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Politics & Government - 5 June 2006

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Civic Participation · Elections · Embassies & Consulates · Government · Immigration · International Organizations · Law & Ethics · Law Enforcement & Police · Military · Other - Politics & Government · Politics

What exactly are the differences between Republicans, Democrats, and the other ones? I guess I mean as far as what they stand for? Every time I have voted, I have just gone with Independant(dence) because I didn't know which I belong in.......

2006-06-05 13:25:59 · 40 answers · asked by flowerchildofthecorn 3 in Politics

I think he has done a good job

2006-06-05 13:25:30 · 10 answers · asked by Menifeedave 2 in Politics

To be more specific; If Bush cancelled elections and/or refused to leave office when his term ran out or was impeached. (His reasoning for cancelling elections would be RECENT terrorist attacks.) His reasoning for remaining in office was that national security was too tenuous, due to terrorism.).

2006-06-05 13:21:22 · 13 answers · asked by isacoydog 2 in Other - Politics & Government

Obviously the GOP is not the poor man's party. And it clearly caters to the super rich. So how does it get so many people to vote for it? (I was tempted to say half the country, but I realized it wasn't half the country, merely half of the people that cast their votes.)

2006-06-05 13:21:00 · 13 answers · asked by The_Dark_Knight 4 in Politics

2006-06-05 13:20:37 · 7 answers · asked by tripletmesa 1 in Law & Ethics

I am a homo-sexual, would the 29% still support him? Remember he is down to the religous right and the very rich is all that is left to support him.

2006-06-05 13:19:21 · 13 answers · asked by Anonymous in Other - Politics & Government

We have a bunch of low lifes in the senate that should have been thrown out of office years ago like Ted Kennedy,what troubles me is now there are republicans that are joining him in his quest to make the US a third world country by creating this ridiculous immigration bill

2006-06-05 13:14:22 · 7 answers · asked by Anonymous in Immigration

Does peaceful use of a nuclear stuff include having a means to keep other nations (some of whom woudl be aggressive) at bay?

2006-06-05 13:13:54 · 15 answers · asked by Anonymous in Other - Politics & Government

I'll try to make this brief. I know of somebody who has been e-mailing a girl (about 30yrs old) who is in Russia. I have not been able to dig up any dirt on her,so I do not believe she is a scam artist. However,My friend has already sent some money to her so she can come over here. She is now asking him for some more money,something about being solventbefore she can make the trip. She claims to have the visa and all other paperwork,but I do not understand the need for her to prove she is solvent(has money to support herself) before coming over here. Is there some place I can research this to see if she is telling the truth? My friend has ask me for some money to send her and I do not know what to do. Any suggestions? (Give me some websites I can research if you know of any)

2006-06-05 13:07:15 · 13 answers · asked by Chief Paduke 5 in Immigration

And how would it affect the housing market for first-time buyers?

2006-06-05 13:06:58 · 23 answers · asked by Part Time Cynic 7 in Politics

2006-06-05 13:05:43 · 17 answers · asked by Anonymous in Other - Politics & Government

2006-06-05 13:04:36 · 10 answers · asked by Anonymous in Civic Participation

Foam at their mouths
in anger if anyone wants the

Freedom to marry WHO they want...
Say WHAT they want (Opinions)

Does freedom to Republicans mean
your ONLY free to think and act like us?

2006-06-05 13:02:52 · 22 answers · asked by Anonymous in Other - Politics & Government

It seems like these guys are doing all they can to dictate our private lives. I'm starting to wonder if the Mexican Iron Curtain is going up to keep them out or to monitor our movements even closer than they do today.

2006-06-05 13:02:13 · 4 answers · asked by Anonymous in Other - Politics & Government


How old did you have to be to be drafted in the Korean War?

