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Politics & Government - 28 November 2006

[Selected]: All categories Politics & Government

Civic Participation · Elections · Embassies & Consulates · Government · Immigration · International Organizations · Law & Ethics · Law Enforcement & Police · Military · Other - Politics & Government · Politics

President Bush, under pressure to change direction in Iraq, said Tuesday he will not be persuaded by any calls to withdraw American troops before the country is stabilized. "There's one thing I'm not going to do, I'm not going to pull our troops off the battlefield before the mission is complete," he said in a speech setting the stage for high-stakes meetings with the Iraqi prime minister later this week.

Do you ever think there will ever be stability over in Iraq? Do you think our troops will ever come home alive? How many years do you think this is going to continue?

2006-11-28 06:19:14 · 22 answers · asked by MiaDiva28 6 in Other - Politics & Government

then have my own Gulfstream III?

After all, I would be flying around the planet to spread the word about the dangers of greenhouse gasses.

Shouldn't I get a break from being blamed as an offender?

2006-11-28 06:17:57 · 6 answers · asked by ? 4 in Other - Politics & Government

I wanted to be a cop but recently changed my mind to b a probation officer, basically i just want to kno some pros and cons on this career change of mine, thank you so much.

roxy rayz 24 yr f cali

2006-11-28 06:15:25 · 2 answers · asked by ))-->rOXY 3 in Law & Ethics

I have a American oil portait that is pre-civil war. I am having a tough time finding an appraiser....any ideas?

2006-11-28 06:14:51 · 5 answers · asked by Anonymous in Military


for a collection agency to charge me collection charges?

2006-11-28 06:14:48 · 15 answers · asked by bwlngangel 2 in Law & Ethics

2006-11-28 06:11:49 · 8 answers · asked by Alicia L 2 in Law Enforcement & Police

What do you think?????

2006-11-28 06:11:28 · 10 answers · asked by Agustin S 1 in Other - Politics & Government

I've being thinking on doing some advertising on my neighborhood for my company. and i'm not very sure of if I can do this........the main objective is to put in a flyer on the mailboxes. Is it possible???

2006-11-28 06:11:25 · 18 answers · asked by scorpionbeat 2 in Law & Ethics

Just tell me your opinion, I don't want to hear crap, just your opinion.

2006-11-28 06:11:19 · 8 answers · asked by chorro 1 in Military

I just watched "America: freedom to fascism" and found there is no law saying that we have to pay an income tax. How could this be?

2006-11-28 06:10:56 · 12 answers · asked by jeb b 1 in Politics

its called myers and stoufers. i need their website address

2006-11-28 06:09:46 · 1 answers · asked by chinu 1 in Law & Ethics

If America put a guard arround it's muslim community straight after 9/11 as we did in England after 7/7? And if so why?

2006-11-28 06:07:55 · 6 answers · asked by george a 2 in Politics

just got backe from war

2006-11-28 06:07:54 · 5 answers · asked by jacob d 1 in Military

The dem's won the election. But why did they win?

Most people votted because of their hatred of Bush and the War. They voted using their animalistic emotions. This is NOT how you keep a Republic such as the one in the United States up and running.

You see. The Dems ran on nothing. No plan in Iraq, no plan on anything. We hate bush, You hate Bush. Vote 4 Dems

Thats why they won.

People of America. Most democracy and Republics of the past have fallen because people don't use rational thought when they vote, and just go on emotion.

but on the other hand.

At least this gives the Republicans time to stop being so "Right" headed, and move back to the center.

We will be back in 08

2006-11-28 06:07:36 · 7 answers · asked by Ryan M 1 in Politics

Okay, three years ago, if you were found having anal sex (with any sex) in the state of Idaho, you could be charged with a felony and face 5 to life in prision. In Alabama a misdemeanor punishable by up to 1 year imprisonment and $2000 fine. In Mississippi a felony punishable by up to 10 years imprisonment. Other states had simaliar punishments, including 1-5 years imprisionment.

Imagine that. Now, do you still believe you should do the time if you do the crime?

For those of you that have no pity or regard for those of us that make mistakes, think about what you do or did that was against the law and you simply just got away with it. Think about the people that use drugs, a life choice like anal sex. Should you try to justify any crime that doesn't hurt anyone else?

2006-11-28 06:07:23 · 5 answers · asked by Erica B 2 in Law & Ethics

2006-11-28 06:06:51 · 20 answers · asked by Anonymous in Politics

Preparing for a custody dispute with my sons mother...she has opened by denying most of the things that she has said in telephone discussions in the past.

Shes lying, I think I'd like to prove it...

2006-11-28 06:06:20 · 3 answers · asked by I_REBEL 1 in Law & Ethics

We seem to love our country so much but get outraged even when people speak their political opinions, much less things that could be interpreted as even more inflammatory like hate speech. And when the Dixie Chicks simply said they are ashamed that Bush is from Texas they got death threats, presumably from the same patriotic, bible belt type people that probably claim to cherish our Constitution so much. What are your thoughts on this? Feel free to point out errors in my logic or assumptions, I'm always willing to learn new things.

