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Fish - July 2007

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my friend decided to start a salt water aquarium. he has a 10gallon and a heater for it right now (just a tank, no gravel, no filter, nothing). what should he get? I need details, what type of substrate, chemicals, test kits, what type of fish you recommend, anytihng you can think of. we're going to go buy the stuff soon, so answers soon please :) he does have freshwater fish in there now, so could he mix the stuff in to make it a saltwater tank (after removing the current fish) and add fish today? thanks so much!

yeah... salt water isn't my specialty, so this will be a learning experience, I'm excited. if you have any tips on

one more questions, I want a certain goby I saw at the pet store, i can't remember for the life of me exactly what kind it was but I know it was picking up rocks in it's mouth and spitting them out. would I be able to have this in a 10gallon?

2007-07-09 09:41:22 · 9 answers · asked by Kylie Anne 7

is this some kind of rare koi?Ive heard some people talk about it..but im not sure?What do you think?

2007-07-09 09:22:07 · 9 answers · asked by XAthleteX 3

i wanted to use a thermomiter like you would use if you had a fever to measure my fish's water temp. is this safe? the thermomiter has meatalish thing at the tip

2007-07-09 09:16:52 · 4 answers · asked by Anonymous

i got a red betta about 2-4 months ago and he was a brilliant red. he was very still in his tink bowl so we bought him a tank about 3 fourths of a foot tall and a foot wide. he was so happy! it has bubbles (not a filter) in a 1inch the way around tube that go to the top. it also has a silightly dim light. he had a few blue scales, but now after moving, he has lost those and his red has gotten slightly pale. also his fins have changed from full and wide, to where he keeps the low and thin. he is still perkier, but not as perky as he was when he moved. what is wrong?

(his name is Scooby, he is afraid of EVERYTHING!! even a fake fish! AND YOU FINGER!!!)

2007-07-09 09:04:50 · 10 answers · asked by Anonymous

My goldfish Julliette has been with me for a month so far, she is just a common goldfish but still very pretty bright gold well up until a few days ago I started to notice that on some of her fins had started to turn black, but she still swims around like everythings fine and she still eats. Is this fin rot? And how can I treat it??

2007-07-09 08:54:35 · 7 answers · asked by Kitty 2


I know injected fish often die (and are put through a lot in any case) so ethically one should not purchase them. What are the views on supporting GM fish? The article does mention the GM fish are usually more sensitive and stay smaller than non-GM, which leads me to conclude they are being harmed in some way. But the article also mentions injected fish and urges readers not to buy them, but it doesn't take that stance on GM fish. I wouldn't shop at a store that had injected fish; should I boycott stores that have GM fish as well?

2007-07-09 08:33:45 · 6 answers · asked by Wondering 3

lately my betta fish hasn't been doing to good and i was wondering if someone can give me some advice. the betta stays on the bottom of his bowl most of the day, doesn't move as much as he use to, eats very little. Since the fish doesn't eat that much i tend to give him a little extra food here and there, he does eat but is still very little. I clean the bowl regularly, every 3 maybe 4 days. I had him for about 6 -7 months and noticed recently that he has lost some of his color and his tail on the back is stiff. if any one has any advice or a website that does have advice it would be appreciated.

2007-07-09 08:25:31 · 6 answers · asked by *starchild* 3

My goldfish has been acting very lathargic and he only lays on his side at the bottom of the tank. He has been like this since Saturday. He is still breathing. Is he going to die or is he sick? I just changed the water in the tank to see if that will help. He does try to eat.

2007-07-09 07:50:18 · 25 answers · asked by Anonymous

my two betta fish are side by side but with a transparent wall is that good or bad.

2007-07-09 07:41:19 · 7 answers · asked by Anonymous

What's the best type of goldfish to buy if you've never had a goldfish before? Also, what's the smallest type of goldfish?

Yes, I'm aware that their tank size must be at least 10 gallons. =]

2007-07-09 07:39:50 · 13 answers · asked by ~Rattitak~ 4

What I mean by 'against the rules' is, time and again we are told to stick to a certain limit of fish per tank, which is fair enough, but as with all things in life there must be people successfully breaking the rules without any problems.

Tell me your experiences, those of you who have more than they apparently really should.

I have a 22 gallon tank with two goldfish, I get told constantly not to put anything else in there at all - surely a few little fellas wouldn't hurt that much???

2007-07-09 07:30:44 · 4 answers · asked by crazeetaxi 2

I've had quite a science lesson when I became an owner of two betta in May. I didn't know I was supposed to cycle the tank and both fish got tail rot. I got help through this forum. A few days ago, one tank finally cycled. I checked the water in the other and it too finally cycled also this afternoon (last week it had a low level of ammonia). So, now, I looked at my fish when I came home for lunch and noticed that his tail looks stringy. He is in the tank that cycled last week to no ammonia. So, someone had suggested tail bitting in another answer last week.... I am not sure. How can you tell the difference between the two? Also, how can he get Tail Rot if his tank is finally clear of ammonia? Plus, I just changed the water last night. So, his tail became that way sometime this morning. I have two 3 gallon tanks where my betta live in separately. There is a carbon filter in each tank. I change that every week when I change the water. I do a 25% water change weekly.

2007-07-09 06:30:56 · 3 answers · asked by Mia 3

2007-07-09 06:16:21 · 7 answers · asked by KARL C 1

Ok, my betta is about three years old (yes I know he is very old) Anyway - all day he lays on his side at the bottom of the tank - his left gill is inflamed (it always has been) I have tried everything, but I don't know what to do. He still eats fine - Just wanted to know if there was anything I could do to help him

2007-07-09 06:00:25 · 4 answers · asked by Anonymous

Planning in buying a tank or a combo tank and wondering if there is a big difference on the filtration system

2007-07-09 05:41:22 · 4 answers · asked by dpastrana2006 1

Well all my fish died today. See this link for details....

