You pay taxes to run the greatest nation on earth. If you have a problem with paying taxes to keep this nation running you should leave.
2006-11-28 06:12:50
answer #1
answered by Perplexed 7
I believe that they passed a law back in the 30's which stated that we were subject to an income tax. To answer you original question we pay taxes so that our elected officials can spend our money. If it was their money I can assure you that they would be more conservative in their spending. However since they have an open spigot they feel no compunction to not spend our money.
So many times I have been involved with financial committees and the members do not practice the same budgeting with other peoples money as they do with their own. It is human nature I guess.
2006-11-28 14:34:39
answer #2
answered by 91106 3
because there are laws that say we have to pay taxes. If they said in America: freedom to fascism there are no laws that say that then the maker of it is lying.
Instead of watching stupid things maybe you should try reading the laws. heck if you look on your tax forms it references the laws.
If you want to know what your taxes go to the reason behind making them in the first place, they pay for everything the government does. Roads, police, schools, military, disaster relief, and everything else is paid for by them.
2006-11-28 14:15:00
answer #3
answered by thatoneguy 4
What do you expect from a show "America, freedom to fascism"
Try looking it up for yourself.
Thank you very much, while you're up!!!
2006-11-28 14:18:39
answer #4
answered by producer_vortex 6
Where do you think the gov. gets the money to pay for the public services like police and fire depts. and all the government programs that help people in need. Their money just does not grow on trees. We pay taxes to keep this country what it is.
2006-11-28 14:17:46
answer #5
answered by yetti 5
It takes cash to run this well oiled machine we call the Federal Government. Just look at the bang up job we did on Katrina. Personally I think 12 crack addicts could do a better job... but that's just me.
2006-11-28 14:25:50
answer #6
answered by Anonymous
You pay taxes to keep this a great country and not a 3 world country... I would prefer to pay taxes to keep my country the way it is.. and not turn it into a impoverished country... how would we pay our military, how would we pave our roads, how would we pay our leaders, how would we pay our cops, how would we keep public schools open, how would we keep our children from starving, etc..
2006-11-28 14:15:21
answer #7
answered by katjha2005 5
we have to pay taxes so that prisoners can get sex-change operations for free. rock on!
2006-11-28 14:18:46
answer #8
answered by Anonymous
Taxes are a big problem with me. Of course the statist don't mind giving their hard working money to the government, but I like to keep mine. You want to help the government, do it on a voluntary basis, don't force others.
2006-11-28 14:18:06
answer #9
answered by Anonymous
Because you are watching a propaganda film by right-wing wackos. Try not paying your taxes and send them your form with that explanation...then write me with your inmate number.
2006-11-28 14:15:55
answer #10
answered by kingstubborn 6