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Politics & Government - 14 November 2006

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Civic Participation · Elections · Embassies & Consulates · Government · Immigration · International Organizations · Law & Ethics · Law Enforcement & Police · Military · Other - Politics & Government · Politics

How hard is it? can pretty much anyone who signs up make it in? how do u have to qualify?

2006-11-14 01:32:13 · 7 answers · asked by Anonymous in Military

Do illegals deserve the same amendment rights as American citizens and things like free school, free welfare, free s.s.s., free housing . I don't beleive they do. I actualy see the system financially hurting bec there are no laws to protect it from invaders /parasites. I'm in a state right now that's so broke bec. they gave most of there fed money away to illegals and it's a republican state! They can't fund special ed programs and can't even bulid roads.
Keep in mind in most countries crossing the border illegealy is a gun shot to the head example China, Russia, former Soviet countries, Middle east. If they don't shot you, they throw you in jail for a very long time. Mexico is even worse on illegels you get robbed by there cops and raped and Mexicos non born citizen don't have any rights,can't vote and can't hold certain jobs. It's almost funny that most of our illgeals come from Mexico and they expect more rights than what they give there own illegeals and non born citizens.

2006-11-14 01:31:09 · 23 answers · asked by Apple 4 in Immigration

and by the way we just might be leaving the war soon , let's hope so !!!!

2006-11-14 01:30:19 · 4 answers · asked by theresa s 1 in Other - Politics & Government

Rampant materialism, homosexuality, porn, child abuse, violence in media -- and all the things you always say the Democrats are responsible for in our society. Are the muslims onto something we miss because we're so embroiled in the system?

2006-11-14 01:30:17 · 21 answers · asked by Heroic Gesture 2 in Politics

All the really big stars were out today. President Clinton, Sen. Barack Obama, Oprah Winfrey and the Rev. Jesse Jackson. G.W. Bush also showed up. I like to give credit when it's due. Him and Clinton showed up and talked before a crowd of 5000 blacks. They were all there to calibrate the opening of
$100 million "King Memorial" in Washington. The first Memorial dedicated to a black man.
I think it's about time. I agree with Bush's words. "Today we see only these open acres, yet we know when the work is done, the King Memorial will be a fitting tribute, powerful and hopeful and poetic, like the man it honors. As we break ground we remember the obstacles that Dr. King overcame and the courage that transformed American history."
Who writes this stuff. That is very good. Well read also by Bush.
Now I ask you this. Why did it take so long for this man to be honored in Washington?. The people have honored Dr. Kings memory for many, many years now.

I also ask you this. If Dr. King were alive today. What would he say to all Americans about the occupation of Iraq? Would he be silent and not call it what it is a occupation? Would he call it "the war on terror"? I don't think he would. Dr. King had one thing most Americans lack, that one thing is real courage to speak out against what they know deep down inside themselves is wrong in America.
Dr. King was real. He was part of this world not a make believe world of fantasy. Dr. King took up real issues and faced them.

In this past election Democrats all over this great country followed Dr. Kings example. Exit polls indicated that the number one issue for voters was Iraq. Many have said the "majority" of the people in this country think that America is headed in the wrong direction. Democrats took the House and the Senate. Now the question is. Do Democrats have the courage to do what voters put them in office to do.
They must speak out against the occupation of Iraq. Nancy Pelosi, Harry Reid, Senator John Murtha, Senator John Kerry, Senator Hillary Clinton and Senator Barack Obamba. Governor Ted Strickland in Ohio and Senator Sherrod Brown in Ohio. Are you up to the task.? Will you follow the example of Dr. King's courage.?

We Democrats now have been called every name in the book. Some Democrats bring fear to the hearts of every Republican. We have earned capital in this election now we should spend it.
Democrats should fire the first shot for change. We give Bush confirmation of Robert Gates as the new Defense Secretary and Bush and Republicans give us a date certain for the end of the occupation of Iraq. Yes, this stand will take courage, Yes, there will be more name calling. Yes, the risk of hurting the 2008 Presidential race is there, all real concerns. The question is. Will we follow the example of Dr. Kings courage? Change will not come if we are not willing to spend the capital we earned.

2006-11-14 01:27:45 · 9 answers · asked by jl_jack09 6 in Civic Participation

This is a serious questions because I don’t get it.
I look at it like this. Iraq has been told for years that America was a bad country and Saddam was the man, of course they will look at us as being bad and some will want to kill us, they have been brain washed. It takes time. Its only been three years, so I don’t see the time factor as being a reason
Yes we are losing troops, but isn’t that what happens in war, so I don’t see that being a reason.
Yes I am like anyone else and don’t want to see anyone getting killed, especially American or allied troops, but we lose only three troops a day in a war country. In the USA we lose 43 Americans a day from homicides, so again I am not seeing the connection how we are losing.
We are catching more top ten wanted people in Iraq with a smaller number of troops then we caught top ten wanted in the USA with over a million people looking for them. So I don’t see how we are doing a bad job catching people.

I guess I am at a lose and don’t see how we are losing troops.

