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Cats - November 2006

[Selected]: All categories Pets Cats

I have used Hartz Foggers twice, and still have fleas in the house.
I need help !

2006-11-05 11:04:24 · 4 answers · asked by Anonymous

Anyone who can help me with this problem! My cat just insisted on peeing on the sofa. It is driving my husband and me insane.
I know that my cat will probably repeat this over and over again.

I realize that you can NEVER get rid of the smell...but...is there any product out there that can help eliminate the smell as best as possible?? Help! We can take it anymore. By the way, we DON'T want to get rid of the cat!


2006-11-05 10:39:28 · 22 answers · asked by Anonymous

2006-11-05 10:35:31 · 4 answers · asked by steamysaq 1

I have 3 cats. The 3 year old one is overweight (the mother), her 2 babies (1+year): one of them is ok, the other one is starting to look a little chubby...well she is more towards fat than not fat...

I tried separating them in different rooms to feed them with different kinds of food and different proportions...but they always end up eating each others food...

I tried a lazer pointer toy but the cat that is suposed to run after it...isnt...and the ones that dont need to, run after it....

does anyone have more than one cat and one/some of them were overweight...but managed to help their cat go back to normal weight without changing the diet of the cats that werent overweight?

2006-11-05 10:30:51 · 9 answers · asked by Anonymous

I have been watching the Fellowship of the ring and my cat who was initially curled up on the sofa, woke up as soon as it started and just sat looking at the screen and started howling. This film obviously spooked him. You probably think this is aload of porkies, but it is absolutely true.

My cat Sam is 17 years old and is usually not very vocal , however, tonight he changed all that by his howling..

Have you a pet that gets spooked by something on the telly?

2006-11-05 10:27:58 · 10 answers · asked by Anonymous

how do i teach my cat to do my homework?
What about dancing
or karate

2006-11-05 10:13:58 · 10 answers · asked by x55xm 1

So from my previous questions, you may know I have 9 cats. Well one of the adult males randomly attacks the kittens. Is this because he feels unloved. Or is this his natural instinct. May I include that he has a missing paw and AIDS.

2006-11-05 10:08:46 · 4 answers · asked by lil_miss1562 1

Just got another siamese kitten 13 weeks old, my other cat is a year. She isnt acting to nice towards the kitten WHAT DO I DO??

2006-11-05 10:06:41 · 7 answers · asked by no shame in my game 3

I have a cat thats about 4-years-old.. and i love her dearly... 3 days ago, i recieved a baby kitten (old enough to do things on his own and to see), he was with another kitty who sadly didnt make it (both of the of them were fairly sick when we found them, and i wanted to nurse them back to health)... Well, now i believe this kitty is lonely, and im spending every second basically with her, I would really like her to get along and become friends with my older cat so she has some1 there for her to play with when im busy. But the thing is, my older cat is kinda anti-social (when we have lots of people over she hides, and she doesnt really like it when little kids are around her -- trying to hold her) and she hisses are my kitty and runs away.. (shes done this b4 with other cats/kitties)... How can i get them along?? is it possible?

2006-11-05 09:53:42 · 9 answers · asked by Anonymous

they are about 9 weeks old and boys

2006-11-05 09:51:12 · 11 answers · asked by shannon f 1

my other cat seems fine. but i did change to a dry cat food for sensitive stomachs, its not helping. it must be nearly everyday that he barfs....anyone had this same experiance and could tell me what to do? he has a appt with the vet this week to be checked out.
any home remedies tho?

2006-11-05 09:26:35 · 12 answers · asked by km 2

how do i ensure he doesn't get freaked out and disappear?

2006-11-05 09:23:44 · 17 answers · asked by jay dee 1

She has and interest in my bass and a crazy idea popped into my mind, what if i could teach my cat to play it? but i have no idea how to teach her... any ideas?

PS she doesn't like cat treats

2006-11-05 09:15:28 · 11 answers · asked by Anonymous

2006-11-05 09:03:46 · 12 answers · asked by ladyk719 1

my cat just started drooling excessivley hes eating and drinking normally and there seems to be nothing stuck in his mouth but its started to worry me as he has never done it before

2006-11-05 08:56:37 · 19 answers · asked by kate r 1

It looks like a mole on the inside of my cat's left ear near the very tip. I don't think she had it before, and then when we came back from vacation we noticed she had it. We were pretty sure she hadn't had a spot there before, but we couldn't really remember so we just let it be. Now I think it looks a bit larger than it used to. Is this something to be worried about? It's been about half a year maybe since we first saw the spot.

2006-11-05 08:41:30 · 6 answers · asked by D: 1

what are some cats that you think were important in history?

2006-11-05 08:25:26 · 10 answers · asked by x55xm 1

So we had two cats, but recently, one of them ran away. We just adopted another cat to keep our older one company, and Im not sure how to introduce them to eachother. So far, ive been switching them in and out of rooms, but im sick of sneaking in and out and trying to make sure that they dont get out. Is there a quicker, more effective way?

