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Politics & Government - 26 October 2006

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Civic Participation · Elections · Embassies & Consulates · Government · Immigration · International Organizations · Law & Ethics · Law Enforcement & Police · Military · Other - Politics & Government · Politics


I mean, if we did, couldn't we essentially pay for the war?

2006-10-26 07:53:27 · 10 answers · asked by Anonymous in Politics

My husband is working for a small company that has no formal agreement with staff and seems to feel that an average working week of in excess of 48hrs is acceptable.

I know that this is in direct contradiction to the WTD. My question is - how valid is it to now refuse to work more than 48hrs a week?

2006-10-26 07:51:03 · 7 answers · asked by Jo 2 in Law & Ethics

In non-Muslim socities (like hindu-sikh etc.) disrecpet and cruelty of so called adminstration, especially police, is well known. The caste system of hindu-sikh socities adds injury to the insult. It is obvioues that poor people may expect their Muslim countymen to help them get justice from Nazi attitude of so called 'high caste mafia'. The caste boundries of hindu system are still too rigid ( and they are become more rigid due to ruthless materialistic influence from west), there is zero expectation that they will ever treat 'low castes' like human beings. In such hopeless situation we look upon islam and prophet Mohammed, whose main mission was equality, charity and brotherhood

2006-10-26 07:50:37 · 5 answers · asked by punjabheart 1 in Law & Ethics

i should think about the question: how would end the ww2 without america as an enemy of germany and/or russia as an allied of germany....
what do you think????

2006-10-26 07:48:56 · 14 answers · asked by Anonymous in Military

Reciving phone calls for a physco telemarketer and called id number says
unknown caller, how do I block it?

2006-10-26 07:48:53 · 11 answers · asked by youandrosey 2 in Other - Politics & Government

since we know support for bush has been dwindleing, how much vote rigging will be going on to aid the rebublican cause.in europe they are told the truth by thier media, but will the u.s media be investigating the voteing fraud

2006-10-26 07:48:27 · 12 answers · asked by Anonymous in Other - Politics & Government

2006-10-26 07:47:34 · 4 answers · asked by ketino1977 1 in Other - Politics & Government

2006-10-26 07:46:07 · 2 answers · asked by White-American-Native 1 in Politics

no, bot the secret hidden agenda, black ops, 8 billion a month price tag, thousands of lives, no,
what is the plan we are SUPPOSED to believe?

...and, do you believe it?

2006-10-26 07:44:51 · 14 answers · asked by omnimog 4 in Politics

2006-10-26 07:42:40 · 17 answers · asked by omnimog 4 in Politics

Her baby, by the way, goes into the trash or becomes lab tissue for stem cell research.

2006-10-26 07:41:25 · 19 answers · asked by craig-itm 2 in Elections

the president said, "taxes are a problem" and I think it should be "taxes is a problem."

2006-10-26 07:41:20 · 4 answers · asked by Anonymous in Other - Politics & Government

(me,rush)that was "prescribed" to me in an unmarked bottle because my manhood wont work anymore,rather than worry if michael took his medication that he probably had a real prescription for?

2006-10-26 07:40:15 · 6 answers · asked by jen 5 in Politics

Why do we still see images of children dying from hunger and diseases in Africa? What can the world do to save these children from misery and injustices?

Does Madona's adoption mean that we must do something to protect these kids ? When is the world going to stop making wars and start thinking about the children?

2006-10-26 07:39:59 · 12 answers · asked by Andrea L 1 in Other - Politics & Government

Its not hard to jump it or dig a hole under it, why are they complaining?

2006-10-26 07:37:56 · 43 answers · asked by Anonymous in Immigration

He has become an albatross!

. He has sent troops out to fight a fictional war against Iraq.

