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Fish - October 2006

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anyone ever use these in a bio-bag. does it work any better??

2006-10-12 05:20:36 · 2 answers · asked by Anonymous

Is there something wrong with the water or the filter?

2006-10-12 04:49:25 · 16 answers · asked by Ms. Shell 1

is it just my city or dose petco look run down compared to a petsmart.
and have less care taken of it

2006-10-12 04:05:09 · 14 answers · asked by james j 2

2006-10-12 03:21:14 · 31 answers · asked by Axe Handle 1

2006-10-12 03:17:43 · 12 answers · asked by Deepali R 1

i have 55 gallon tank w/ bala shark, columbian catfish, 4black skirt tetras, 3sunset Gouramis,1 dwarf gourami,and 2pink gouramis. i mentioned earlier that i have a knife fish which is about 5inches in length. Now, i've seen some couple of white spots on its fin, after that, i made a 25% water change. However, the spots on the fins just rotted. but, now theres more couple of them "tiny white spots" on its fin and body. He's the only with the "spots", others don't have one. I'm thinking it is ich disease. What do you think could it be? i'm not sure if its fungus or something. I'm really worried about it, and i don't have any idea how to treat it. since i only have a 55 gallon, and i don't have a quarantine tank. Most likely, do u think the the whole 55 gallon tank is infested now? what should i do?

2006-10-12 03:13:03 · 8 answers · asked by Anonymous


I have two Plecostomus that are 7.5 inches long. I know Plecostomus are tropical fish, but they were doing fine in a tank that was in the low 70s/high 60s. Recently I decided to replace my two-year old Oscar and am going to get one today; I keep my house at 68* so I decided to introduce a heater and put it at 79* for the Oscar. I would expect the Plecostomus to be fine in it being tropical fish, but over night one's started to develop fin rot.

The PH is fine, the ammonia levels are fine, it's a 55 gallon tank and I let it sit for a month before I introduced any fish to it... However, one has two holes with the circumference of a tooth-pick.

Any idea why they are developing this?

Are they just used to the cold?

Anyone know their ideal temperature range?

2006-10-12 03:01:22 · 6 answers · asked by TJ 2

I can't beleive some of the dumb questions on this site.Surely there can't be that many ignorant people in the world.

2006-10-12 01:56:30 · 29 answers · asked by William K 2

2006-10-12 00:35:34 · 18 answers · asked by Josephine 1

2006-10-12 00:32:08 · 17 answers · asked by angk 6

Well to be honest, I would like one too, but I don't know about them. I would like to get us some guppies, maybe to start, but what kind of salt do I put in their water?

2006-10-11 23:33:40 · 6 answers · asked by marvs36 3

i always reuse the sponge by cleaning it with treated water..will the good bacteria still in there and is it good for the fish?

i've done this for almost a year now and the fish looks fine and always hungry.

2006-10-11 22:59:35 · 5 answers · asked by AmarDrifter 2

they were having signs of breeding the lip lock and picking small rocks up and moving them so i decided to put a peice off slate in their tank and they were happy cleaning the slate and the next day they were badly fighting none stop so i have put a divider up and still from this day they still try an kill each other, some info please will i have to sell one

2006-10-11 22:17:51 · 11 answers · asked by claire s 1

I've had my fish for about a month now, and I've been feeding it 6-7 betta gold pellets a day. However, a few days ago I noticed that it was tilted to its side, about 45 degrees, although it remained horizontal. I figured I was overfeeding it (although he seemed fine with the scheadule before) so I stopped giving him food for a day or two. This morning he was swimming regularly again, so I fed him three pellets, but just now I realised that he was tilting again, in the other direction this time.

My questions is why he's doing this, and how do I fix it?

2006-10-11 18:43:19 · 11 answers · asked by esgrad 2

I added Bronze Corydoras to a fish tank containing a Pearl gourami, a Blue gourami, a Paradise fish, and some snails. Is my fish combination okay? What do I feed the Bronze Corys? Will they eat algae, snails, and left-over food? Can I add Bronze Corys to my other tank containing a Betta fish? Any other fish I can add to my tanks?