Tell me where I am wrong

2006-11-14 01:26:31 · 20 answers · asked by hawks1322 2 in Military

2006-11-14 01:24:10 · 2 answers · asked by linda h 1 in Law & Ethics

2006-11-14 01:22:23 · 8 answers · asked by Toya W 1 in Military

2006-11-14 01:20:01 · 13 answers · asked by Anonymous in Military

Been offered a position at Fort Benning after this deployment. I've been there for basic, AIT, Airborne and Ranger School. What is it like to be stationed there?

2006-11-14 01:14:24 · 7 answers · asked by Anonymous in Military

You never see them together, and I wonder if little Georgie is even on speaking terms with his father, since the old man doesn't even seem to get invited to White House at all. And brother Neil, the S & L embezzler is practically invisible. Do they all hate each other? Not the prettiest crime family, I must say. At least in The Godfather you got a sense of family honor, what do these people have?

2006-11-14 01:10:35 · 16 answers · asked by domangelo 3 in Government

150 people( all men ) were kidnapped from the Ministry of Education in Bagdad. More bombings as well. If we can't protect the people of Iraq and we won't send the amount of troops necessary to do the job, why not pull out? This isn't working.

2006-11-14 01:08:33 · 16 answers · asked by Anonymous in Military

Some questions or statements you dont need sources for. Its just an obvious fact that Repulbicans would not work with Democrats had they won house and Senate. Hell, Rumsfeld would still probably be in office. And Rush Limbaugh would be mouthing off as he always does.
by the way, im an Independant.

2006-11-14 01:04:06 · 6 answers · asked by Anonymous in Elections

i need an exact number of how many people have died since the war in Iraq started.

2006-11-14 01:03:41 · 9 answers · asked by Age 1 in Military

Do you think there is a possibility that it may happen? There are many organizations and groups that started out as good, but then slowly became bad. Now they are bad. Do you think it will happen to the Minute Men? What if some of them are bad and kill some of the illegal immigrants trying to cross the border and then bury them somewhere in the desert or stuff them in their house? What will happen? I am so worried.

2006-11-14 00:59:19 · 24 answers · asked by Anonymous in Immigration

ok if you support the israelis state your case and only your case for the land. If you are are Palestinain do the same. Don't bash the other side simply state why you are the ethical and correct owner of the land.

2006-11-14 00:59:02 · 14 answers · asked by Chris M 1 in Politics

Drug addicts made to go cold turkey in prison-surely when they commit a crime they waive their human rights (to a degree), havent they violated somebody elses human rights when they offended?

2006-11-14 00:56:57 · 19 answers · asked by ginger 6 in Law Enforcement & Police

it means economics rules over politics.

2006-11-14 00:55:51 · 2 answers · asked by Anonymous in Politics

If so, what do you think it would be?

2006-11-14 00:55:46 · 14 answers · asked by Starr 2 in Politics

I have a friend who wants to take the police test for Boston or state police I am trying to find out info. for them

2006-11-14 00:52:34 · 2 answers · asked by Donna W 1 in Law Enforcement & Police

The case was continued again due to the Judge attending a funeral.

2006-11-14 00:52:22 · 4 answers · asked by in2u77 1 in Law & Ethics

what have we lost from it how does it effect you and who benifits from it also please provide examples

2006-11-14 00:49:28 · 5 answers · asked by Anonymous in Politics

"Each approved visa petition is placed in chronological order according to the date the visa petitioin was filed. The date the visa petition was filed is known as your priority date. The State Department publishes a bulletin that shows the month and year of the visa petitions they are working on by country and preference category (see eligibility information above). You can estimate of the amount of time it will take to get an immigrant visa number by comparing your priority date with the date listed in the bulletin. For instance, suppose you look under your country and preference category, and see that the State Department is working on applications they received in May 1996. If your priority date is May 1998, then you may have to wait several more years for an immigrant visa number to become available."

U.S. Citizenship and Immigration Services

2006-11-14 00:48:43 · 7 answers · asked by retorik75 5 in Immigration

I actually find it quite interesting, some of the answers concerning Darfur from questions I read. One that really provoked thinking was this one by Leogirl: "Hey? People are whining about war? Let the liberals go and fight this one. Or France, or Russia, or someone else. "

Now, the reason I found it interesting is that a similar event happened in Rwanda; a genocide in which several innocent Tusis, over half a million in fact, were killed by Hutus. Now the president who was in command at the time was Bill Clinton. Oddly enough, he is continuously criticized for his inaction regarding Rwanda.

Now, in Sudan currently is a group called the Janjaweed, led by a man named Joseph Kony. In Sudan, Darfur to be exact, they are trafficking girls as young as 14 for sex to their soldiers, they are putting boys as young as 12 on the front line to kill and be killed. Yet the same people who criticized Clinton for his inaction state how it isn't our concern. Can someone explain to me this logic?

2006-11-14 00:47:41 · 12 answers · asked by Huey Freeman 5 in Military

I know he is a S.O.B. but he can become once again our SOB and if you bring him back you will see these Insurgents disappear like Rats disapear when they see the Cat.

2006-11-14 00:45:28 · 19 answers · asked by Dr.O 5 in Other - Politics & Government

School Assignment.

2006-11-14 00:44:21 · 27 answers · asked by cats_dogs_and_birds_oh_my 1 in Immigration

I think most are good people except for the bad ones. They are not good.

2006-11-14 00:44:15 · 17 answers · asked by Anonymous in Immigration

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