I have asked this once before adn I will ask it again.. why do people continue to breed? I know more than 1/2 the breeders out there do it for the money, but the other ones.. doesn't make sence. You can say it's for the love of the dog, but if you loved the dog so much why wouldn't you RESCUE the ones that are in shelters? or being abused? or used in puppy mills? Instead you are just adding to the problem by bringing more into this world.
If you are a breeder who breeds for show, to improve the breed, and not to "sell" to strangers on the street, then this question isn't for you. It's for the people who claim they're "reputable" breeders just because they let their dogs sleep inside. It takes years and years of experience to actually become a good breeder.. if you want to make some quick cash do something else.. become a stripper or something, i dont' care, but don't let others suffer because of your greediness.
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keep it real