Any way I want to buy some new fish. I used to have 1 betta, 3 cory cats, a 5 neon tetras. Any ideas on what I could put in the tank besides the fish I used to have? What would you do? I have a heater, air stone, thermometer, filter, gravel, 3 fake plants, and a fake rock setup. Thanks to all that answer.

2007-07-09 05:30:58 · 3 answers · asked by Anonymous

i have a regent fish tank hood and i need to buy a filter for my 10 gallon tank does anyone else have this type of hood

i need to know what filters whould fit in the back slits preferably hob filters because it is goint to ba a betta tank


2007-07-09 05:21:21 · 1 answers · asked by Anonymous

How can you tell the difference? This stuff is starting to cover the bottom of the tank. Kind of red / purple color, almost fuzzy or dusty looking & now bubbles starting to build up...

Very established 75 gallon reef tank.

2007-07-09 04:19:41 · 3 answers · asked by jipegirl 2

I've been trying to clycle my 24 gallon nano tank, Its been 11 days now, I've noticed that the Nitrite and Nitrate are very high, but amonia is low, and I've been seeing my rocks turning black, where there were red and green stuff before. I've been doing 20% water changes like every 3 -4 days. I don't know what else to do from keeping it from dying? should I do a 75% water change? Please Help. I have live sand 30pounds, and 30 pounds of live rock. My PH and Alk is good, and water temp is at 82 and salinity is at 1.024

2007-07-09 04:18:29 · 2 answers · asked by Amrit R 1

i'm kinda worried about my puffer...i've had him about a week and i've never had one before...
~about two days after i got him, he started to set into a rutine and eating well {which is the norm} but no he's doing something i just now noticed....after i turn the light off on the tank and my other fish "go to sleep" so to speak....the puffer will turn a very dark color, almost balck and sing to the bottom of the tank and set in the middle of a plant i have. the first time i saw this i was worried that he might be dieing so i put my net in the water and put it next to him....he swan off and after a minute or so his regular color came back...but now it's night and he's black again..is this normal??

it's a fresh water tank and i think he's call a dwarf puffer of a green spotted puffer. he's white {normally} w/ black spots and a BRIGHT yellow head on top...if that helps

2007-07-08 19:38:22 · 6 answers · asked by ♥femme fatale♥ 2

My three month old baby bettas began floating today and won't eat. One died, two are struggling, one seems okay. I went to feed them this afternoon and the biggest one was at the bottom laying on its side. I took him out and put him in a smaller container but he couldn't swim to the top and died a few hours later. I thought it would be a good idea to do a complete water change just in case whatever it was was contagious but when I opened the tank to get the other three out, one was in the middle of floating around in circles at the top. Needless to say, I panicked and now they're all in different containers. The two struggling ones are in shallow water because they can barely swim to the top (really have no clue if that's a good idea but it seems to be working). I've been flushing out their water with bottled water every few hours. This is my first set of babies and I thought all the dying and culling was over but I guess not :( Any ideas what it could be? Or how to save the rest?

2007-07-08 18:39:18 · 4 answers · asked by Anonymous

I have some live bait leftover from my fishing trip... And basically now theyre waiting to die... Are there some meathods to keep them alive? So far only 5 left =[ Maybe I can keep them as pets before they die... So what kind of fish food does fish bait eat? I know the water thing, it needs to be cold and dont switch the water all at once.

So @ Live fishing bait stores, what do you do to keep the fish alive?

2007-07-08 18:29:11 · 3 answers · asked by Anonymous

2007-07-08 18:26:24 · 1 answers · asked by Anonymous

tape is tacky. Tried wetting it a little and applying it but now there is water bubbles between the glass and the poster. I'm figuring that tomorrow I'll just buy a squigee and that''ll take care of it. Was just wondering if anyone had any right now solutions. Thanks.

2007-07-08 18:23:48 · 4 answers · asked by anons_drunk 1

i am about to move about 3 to 4 hours away..i was thinking about leaving the fish in the tank and take everything else out..like the fake plants and little things..but leave the rocks...any ideas or is that the best way to move my fish?

2007-07-08 18:22:28 · 3 answers · asked by slugger_330 1

Hi, in my neighborhood there is a nursery. The nursery water runs off into a bunch of ditches all over my neighborhood ( near the dirt trails). these creeks are about either 30 feet long, 4 feet wide, or 25 feet long, 35 feet wide, or 20 feet wide 20 feet long. All these creeks have big rocks in them. They all vary. When I was younger my older friends would go down and bring back a couple crawfish and alot of tadpoles. I was always curious about the craw fishes. They said they would always be swimming around. The big creek is now covered in tall grass, but there is still water in it. When I went down with my friends, all i found were crawfish shells around the edges of the creek and on the dirt trails. All the creeks are next to each other. sorry for the long question.

2007-07-08 18:21:00 · 2 answers · asked by Anonymous

There are some fish which i wanted to let go. Black coloured fishes whose name i don't know. They are pond fishes. Is there any one who knows how to go about doing it.Any companies willing to take/buy them?

2007-07-08 18:16:17 · 2 answers · asked by Dilah 1

my betta fry hatched just today but a lot of them sank to the bottom of the tank. they're still moving though but barely...the daddy betta doesn't seem to notice (or just chose not to? LOL!) that there are fry at the bottom...will they die?

2007-07-08 18:10:30 · 6 answers · asked by Anonymous

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