I have recently bought a 9 year old Miniature Horse stallion who had been badly handled and abused until he was 4, and then left unhandled ever since. I do not know what they have done to him but he has absolutely no trust in humans at all.
He will come to me to snatch some food, but even the slightest movement will make him panic and retreat. Even talking to him softly or clearing my throat is enough to make him panic and run away, taking quite some time to coax him back to me again.
Not being able to move without him panicking and running away means I can't even catch him, but when I have been able to catch him (he has a lead attached all the time), as soon as he feels the pressure on the lead, he panics so bad that he will rear up, try to kick me and failing that, he will then bolt, whether I'm still holding on or not.
Since I can't touch him without him being frightened, and I can't even talk to him reassuringly without him taking off, I am at wits end as to how to gain his trust!
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