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Politics & Government - 24 September 2006

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Civic Participation · Elections · Embassies & Consulates · Government · Immigration · International Organizations · Law & Ethics · Law Enforcement & Police · Military · Other - Politics & Government · Politics

do they always run your record before getting a new drivers licsence? Do officers always run you at a traffic stop?

2006-09-24 15:24:24 · 5 answers · asked by edgarrrw 4 in Law Enforcement & Police

My passenger was complaining of her right shoulder that night. Now she says it is her left shoulder and she has to have surgery! Befor the accident she always complained of her left shoulder. Even went to the doctor for it!! How can her left shoulder be hurt and not her right? Can she sue me for a shoulder that was already hurt?

2006-09-24 15:24:23 · 4 answers · asked by bitch_sweets 2 in Law & Ethics

aftter Micheal Moores film, or after being called the devil by a foriegn leader, or after being attacked by Clinton on Fox News Sunday.

Clinton pointed his finger, bugged his eyes, got very angry, tapped the notebook on the interviewers lap, and started attacking conservatives and Chris Wallace ( who asks very tough questions to conservatives and republicans as well, just look at his transcripts )

Bush didn't respond to most of the attacks. He responded to Clinton's remarks by saying he and Clinton had different ways to fighting terror. He said alot of the attacks on him were not helpful.

2006-09-24 15:23:56 · 16 answers · asked by lend322 4 in Other - Politics & Government

Please only comment if you know about the topic. Fox News Sunday September 24 2006.. And anyone who saw Loose Change on google.

2006-09-24 15:22:07 · 9 answers · asked by dimensionr2002 2 in Other - Politics & Government

I think you know what I am getting at, why be so cruel?

2006-09-24 15:20:41 · 24 answers · asked by Anonymous in Immigration

placed in nursing homes that are extremely expensive and the care is lacking in respect and regard. The people working in these places are often there for the pay check, not the well being of the residents. I have this question in the politics category because other countries fend for their aged and the U.S. government doesn't. I'd like to hear about people experiences in the U.S and in other countries and cultures.

2006-09-24 15:19:33 · 7 answers · asked by ontheroadagainwithoutyou 6 in Other - Politics & Government

can they revoke bond and can i get out before my court date

2006-09-24 15:18:40 · 11 answers · asked by brian g 1 in Law Enforcement & Police

You cant beat a smart democrat in a debate. Good for you President Bill Clinton. Wallace almost crapped his pants and he stuttered so much

2006-09-24 15:17:48 · 41 answers · asked by ast5792 1 in Politics

I know a few dead bodies that could just possibly run this country better than any administration since Ike.

2006-09-24 15:17:29 · 8 answers · asked by Anonymous in Politics

I love when Clinton emphasizes with his index finger...."I contracted to kill him..." (about bin Laden), that's great, you know, for a good intentioned Liberal. But it sort of sounds Republican to me. Any thoughts on this?

2006-09-24 15:17:10 · 8 answers · asked by Yo it's Me 7 in Politics

Who flew the planes if 9 hijackers turned up alive?
How did a plane hit the pentagon if its over 100' long and only made a 16' hole?
Why were the engines of the plane missing if they are made of steel and titnium with a combined weight of 12 tons, and stell and titnium has a melting point of 2700F, with the fire less then 1400F
Why was thermite dripping from the towers, How did it get there?
Why was there a 1200% Increase in AA put contracts on 9-10-01
Why was all the evidence sold to china before anybody can invegigate?
How did the cell phones work so well at such a high attitude?
Why was william rodreiez, a janitor in the building, offered millions of dallors to shut up, and to not tell people he saw bombs explosing in the basement?
Why did the towers fall at the speed of gravity?
Why did the firefighters see bombs going off in the building before they got out?



2006-09-24 15:16:32 · 19 answers · asked by www.st911.org 1 in Politics

if you're on juvenile probation, would you be able to move to a different state and just get a different probation officer? or do you have to stay in the same state until your probation is over?

2006-09-24 15:15:40 · 9 answers · asked by hey wassup 1 in Law Enforcement & Police

I am runnig for class chair at my school. I need a good slogan and my name is Alex.

