I need adivse: I got a 2 year old Nethland dwarf from a friend that could know longer keep him he was outside in a wire hutch his whole life and was never picked up had a automatic feed/water. I brought him inside got him fiexed and have him in a cage next to my dutch female rabbit. The problem is he pees every where in his home I have tried every rabbit litter and litbox I can think of, I even tried putting on in each corner he still never peeed in them, just uses them as beds then pees w/e he pleases in his home. When I let him roam out of the cage in my home, he does not pee he doesnt ever lay dropings mybe 1 in 1 hr, but in his home its a different story and its realy hard to clean up, I have tried to clean it up when he does, but then he will kinda lunge at me and i cant watch him 24/7 Please help I dont know what to do w/him anymore cuase he will even lay in his pee its gross. My other rabbit has been potty trained for a long time also Not sure if that helps.. Thanks for any hel
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