare for everyone especially the elderly, I'm for stricter laws against crime, I'm for moderate gun control and better background checks (not to loose but not to strict) I've always thought entering Iraq was an awful idea but I'm not for withdrawing immedeatly. I believe in bipartisan effort even if you don't agree with what the other side is saying. I believe religion and government should be kept seperate but not be so extreme about it (like removing the nativity scene from public places) and that we should be fair to all religions and care for one another regardless of our beliefs or backgrounds

2006-12-05 11:46:28 · 9 answers · asked by smartdudeforlife 2 in Politics

I heard that cracker is slang for whip cracker making fun of the whole white man slavery thing. HAHAHA if that is true I'd say thanks for the compliment.

Anyone know the true history behind the whole cracka thing?

2006-12-05 11:45:35 · 12 answers · asked by a.clone 1 in Politics

I am 25 and have been on Probation for a O.W.I that I recieved when I was 21 and have until May of 2009 before I am free to enlist, only I will be almost 28-29 yrs old and the war will be over..maybe it will. I have talked to several recruiters who said with a lawyer it could be done with some type of waiver. The only hope I have at making amends and something of myself is the Army and not the streets. The draft will most likely not happen which I wish would before we have a bigger issue on our hands{Korea,Iran,Lebenon,etc.} I drank 3 beers and Indiana is a police state..I told the judge that I wanted to join the military to turn my life around and he put me in jail for 6 months for making a "mockery" of his courtroom when I asked that question,poo head. I dont even want the incentives or cash bounuses, just to serve my country and learn dicepline,honor, dedication and get a better education. Most of all to be a leader instead of a follower like I have been since i was 12.

2006-12-05 11:44:44 · 10 answers · asked by Wants2bDRAFTED 1 in Military

I need facts of his achievements etc..
I found some but I need more..

2006-12-05 11:43:21 · 2 answers · asked by katracho4 4 in Civic Participation

for me it's a draw between the clash or the Sex pistols

man i'll report abuse if u say any emo bands so don't even bother putting Green Day or anything like that

2006-12-05 11:42:07 · 16 answers · asked by c_run123 2 in Elections

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