2. Didn't even win the popular vote, or electoral (Florida).

3. He is the only President to enter office with a criminal record (theft, drunk driving, disorderly conduct).

4. Sent troops to fight in over 10 countries while in office (only one which we are at war with).

5. Since this time last year, he has managed to lose 445 billion dollars.

6. While in office, Bush has lost the country nearly 5 million jobs.

7. There are suspicions that he is the anti-christ (www.bushisantichrist.com).

8. He Doesn't have his own brain. His term and campaign are run completely by Cheney and Republicans!

9. 80% of his funds come from big corporations, who then make most of his decisions. (GM, Previously Enron)

10. Bush has found 0 weapons of mass destruction, but has spend billions of dollars on the "war" with Iraq.

11. Signed a bill, so the average Joe can walk in & buy ak-47s

2006-10-26 07:37:02 · 15 answers · asked by Anonymous in Politics

I am in total support of our troops. I am thankful everyday for the men and women that fight for our rights. They fight for the country they love and for the country I love. Do you support them?

2006-10-26 07:34:59 · 29 answers · asked by blahbluep 2 in Politics

looking further back- Bush senior - Iraq (Saddam) was supported by the US- ( we supported) Osama (we also trained in CIA ops and supported) in Afghanistan fighting Russia but then we didn't "pay" him as promised - so was he pissed - and notice this...did 9/11 happen on Bush's watch? 'hmm interesting -

2006-10-26 07:34:39 · 29 answers · asked by omnimog 4 in Politics

I live in UK and would like to report one of my relatives who is on visit visa and working illegaly. My father has sponsored my uncle to come to UK as i mentioned he is on a visit visa and is working illegaly as a builder, as far as i am aware he used false bank statement and other information to get the visa and as his visa is due to expire in December he is now planning to go back and reapply for visa. His intentions are to come afew times and then stay here illegally after that.He is also creating tension between our family and no one in our family is happy about him staying here except my father who keeps inviting people without thinking of the consequences.
My requset is that please get him deported and do not reissue him a visit visa in future especially on my father's sponsorship. I have reported this to local authorities but i have not seen any response yet but i hope to see some quick action from you

2006-10-26 07:33:10 · 22 answers · asked by nikita 1 in Immigration

first let me note that i am neather republicain or democrate i am independant !!!!!!! so there will be no this is another blah blah blah finger pointing thing this is just facual !

It's been a couple of years since the world forgot that a highly-placed member of the Clinton administration stuffed documents relevant to the 9/11 attacks down his pants and sneaked them out of the National Archives.

I keep waiting for somebody to get curious about what those never-recovered documents had to say. They must have been pretty important for the former National Security Advisor to the United States to steal.

And then to lie to federal investigators about stealing them afterwards, which is another major federal crime. We are talking a major federal crime.

It was lying to investigators that sent Martha Stewart to the pokey. It turned out that Stewart lied to investigators about a stock transaction worth $40,000 -- play money to billionaire Stewart.

And the action Stewart was convicting of lying about wasn't even illegal. Martha went to jail for the lie, not the crime she lied about.

Lewis "Scooter" Libby was the Chief of Staff to Vice President Dick Cheney and one of the most important policy-makers in the Bush administration.

He was indicted by a federal grand jury and resigned in disgrace. The grand jury indicted him for lying under oath about his involvement in the leaking of the name of CIA employee Valerie Plame.

Libby wasn't the leak. And we now know that prosecutor Patrick Fitzgerald KNEW Libby wasn't the leaker before he even called Libby to testify. And Fitzgerald also knew that the 'crime' being covered up wasn't a crime at all.

But Libby remains under federal indictment on charges of lying to investigators about a crime that was never committed by an investigator who knew he was not guilty when he began the investigation.

So lying to federal investigators is, as I said, a big deal in Washington. Lying to investigators put President Clinton in the dock at the Senate and put the country through the agony of the impeachment proceedings.

It was the lie that put Clinton there, not the 'crime' he was covering up. His political supporters forgave him the crime, dismissing it as something 'everybody lies about'.

But Clinton lost his law license in his home state, the highest rebuke possible in the legal profession. He was convicted of lying to a grand jury and lost the civil suit brought against him by Paula Jones.

Despite Clinton's continuing popularity among Democrats, Clinton will never enjoy the post-presidential career he'd hoped for. He will be forever tarnished, popular, but polarizing.

