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Politics & Government - 13 October 2006

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Civic Participation · Elections · Embassies & Consulates · Government · Immigration · International Organizations · Law & Ethics · Law Enforcement & Police · Military · Other - Politics & Government · Politics


Oh Nancy! Oh Gephardt! Don't tell me you knew Saddam had WMD in your Senate intelligence committee meetings all the way back to 1998! Bush misled!

LOL! Liberal clowns!

2006-10-13 16:35:59 · 11 answers · asked by Anonymous in Politics

How many cross the border illegally every day ?

2006-10-13 16:34:59 · 9 answers · asked by Carol R 1 in Immigration

never have i seen such hate and foul language....in any category in Yahoo...could it be a group of very uneducated people with a small vocabulary??? seriously, give me some insight into this hate and four letter words...

2006-10-13 16:34:46 · 5 answers · asked by Cassie 5 in Immigration

Doesn't everybody have the opportunity to work hard (2 jobs if they have to) in order to succeed, maybe start a small business, etc? Why is it that the losers in this economic competition complain that the winners have won?

If you think the rich have a great deal when it comes to taxes, why not work 2 jobs and become rich too so you can have that same great deal? Otherwise, it sounds like just a bunch of whining to me.

2006-10-13 16:34:40 · 10 answers · asked by Brand X 6 in Politics

Do you really think that the Patriot Act and the Military Commissions Act affect our rights as citizens... if so what specificly about them affects your rights?

2006-10-13 16:32:34 · 11 answers · asked by katjha2005 5 in Government

PCT is a treaty regarding Patent registration that facilitate the applicant who would like to file the application in many courntries. I would like to know whether there are any study on the impact that may be occured to the inventor, patent agent and the Patent Office especially in Malaysia, Indonesia, Philippines, Vietnam. Thank you very much.

2006-10-13 16:32:28 · 1 answers · asked by pucky_cu 1 in Law & Ethics

Republicrats need the Latino Vote.
But. . . Latinos don't need them.
Latinos just need to Wake up and Start their own Political Party, since we are the fastest growing group and the second majority in the USA.
Majority = Non Latinos
Second Majority = Latinos.

We Shall Overcome!

2006-10-13 16:32:24 · 8 answers · asked by Zenko 2 in Elections

Doesn't it though? How easily he can mislead them and lie to them and they actually believe it? I mean after all there are still weapons of mass destruction in Iraq, we will eventually find them when Bush finds a way to plant them there! They will believe him and secretly talk about how they know they got planted there and say that it was necessary to keep the republicans from looking like the bunch of jack asses they are! Right? Oh buy the way this question is for liberals only!

2006-10-13 16:29:49 · 20 answers · asked by Anonymous in Politics

Peace talks and negotiations with countries like North Korea and Iran are fairly worthless. These leaders are not rational and their agendas are fairly insane. The world needs to agree to either need to cut them off at the knees economically and impose very strict sanctions on arms, food, money, goods, travel, basically everything in order to topple the current radical regimes, or blast them back to next Tuesday (probably the only option that will get their attention and make them comply). Coddling North Korea and Iran like bad children will get us nowhere, maybe blown to pieces, but that’s about it. So quit blaming Bush, and start looking back to Clinton. His unilateral approach was crap and the "Agreed Framework" was a joke. Hell, the Norks used our money to build their shiny new nukes. We gave them nuclear power plants for god sakes! What did we expect? Maybe they will make some extra cash when they some of their nuclear goodies to the Iranians. What do you think?

2006-10-13 16:29:06 · 18 answers · asked by honk2goose 4 in Politics

Do they switch frequencies at random? If so, how are they synchronized? Do they monitor body heat? Is there a wire running through the strap, and if so, what prevents someone from filing down the rubber and attaching bypass wires to keep the circuit closed while the strap is being cut? Where can I buy a NEW house arrest anklette and monitor? Would it be legal to offer a "house arrest hacking kit" on Ebay?

2006-10-13 16:28:21 · 4 answers · asked by psychosolodiver 6 in Law Enforcement & Police

What is the safest city in Mexico right now ?

2006-10-13 16:27:16 · 15 answers · asked by Carol R 1 in Immigration

Do you appreciate pickles?

2006-10-13 16:27:02 · 6 answers · asked by cozykitty_878 2 in Law & Ethics


Dear God:

Why didn't you save the school children at ?. ..