2006-11-05 08:24:23 · 4 answers · asked by Carrie Mango 3


You didn’t get my meaning people I made a test to see what you would say but u all judge me. However what I mean black cats are different from the other’s why?
They are a very bad race I have a black cat and a white and grey cat, the black they have this bad habits of piecing everywhere and if you leave a something in the flour they well pies on it as they think the home they living in is there territory. And there more likely to cheat you, like biting you or leave you. They even well bit a new cat if u brought one at home, so I thought my cat is very weird I thought he might be sick or something, so I did take him to a vet and spoke to a person who really does understand them, I told him what I think and he said I’m right black cat are bad race.
Even though I love my 2 year old cat I had to coup with piecing. And so many things I still love him. Unfortunately my cat died because he had a kidney problems as he was born with it I really missed him. But he left a grate picture in my mind of how beautiful they are even if they are a bad race cats. But I’m still grateful with my other cat LEAON Who’s 1 year old.
And no I don’t think they all bad cats I’m just saying it one in a million cats, some of you say I’m being a racist what the **** are you talking about, I’m just saying what I saw on a book about cats and there race. One of you who’s is ROXYbeachbum said I’m being a racist coz black cat’s are from south Africa what the **** are talking about I’m bloody African.

2006-11-05 07:58:57 · 30 answers · asked by Maria 1

My cat has had this recurring ear infection, so I took her to the vet and she found a tumor inside her ear. It has eaten some of her bone away. I want to know if anyone has had to deal with this, and what ways I can make my cat more comfortable? I am not going to do surgery because she is 13 years old. ONLY REAL ANSWERS PLEASE!!!

2006-11-05 07:50:24 · 7 answers · asked by Love 2


You didn’t get my meaning people I made a test to see what you would say but u all judge me. However what I mean black cats are different from the other’s why?
They are a very bad race I have a black cat and a white and grey cat, the black they have this bad habits of piecing everywhere and if you leave a something in the flour they well pies on it as they think the home they living in is there territory. And there more likely to cheat you, like biting you or leave you. They even well bit a new cat if u brought one at home, so I thought my cat is very weird I thought he might be sick or something, so I did take him to a vet and spoke to a person who really does understand them, I told him what I think and he said I’m right black cat are bad race.
Even though I love my 2 year old cat I had to coup with piecing. And so many things I still love him. Unfortunately my cat died because he had a kidney problems as he was born with it I really missed him. But he left a grate picture in my mind of how beautiful they are even if they are a bad race cats. But I’m still grateful with my other cat LEAON Who’s 1 year old.
And no people I don’t mean they all bad cats
All I mean is one of hundreds are very bad cats and all I’m doing is explaining why.

2006-11-05 07:44:17 · 15 answers · asked by Maria 1


You didn’t get my meaning people I made a test to see what you would say but u all judge me. However what I mean black cats are different from the other’s why?
They are a very bad race I have a black cat and a white and grey cat, the black they have this bad habits of piecing everywhere and if you leave a something in the flour they well pies on it as they think the home they living in is there territory. And there more likely to cheat you, like biting you or leave you. They even well bit a new cat if u brought one at home, so I thought my cat is very weird I thought he might be sick or something, so I did take him to a vet and spoke to a person who really does understand them, I told him what I think and he said I’m right black cat are bad race.
Even though I love my 2 year old cat I had to coup with piecing. And so many things I still love him. Unfortunately my cat died because he had a kidney problems as he was born with it I really missed him. But he left a grate picture in my mind of how beautiful they are even if they are a bad race cats. But I’m still grateful with my other cat LEAON Who’s 1 year old.

2006-11-05 07:31:49 · 21 answers · asked by Maria 1

he wont let me go anywhere in the house w/o having to be right there w/me. i mean anywhere, toilet, shower, god forbid i close him out of somewhere he yells and screams, not meows. but screams!! what do i do? get another cat for him to play with so he leaves me alone? also, he gets "the night crazies" too. he won't let me sleep so of course i'll put him out and yes, he lays @ my door and screams.. i don't know what to do, i'm starting to feel bad, cause i'm starting to hate his guts!!! please any advice?

2006-11-05 07:20:58 · 22 answers · asked by mimi78 1

She's vomiting--clear stuff only--and hiding under the bed, which she usually doesn't do. I'm thinking she's just having a tough time passing a hairball, and that it's probably not worth $200 to take her to the emergency vet on a Sunday. But I would do that in a heartbeat if I thought there was something seriously wrong here. Can someone help?

2006-11-05 07:10:25 · 8 answers · asked by Leslie D 4

Is that normal??Please answer

2006-11-05 06:52:26 · 9 answers · asked by squidly12345 2

My cat gets into lodes of fights and he got this sore and it leaks puss. can anyone tell me if it will stop? its been there for 2 weeks.

2006-11-05 06:39:47 · 9 answers · asked by Anonymous

2006-11-05 06:00:02 · 11 answers · asked by Fishy 1

I've tried those mats and news paper and it still seems to end up everywhere (including the bed). We use Tidy Cat clumping litter.

2006-11-05 05:54:17 · 11 answers · asked by G 3

My 10 years old cat seems very lonely after the death of her brother two months ago. They grew up together and were never separated until Prince died of heart failure . I am thinking of bringing home a young kitten to make her company but I wonder if it will be welcome by her. Since she is deft, she lives in her own world most of the time and is becoming very needy. She is very loving and affectionate, also she has a very short temper. I would appreciate any suggestions. thank you

2006-11-05 05:39:37 · 11 answers · asked by bianca's mom 1

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