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Politics & Government - 3 October 2006

[Selected]: All categories Politics & Government

Civic Participation · Elections · Embassies & Consulates · Government · Immigration · International Organizations · Law & Ethics · Law Enforcement & Police · Military · Other - Politics & Government · Politics

The Democrats seem to be basically nicer people, but they have demonstrated time and again that they have the management skills of celery. They're the kind of people who'd stop to help you change a flat, but would somehow manage to set your car on fire. I would be reluctant to entrust them with a Cuisinart, let alone the economy. The Republicans, on the other hand, would know how to fix your tire, but they wouldn't bother to stop because they'd want to be on time for Ugly Pants Night at the country club. I am not a democrat or a republican. I just thought that was funny. Good night everyone from frogspeaceflower.

2006-10-03 21:31:04 · 7 answers · asked by frogspeaceflower 4 in Other - Politics & Government

I remember Bobby Fischer (one of the greatest Chess Prodigies of the world) was arrested when he tried to leave Japan on an expired Passport. He was convicted of a felony in absentia (I think that is the word). My question(s) are this.
a) If you are convicted or have an arrest warrent for a misdemeanor and you apply for (or renew) a passort will they keep the passport?
b) If you are convicted or have an arrest warrent for a fellony and you apply for (or renew) a passort will they keep the passport?

The reason I ask this is because I heard lots of Americans leave the country to avoid prosecution and I wonder how they stay out of jail if their passports have expired and they cannot renew them. Yes, if they marry and get citizenship not a problem. but, what if their passport is about to expire. So, please answer the 2 questions for your 10 points. Thanks!

2006-10-03 21:28:25 · 4 answers · asked by The Ultimate Nerd 4 in Law & Ethics

work at least a blue print and try to bring some about.
Think about living in the time of cowboys, think about evolution of the government to make the police solve all your problems. Think about equality say the King and so you are suposedly the same to the law. Think about countries how can they have an international police rather then coalitions. Think about the money saved, think about quality of life on living without any fears. Living in a peraceful and stable world? Without enemies say half the world (muslims) or maybe all the poor (whover will come in the future say LAtinos of the past, comuninsts).

2006-10-03 21:20:09 · 6 answers · asked by Anonymous in Government

I would.i may not agree with you AT ALL. i might hollor and scream at you. because i didnt like you saying something. but i WOULD fight to the death for your right in a free society to freedom of speach..

2006-10-03 21:16:20 · 9 answers · asked by Anonymous in Other - Politics & Government

Please rate your position using the scale below:

1. Simple Support (i.e., you support the war without reservations: Bush is doing the right thing, and doing it well.)

2. Complicated Support (i.e., you support the war, but have some grumbles about the way it was represented to the public and/or executed. For instance, if you think the U.S. got in for the wrong reasons but need to stay the course, this would be complicated support.)

3. Complicated Opposition (i.e., you grant some points – Saddam was bad news, war is sometimes good policy, most of the world and Saddam’s generals thought he had WMDs so the assumption wasn’t totally baseless, etc. – but nevertheless, you think the U.S. should withdraw.)

4. Simple Opposition (i.e., you oppose the current conflict without reservations or complications: Saddam should have been left in power as the leader of a sovereign nation; the U.S. should never have gone there based on its information at the time, etc.)

For points, elaborate

2006-10-03 21:15:37 · 20 answers · asked by Graythebruce 3 in Military

I mean, how can half the population be under the standard deviation? Doesn't make sense, other than the correspondence bias, also known as "fundamental attribution error". Is there any other cause?

2006-10-03 21:03:29 · 4 answers · asked by me 5 in Politics

i think no

2006-10-03 21:01:27 · 8 answers · asked by mjallebawalsah21 1 in Politics

Since we are globalising now and the world is comming closer and closer, would it be right to have only one governement. I mean that would help with all those crazy weapon expenditures($600 billion this year, and only $30 billion on aid).
Would make life safer for those who keep on geting bombrded andfor the rest of us.
And in general, our lifes are affected by other countries decisions, and the world is more and more interdepended. Would Some form of EU be the name of the game for the World?

2006-10-03 21:01:13 · 10 answers · asked by Anonymous in Government

In the absence of contractual agreement to the contrary, the charges shall be levied before the service is provided or, where appropriate, before the appeal procedure is launched.

2006-10-03 21:00:32 · 4 answers · asked by blogit 2 in Law & Ethics

religion or petrol

2006-10-03 20:59:23 · 5 answers · asked by mjallebawalsah21 1 in Politics

2006-10-03 20:58:58 · 7 answers · asked by nunya 3 in Other - Politics & Government

Because of this, why aren't other options explored. Controlled demolition is the obvious answer to the collapse so why is the hypothesis not tested. Are you against this hypothesis being tested. If so, Why?

2006-10-03 20:57:55 · 7 answers · asked by Luke F 3 in Politics


2006-10-03 20:56:52 · 5 answers · asked by mjallebawalsah21 1 in Politics

and who was the last?

2006-10-03 20:53:37 · 13 answers · asked by Anonymous in Government

Achievements are: Increase of FMCG Products price list/ Commodity, Shoot-up of oil prices, still level of Poverty increases in most of the states, unable to take necessary measures due to alliance government pressures and many more….Comment on it….

2006-10-03 20:49:27 · 6 answers · asked by Shashang_99 2 in Government

If they live in the same time. Around 1000 b.c.

2006-10-03 20:47:36 · 8 answers · asked by Anonymous in Other - Politics & Government

palestinian fronts

2006-10-03 20:45:23 · 4 answers · asked by mjallebawalsah21 1 in Other - Politics & Government

2006-10-03 20:44:56 · 11 answers · asked by Anonymous in Politics

in just 20 minutes i got the answers i wanted.
now i know for sure the majority do not like bush.
so we are sure the repunks will not win the nov elections.

2006-10-03 20:41:01 · 8 answers · asked by andar_ka_bandar 2 in Politics

after the second world war britain dismantled the great british empire on there own accord may i add.but why is this ?

2006-10-03 20:40:29 · 6 answers · asked by stoke 2 in Government


ive been accused of conspiracy to deliver marijuana. anybody know how long i may sit in jail or know somebody who has been convicted of this felony?

2006-10-03 20:39:46 · 5 answers · asked by unbeatablecreativity 1 in Law & Ethics

Do you feel your rights are been violated?? I mean why Bush feels he has the authority to prohibit me to play a buck or two on an slot machine over the internet on a boring night??!!!!
I'm not a gambler, I enjoy to play once a month on online casinos when my daughter stays at her father's house....but I guess Bush is not allowing me to do so anymore....
It's not just online gambling the government is trying to regulate over the worldwide web.....now they are going after internet dating services.
At this pace, he will criminalize unprotected sex or eating habits....why not? Airlines now charge a double ticket to over weighted people, maybe there should be laws about that as well....imagine how much money is being spent because of AIDS, STDS or obesity....
I would like to hear your thoughts about this Online Gambling Law and if you feel something can be done....

2006-10-03 20:34:57 · 10 answers · asked by Anonymous in Government

A huge quantity of short range nuclear missiles are missing ever since and no one knows where it is.

2006-10-03 20:34:35 · 8 answers · asked by liketoaskq 5 in Other - Politics & Government

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