Bill Clinton is living a politician's nightmare; he will always be remembered for the worst thing he ever did.

Sandy Berger used his position of trust as a former Cabinet official to steal highly-classified documents from the National Archives.

He was so startled by the documents he discovered that he actually stuffed them down his pants and walked out with them.

It is important to keep in mind what Berger was doing in the National Archives. He was assigned to review documents relevant to the September 11 attacks and report back to the 9/11 investigating committee.

The documents Berger took — each copy of the millennium report is said to be in the range of 15 to 30 pages — were highly secret. They were classified at what is known as the "code word" level, which is the government's highest tier of secrecy.

Berger homed in on a single document: the so-called "after-action report" on the Clinton administration's handling of the millennium plot of 1999/2000. Berger is said to have taken multiple copies of the same paper.

He is also said to have taken those copies on at least two different days.

There have been no reports that he took any other documents, which suggests that his choice of papers was quite specific, and not the result of simple carelessness.

So his theft can only be construed as an attempt to alter the historical record on terrorism. And when questioned, he lied to investigators.

He said he 'inadvertenly' took the papers home.

"In the course of reviewing over several days thousands of pages of documents on behalf of the Clinton administration in connection with requests by the September 11 commission, I inadvertently took a few documents from the Archives," Berger said in a written statement.

"When I was informed by the Archives that there were documents missing, I immediately returned everything I had except for a few documents that I apparently had accidentally discarded."

When Berger pleaded guilty, he admitted he knowingly hid his handwritten notes in his jacket and pants in order to sneak them out of the Archives. He also admitted he cut up the missing documents with scissors.

Despite both the crime and the coverup, Berger was fined $50,000.00 plus community service and probation. He served no jail time. Because he pleaded out to a misdemeanor, Berger has no felony conviction on his record.

His security clearance was only suspended until 2008 -- meaningless to a partisan Democrat during a Republican administration.

Nobody knows for sure what documents Berger took. We only know what documents Berger admitted to taking.

And since he STOLE them in the first place, what logic is there in declaring the case 'closed' on Berger's word?

Finally, two years after the fact, and after the administration has been soundly beaten with the 9/11 Commission's final report (without the stolen and possibly, exclupatory, information) a group of ten House Republicans are wondering, "What did Sandy Berger stuff down his pants?"

They asked the House Government Reform Committee to determine whether any documents were missing from Clinton administration terrorism records, to review security measures for classified documents and to seek testimony from Berger.

(It is worthy of noting that not ONE of the Democrats who were calling for Scooter Libby's blood joined them.)

The request is 'under review' by the House Government Reform Committee. (In other words, it depends on who has the majority in the House -- and on the Committee -- after the mid-term elections.)

Meanwhile, Scooter Libby is still under indictment. Martha Stewart is a convicted felon.

But Sandy Berger is hosting fund-raising dinners for political races, doing cable TV appearances, and advising political campaigns.

In two years, he can cash in on his political favors and count on a prominent role in any subsequent Democratic administration. (Berger was a senior advisor to the Kerry campaign when the story broke, and Kerry was rumored to have offered him Secretary of State.)

It is inexplicable that Berger remains such a high roller on the national political scene. How did he manage to do it? And seemingly, get away with it?

The case is all but forgotten. The Bush administration couldn't protect Scooter Libby.

All her popularity and money couldn't protect Martha Stewart. But somebody was able to protect Sandy Berger. It is Orwellian. Who HAS that kind of power?

I don't think we'll know the answer to THAT question until we get the answer to the first one.

"What DID Sandy Berger stuff down his pants?"

2006-10-26 07:29:40 · 8 answers · asked by Duane G 3 in Other - Politics & Government

I reckon thier out there somewhere

2006-10-26 07:29:24 · 37 answers · asked by joshnutty0990 1 in Military

2006-10-26 07:27:57 · 15 answers · asked by Anonymous in Military

2006-10-26 07:27:46 · 8 answers · asked by saul_herandez 3 in Military

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