2006-10-11 17:58:04 · 4 answers · asked by aquamike 3

I had a plecostemus in my freshwater fishtank for years, and it recently died. I bought another, so I wouldn't accumulate too much algae, but it promptly died too. Then a third one lived for only a week in my tank. There's enough algae and decay in the tank to keep them nourished, and my chemical, PH, and heavy metal levels are all on target. What tank condition would kill off plecos so consistently, while all my other fish are alive and healthy, and the tank's bio level is well adjusted? Any thoughts?

2006-10-11 17:36:07 · 7 answers · asked by Richard 1

just curious....anything cool, unusual, interesting... lemme know!!!! any interesting experiences???

2006-10-11 17:33:43 · 7 answers · asked by Critter_Queen 1

lol i know, a lot of questions, every new pet turns intoa research project for me lol. i want to add a snail or some sort of bottom feeder to my tank in a week or so ( to allow for enough food to build up for it?) what would u recommend for a 5 gallon, non-heated tank with fantails? i have a bio filter, charcoal filter and light. also.... i'm interested in getting some sort of live plant..... and i am working on a fairly tight budget lol thanks SOOOOOOOOO much guys!!!!!!!!!

2006-10-11 17:10:20 · 14 answers · asked by Critter_Queen 1

I have a male Betta that I have decided to breed. I got a beautiful female and placed her in a little tank beside his. They have been showing off for one another fine but she still has to wait awhile to breed as she is small. My question is that today as he was building a great bubble nest, she started to bubble as well. Not half as much and her bubbles are all around the top of her tank. I was just wondering if that was normal. I just put her there to get them aquainted and plan on removing her from view in a day or so and waiting about a month to reintroduce her. The bubbles were just something that I didn't expect from my female. Anyone?

2006-10-11 17:05:00 · 6 answers · asked by frosty563 1

2006-10-11 16:48:52 · 3 answers · asked by josh m 1

is manganese bad for fish? if so how do i lower the amount of it in my water without going to a fish store or carring in 55 gallons of water from another source...

2006-10-11 16:19:27 · 2 answers · asked by jess l 5

2006-10-11 16:05:07 · 9 answers · asked by Critter_Queen 1

they are about an inch long right now

2006-10-11 16:03:46 · 8 answers · asked by Critter_Queen 1

i just got three calico fantail goldfish today and was wondering if anyone can help me guess how old they are. they are about 1 inch long

2006-10-11 16:01:49 · 2 answers · asked by Critter_Queen 1

my white goldfish = eyes are black
orange goldfish = orange eyes!

2006-10-11 15:26:47 · 10 answers · asked by ♪ ♫ ☮ NYbron ☮ ♪ ♫ 6

I feel as if my tap water is danger to my fish, it is VERY soft.

2006-10-11 14:57:27 · 6 answers · asked by sogullablegurly 3

I feel as if my tap water is danger to my fish, if is VERY soft.

2006-10-11 14:56:39 · 10 answers · asked by sogullablegurly 3

I feed my fish with blood worms, beefheart & pellets.
the nutritional contents of the pellets I provide it are:
crude protein 40%
crude fat <3%
crude fiber >4%
moisture 10%
rest contains vitamin B,C
are these nutrients enough for the fish?
If not, please provide me with proper nutriential contents( in %)

2006-10-11 14:54:05 · 5 answers · asked by hhhhhhh 2

I have an oscar & from a couple of days it is affected some white spots and they seem to be increasing timely, they are present only on its pectoral fins.The fish is very active, the diet is intact, though it does not have any ill effect on fish but it bothers me a lot. I've tried some medication for fungal white spots & also have increased the temperature of the water since 23 hours, but it still does not cure my fish instead the infection is increased a bit.In need of a detailed cause, cure and further prevention for that. Please guide me with some authentic sources.

2006-10-11 14:36:28 · 7 answers · asked by hhhhhhh 2

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