Moses Lake , Washington 2/2/96
Bethel , Alaska 2/19/97
Pearl , Mississippi 10/1/97
West Paducah , Kentucky 12/1/97
Stamp, Arkansas 12/15/97
Jonesboro , Arkansas 3/24/98
Edinboro , Pennsylvania 4/24/98
Fayetteville , Tennessee 5/19/98
Springfield , Oregon 5/21/98
Richmond , Virginia 6/15/98
Littleton , Colorado 4/20/99
Taber , Alberta , Canada 5/28/99
Conyers , Georgia 5/20/99
Deming , New Mexico 11/19/99
Fort Gibson , Oklahoma 12/6/99
Santee , California 3/ 5/01 and
El Cajon , California 3/22/01?

Concerned Student

Dear Concerned Student:

I am not allowed in schools.



2006-10-13 16:25:39 · 17 answers · asked by ? 4 in Law & Ethics

What Kind of Party? With what kind of Ideologies, How far from the Bipartician and Monopolitical Republicrat Party ?

2006-10-13 16:23:23 · 16 answers · asked by Zenko 2 in Politics

Would you personally want to live under the rule of Saddam?

If you say no, why do you think the Iraqi people would?

2006-10-13 16:22:34 · 16 answers · asked by Anonymous in Politics

Every day, more reports of tragic and unnecessary deaths of more US soldiers. When will this madness end? What will it take for the American people to raise their voices, with the kind of protests and marches there were during Vietnam? Have you ever been part of an organized protest? Would you do it again?

2006-10-13 16:20:58 · 10 answers · asked by happy heathen 4 in Civic Participation

This was about a month ago, have been calling dentist every day since then, trying to get her to correct the problem, she says the soonest she will be able to get to me again is in December, she's already been paid for this service, I cannot afford to pay another dentist, what legal action can I take?

2006-10-13 16:20:47 · 11 answers · asked by Tammy C 3 in Law & Ethics

We know corporations have them both by the balls. Would it shock you if ti was more blatant than you knew?

Note: This is just a conspiracy theory, please do not really believe it or think i do. Consider it a creative writing assignement.

2006-10-13 16:20:26 · 11 answers · asked by cosmiccastaway 3 in Government

2006-10-13 16:19:53 · 13 answers · asked by Brand X 6 in Politics

2006-10-13 16:18:20 · 21 answers · asked by Anonymous in Immigration

I am tired.... I sold my Plasma TV. No more TV!

Technology is cool but content suc ks

2006-10-13 16:17:03 · 9 answers · asked by Zenko 2 in Politics

Maybe big ketchup can embolden the enemy again?

2006-10-13 16:16:39 · 14 answers · asked by Anonymous in Politics

Amnesty for 12,000,000 illegal immigrants.

A push to make homosexual marriage and polygamy legal in all 50 states.

Only liberal judges will be appointed. They will create laws to implement the social agenda liberals cannot get passed through the legislative process.

Liberals will make the killing of the unborn more difficult to stop.

Liberals will continue to try to rid our society of Christian influence, including any reference to God in our Pledge and on our currency.

A return to the "Fairness Doctrine" in broadcasting where opposing views must be given equal time. Every conservative talk show host will be forced to give a liberal equal time on every issue. The purpose of this rule will be to shut down conservative talk shows.

An increase in taxes to push new social programs.

Passing a new "hate crimes" law making it illegal to refer to homosexuality in a negative manner.

2006-10-13 16:15:29 · 19 answers · asked by Anonymous in Politics

Maybe she could do a tease of some sort?

2006-10-13 16:11:15 · 11 answers · asked by Anonymous in Politics

How can a disagreement over how to protect ourselves from terrorists be construed as "liberals loving terrorists?"

I take all answers seriously. All I ask is that you limit your responses to the realms of logic and reason.

2006-10-13 16:11:11 · 8 answers · asked by Anonymous in Politics

I'm curious also about how many are planning to vote for other parties... or for write-in candidates. Ten points will be given.

2006-10-13 16:07:39 · 8 answers · asked by Mike S 7 in Elections


If a cop is drunk when he hits your car, and ppl are killed/injured, can you sue the police for wrongful death or anything else?

2006-10-13 16:06:41 · 6 answers · asked by izzy5_rose 3 in Law Enforcement & Police

No civil rights.. check points where machine guns blast any car travelling too fast, helicopters and gun ships using high caliber ammo systems to destroy targets, doors kicked open nightly, guns held to women and children's heads, people "deteined" for no reason, people killed for no reason, rapes occur and are covered up...

Our occupation ranks among the most brutal in history. And yet...

How many of you have the yellow ribbon on your car?

To dumb to know whats going on, yet you march to the war drums...

2006-10-13 16:05:04 · 24 answers · asked by Anonymous in Military

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