2006-11-28 06:05:14 · 15 answers · asked by Anonymous in Other - Politics & Government

RIGA, Latvia - November 28, 06. President Bush, under pressure to change direction Iraq, said Tuesday he will not be persuaded by any calls to withdraw American troops before the country is stabilized.
"There's one thing I'm not going to do, I'm not going to pull our troops off the battlefield before the mission is complete," he said in a speech setting the stage for meetings with the Iraqi prime minister later this week. "We can accept nothing less than victory for our children and our grandchildren."

(Victory for "our children and grandchildren"?What about "victory" for Iraq's children &grandchildren, & the Bush administration's promises of 'liberty,freedom and democracy' for the majority of Iraqis?)(What will it take to bring "stability" to a region that resists so fiercely, withOUT killing or causing the killing of tens of thousands more?)

This is a serious, legitimate question based on a news item & related concerns. It is NOT a putdown of the U.S. military.

2006-11-28 06:00:08 · 6 answers · asked by Anonymous in Military

Alright I have someone that really wants to go to the Navy, but she fears that she may not be able to get her college degree. So the question is going to be quick so listen up and please sarcastic answers will prove to be quite ineffective and irrelevant at this time so refrain from them. How will you be able to get your college degree in the Navy? Do you have to juggle and time manage in order to attend all of your classes. As a matter of fact give me any information about achieving your college degree in the Navy. Any information is helpful. And as you know the most helpful answer will receive the ten points.

2006-11-28 05:59:36 · 6 answers · asked by jrmygray 3 in Military

if anybody has some facts about the subject, it would be very hefpfull for me

2006-11-28 05:58:54 · 12 answers · asked by olesea 1 in Elections

2006-11-28 05:58:45 · 3 answers · asked by homie of the hood 2 in Elections

The pic in my last Q proved this point. Ferel cats are caught and neutered to prevent unwanted litters, why isnt the same done with chavs to prevent their ferel offspring being turfed out on to the street to terrorise grannys and steal your phone? And before the PC brigade get on their high horse, ask yourself if your Granny was burgled by the berghaus/gold wearing, spitting, theiving little twats, would you still feel sorry for them??

2006-11-28 05:51:17 · 28 answers · asked by ♥Tallulah♥ 4 in Law & Ethics

You must have an FM3. To apply for the FM3, you must have the following (notarized or originals, copies not accepted):

1. Birth certificates of your self and dependents that will be with you in Mexico.

2. Marriage Certificate.

3. High School transcript and proof of graduation.

4. College transcripts and proof of graduation.

5. Two letters of recommendation from supervisors you had for at least one year.

6.A letter from your cities of residence and county of residence, from the police chief and county sherriff, to state that you have no outstanding warrants and that you are a citizen of good standing.

7. You must write a letter about yourself clearly stating why there is no mexican citizen has your skills and why these skills are important to Mexico.

All of the above must be translated into Spanish and certified as legal translations and your signature notarized. Then there is the hours you must spend, with a Mexican Lawyer, being photographed and fingerprinted.

2006-11-28 05:51:10 · 4 answers · asked by Anonymous in Immigration

2006-11-28 05:50:19 · 1 answers · asked by Kelli ! 1 in Law & Ethics

"You know, one of the hardest parts of my job is to connect Iraq to the war on terror." --George W. Bush, interview with CBS News' Katie Couric, Sept. 6, 2006

"I would guess, I would surmise that some of the more spectacular bombings are done by al Qaeda suiciders." --George W. Bush, on violence in Iraq, Washington, D.C., Aug. 21, 2006

"I think -- tide turning -- see, as I remember -- I was raised in the desert, but tides kind of -- it's easy to see a tide turn -- did I say those words?" --George W. Bush, asked if the tide was turning in Iraq, Washington, D.C., June 14, 2006

President Bush: "Peter. Are you going to ask that question with shades on?"
Peter Wallsten of the Los Angeles Times: "I can take them off."
Bush: "I'm interested in the shade look, seriously."
Wallsten: "All right, I'll keep it, then."
Bush: "For the viewers, there's no sun."
Wallsten: "I guess it depends on your perspective."
Bush: "Touche.---an exchange with legally blind reporter Peter Wallsten,

2006-11-28 05:49:24 · 28 answers · asked by Anonymous in Politics

What is that person or persons name(s)?
We as Americans, need to determine who can and will be held responsible for this failing in our government.
Sure the Pres for the last two terms but who in their administrations? Anyone have any names? Hard facts? I haven't heard anyone deal with this issue. Hard to believe as it sounds.
If we find and legally nail the culprits, we can take a big step towards correcting the process and holding our government officials accountable.
We can arrest their corruption in the name and fact of our countries basis of law and order and send a strong message to those who govern.
We mean business.
Enforce the laws of the United States.

2006-11-28 05:47:40 · 17 answers · asked by Anonymous in Immigration

I was arrested and charged with assault when i answered police bail four weeks later i was charged with common assault and given a court date. At the magistrates court the case was adjourned for three weeks as my solicitor did not show. How can i obtain the tapes from my interveiw and the statements of others that are held about me? There are no witnesses and no CCTV to clear me so what can i do?

2006-11-28 05:47:09 · 23 answers · asked by David S 1 in Law & Ethics

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