2006-09-24 15:15:17 · 2 answers · asked by Anonymous in Elections

I just loved this quote from Beach Bum defending the manliness of Liberal eunichs:

" Democratic men are like the elves in Lord of the Rings..."

We couldn't agree more BeachBum!

2006-09-24 15:15:05 · 10 answers · asked by Anonymous in Other - Politics & Government

They're going to do it anyways.

2006-09-24 15:14:56 · 11 answers · asked by Anonymous in Politics

I still l dont know what the statute of limitations is on drug trafficking in ny state ...one person says 7 years..one person says never....now the details r...this man was arrested, charged and released on bail for a narcotic sale to a undercover police officer....(approx 20 dollars worth).it has been 14 years.....he was 18 then...does ANY BODY KNOW......

2006-09-24 15:14:54 · 6 answers · asked by baibeegurlz 2 in Law & Ethics

your oppinions on things that should be done

2006-09-24 15:13:51 · 16 answers · asked by Mrs..Yahoo 3 in Other - Politics & Government

since 1997 my attorney has been handling my divorce case from then to now the only thing that has happen was a loss in child custody and a paper stating that i'm divorced but i'm having trouble with the community property settlement and when we went to court a few months ago the hearing officer said how come this hasn't been settled now i think this is going to force me to lose my share. i couldn't get another lawyer because i couldn't afford to start over.

2006-09-24 15:09:30 · 11 answers · asked by benny h 1 in Law & Ethics

I am jus twondering cuz all i hear is horrible things about him, and anyways i wanna make sure its true thats why i asked for the location !!!

2006-09-24 15:07:48 · 11 answers · asked by kelsey 2 in Government

Can you say you "forgot" the court date?

2006-09-24 15:06:37 · 11 answers · asked by Cinderella 1 in Law & Ethics

Why do I hear libs always talking about such things? I mean, what keeps them from working two jobs and donating the money from one of them? Why are they so intolerant of anyone who disagrees with them? Worried about the homeless? Why dont the libs move them into their homes or at least put them in tents on their lawns or something? Why dont libs ever want to live in the ghetto, since they always tell us that criminals arent bad, just victims or misunderstood. Want to feed people? Why dont libs cook for them, take them food, etc., instead of being on here? I mean, I hear a lot of folks always talking about compassion, care, etc., but it seems that a lot of these people want to use my money, time, efforts and so forth instead of doing it themselves. Support and nourish your own cause. I mean, Christ didnt hire a caterer to make the extra loaves and distribute them. He made them himself.

2006-09-24 15:05:23 · 15 answers · asked by Mr. JW 3 in Civic Participation

Also is there a link i can go to for a photo that applys to the FEDERAL government for the clause "form a more perfect union"of the Preamble?

2006-09-24 15:04:41 · 2 answers · asked by Kiarra G 1 in Government

What steps do i need to take before i can go there. I live in the UK.


2006-09-24 15:04:26 · 8 answers · asked by bri d 2 in Embassies & Consulates

I just caught a clip of the Wallace interview with Clinton, and a glimpse of the Bush whitehouse response, saying basically that they have a different strategy than Clinton did, they will defend US by being on the offensive. Doesn't that ridiculous ploy, along with the currently hot media campaign to make Clinton somehow seem the fool for not getting BinLaden during his tenure, allow the Dems to take off the kid gloves already and take Bush to task for how he BLEW IT in preventing 9/11?! There was the memo about an imminent attack, the firing of Richard Clarke, the ignoring of terrorism as a concern during his first months in office.
Isn't this crap an outrage given that Bush ran on a platform of non-interference in foreign affairs, know-nothingness on international issues, did nothing but fire demote ignore or sweep aside the people left over from Clinton's time who warned him of the threat? especially when Clinton got grilled by GOP for his efforts at addressing these problems?

2006-09-24 15:04:20 · 13 answers · asked by Michelle H 2 in Politics

Whats better to do if you want to join the army special forces,go to college and study a language and get a bs or join the rangers when your 18 then try out for special forces when your e-4?I dont care about becoming an officer but the two jobs in special forces is 18b weapons sgt. and second is 18a special forces officer.

2006-09-24 15:04:07 · 14 answers · asked by bruce 1 in Military

2006-09-24 15:03:13 · 12 answers · asked by rasckal 3 in Military

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