2006-06-05 12:59:48 · 4 answers · asked by Baby D 2 in Military

is there anyway i can get this off my record in pa i was told that i still can become a lawyer is this true is getting degree a watse or will someone hire me

2006-06-05 12:56:45 · 10 answers · asked by Anonymous in Law & Ethics

i need know 3 things about his Domestic Affairs and 3 things about his Foregin Affairs. Please if anybody is good at this Government stuff i will really appreciate your help!

2006-06-05 12:55:26 · 4 answers · asked by Anonymous in Government

why cant people accept that socialism is a dead concept it worked in the victorian times when people knew what poverty was but not now. globalisation and capitalism is the only way the world can go know and the last vestiges of socialism died with the ussr it has proved to be a good idea in theory but not in practice and no-one now lives in what could be termed as poverty even the poorest of our nation go to macdonalds or burger king at least once a week so in summing up the worlds not as bad a place as do-gooders would like to have you believe and capitalism is the only way to move forward

2006-06-05 12:52:48 · 7 answers · asked by STEVE89 3 in Other - Politics & Government

2006-06-05 12:46:48 · 29 answers · asked by pumpkin 2 in Politics

Bush says its States rights that rule for abortion but he believes the Federal government should rule for gay marriage. Republicans are supposed to be for States rights. What gives?

2006-06-05 12:46:18 · 11 answers · asked by Anonymous in Government

Wouldnt it make more sense to improve the railways so people wouldnt have to live in the South East and could commute from further north where there is not a problem with drought..

2006-06-05 12:45:57 · 17 answers · asked by Anonymous in Politics

My husband and I are looking for my father-in-law's records, or at least some record of his existance!! He died in 1963 or 1964, around the same time my mother-in-law got pregnant. He was in the Navy, and was stationed in California. He died while visiting my mother in law in Kansas. His name was John Allen Popchoke. If you know of hime, or if you know how to locate a record of his service, Please let me know! Thanks so much.

2006-06-05 12:43:36 · 3 answers · asked by Anonymous in Military

israel was created by the united nations, so the palestian beef should be with the u.n. not the jews, they dont have world support, no one is sending tropps to help their fight, no one is sending money, israel could crush them if they so choose to, so if they cant not win, it would seem to make sense to accept their own state with what ever israel is willing to give them, get their own state started, build the economy, take care of the people, build a military, gain world respect and support, live in peace with israel, build up ties between the 2 countries, then negociate for land concessions down the road, but at least get started on building something, killing off a few civialians is not working to well. if you go back to the 1967 war, israel won a war against the whole middle east, and it only took them 6 days to do it, so the palestinians should realize that if the entire middle east could not beat them, they have no shot, how stupid are these people anyway

2006-06-05 12:43:30 · 7 answers · asked by Anonymous in Government

I mean it just makes sense right? Who would do a better job, guardsmen, or Border Collies, the word border is in their name. You know they ain't lettin' nuthin' through.

2006-06-05 12:34:29 · 8 answers · asked by Anonymous in Immigration

I know you have about a million to choose from who are all highly deserving but do your best.

2006-06-05 12:34:16 · 16 answers · asked by Anonymous in Politics


2006-06-05 12:32:14 · 10 answers · asked by Gettin_by 3 in Military

Are they trying to alienate EVERY group who ever supported them?

1 day ago
That is the log cabin republicans they probaly dream of Phelps and Gore all night long. I am a straight liberal my self don't care for the log cabin at all.

2 days ago
3. Dick Cheney is convicted of yet another hunting accident of where he shot his lesbian daughter in the face because she stomped her cute little foot and said...Daddy, I want to marry my lesbo lover and you are to pay for mah fancy wedding.

4 days ago
Duh...if Monkey Boy (BUSH) ever had a REAL
women he'd have NO idea of WHAT to do...
for he prefers men himself (Jeffy Gannon has
FREE ACCESS TO THE WHITE HOUSE...he's a professional
gay male prostitute who visits Bush ALOT....)

2 days ago
Why are the Republicans in the White House covering up the records of their GAY reporter Jeff Gannon?

2006-06-05 12:31:52 · 8 answers · asked by Anonymous in Politics

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