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Pets - 26 December 2007

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Birds · Cats · Dogs · Fish · Horses · Other - Pets · Reptiles · Rodents

he used to eat them but now starts to look interested but then won't eat it. We bought a pack of frozen mice...how long do they stay good in the freezer? I really don't want to have to feed him live mice!

2007-12-26 13:21:22 · 11 answers · asked by celticblue2000 1 in Reptiles

over the past week we haven't been home the person who was suposed to be taking care of our dog neglected to do so and now we can't get him to eat anything. he can barely walk he just wants to be held. what should i do?

2007-12-26 13:19:07 · 15 answers · asked by ilovejohndeere 1 in Dogs

Thank you to those that have answered thus far. My cat is about 1 1/2 years old so i don't think it's old age setting in. I live alone and there is no abuse. In fact, she has a wonderful life (i think). She has a few beds, i buy her toys, top of the line cat food and i am very gentle with her. Every day i giver her a fresh bowl of food and water. I clean her litter box often and i have 2 fish tanks which she use to love to sit on the couch or bed and watch them swim. Fortunately she didn't try to get them/ She just liked watching them. She is always purring and isn't scared of me.

Her bizarre behavior began a few weeks ago. Since the behavior has changed so dramatically, i became worried. That is why i've taken her to the vet twice. She had always been friendly, jumping on the furniture, cabinets, counter etc. and now she just hides. I really think she fell because she is scared to go on the bed, couch etc.

2007-12-26 13:17:15 · 7 answers · asked by zwerp2000 2 in Cats

i will be doing this for 6-7 months and the crab will have access to air. the oscars are 3 inches long and 1 and a half inches tall the cnvict is 1 inch long they will be in a 4x1 1/2x1 1/2 foot tank.

2007-12-26 12:58:38 · 5 answers · asked by Adrian B 2 in Fish

Sometimes when im outside with my dog and she's tried out from chasing things [sticks, balls, etc] she lays down belly up by my feet.

I sit next to her & massage the pads on her paws. She'll lay through it, but does it feel good to them?

Or is she just laying down tired. Im thinking she really does enjoy it because she'll lay there & fall asleep.

2007-12-26 12:57:40 · 17 answers · asked by This Gurl 3 in Dogs

2007-12-26 12:56:10 · 10 answers · asked by dice5227 1 in Dogs

2007-12-26 12:50:07 · 8 answers · asked by T-Luv 4 in Reptiles

If anyone has had any success getting rid of ringworm, their advice would be greatly appreciated. Does anyone have experience with the lyme dips working? I feel so bad for my kitty and want to help her get rid of RW asap!!!

2007-12-26 12:48:48 · 7 answers · asked by Anonymous in Cats

I recieved a cat condo from an unknown source that had a cat. I want to be sure it is not harboring fleas before I bring it in.. Other than spraying it with a flea /tick spray, will leaving it in my garage where it is below freezing (Minnesota winter) help kill any chance of fleas? If so.. how LONG would I need to leave the thing in freezing temps to be sure?

2007-12-26 12:45:48 · 3 answers · asked by mnhop2 2 in Cats


I have a big family, i'm the middle, plus we have lots of kids, but i really want a pet, and i dont know whats a safe, fun, and good pet i could get, i tried a cat once, but my 10 month year old brother is scared of it, and i dont want a fish because it's not fun at all, its cool thou, lol, well thanks for any advice!!



2007-12-26 12:07:36 · 7 answers · asked by Anonymous in Other - Pets

We were given a kitten about 4 months ago and because he was so young we had to bottle feed him for about 4 weeks. Now he is a few months older, very healthy, eats good, etc but he is crazy! We have a bottle filled with water but regardless of how many times we spray him he will not stay off the counters. He get into everything and now he is confined to the bedroom simply because we can not keep track of what he is doing because he moves so fast, lol. We have 3 dogs and Sebastian (the kitten) gets along with the dogs really well so we're not sure what the problem is. Both my spouse and I have had cats in the past and we have never run into a wild kitten. Sebastain has every climbing toy that has been created, his own space to play in and a ton of toys so believe me he is entertained 24/7. We have to crate him at night because we can not allow him to run loose as we are afraid of what the results would be. Serious answers only please and Thank you!!

2007-12-26 12:04:00 · 11 answers · asked by Anonymous in Cats

My niece bred her female Yorkshire Terrier with a male Silky Terrier. Both dogs have papers, but she understands that she cannot command top dollar with the mix. Any idea what she can expect? What price range she can ask for/expect for the puppies?
Obviously not a professional breeder, she'll be selling the puppies from her New Haven County, CT home. Thank you!

2007-12-26 12:00:05 · 14 answers · asked by PHA 2 in Dogs

I'm a first time owner, but i know about the calcium/phosphorus ration 2:1 and that i cant feed him cabbage, spinach and things like that, he looks to be healthy, but im just really worried about him. please help me!!

2007-12-26 11:43:14 · 8 answers · asked by Anonymous in Reptiles

We are visiting California for Christmas and our golden retriever got into a fight with our grandmas dog.She tried to break it up and put her leg in between them and got bit by our dog. She had to go to the hospital because she takes asprin and the bite was severely bleeding. Animal control came and got our dog. She was put into quarantine because we had a friend give our dog her shots under the table at her house. She is a vetrinarians assistant and we live in a very small town and so we don't have any proof shes had the rabies vaccination. so they said she had to be quarantined for 10 days. Now we have to pay 25 dollars a day for her being there and we have a fine for not having her rabies shot. But here's what doesn't make sense. They want to ticket us for not having her spayed which is a requirement here but not in Montana and thats another $500 dollar ticket! Why should we pay that ticket when our state does not have that requirement? We are no residents. Shouldn't we be exempt?

2007-12-26 11:39:29 · 12 answers · asked by marselle1967 2 in Dogs

can i feed then blood worms.and when they breeding was done the boy chase her and nip her i took her out and the boy is under the nest.but after one day i still dont c anychange on the bubble or in the frys.it look like if the boy eat then o.o what is wrong do ya know

2007-12-26 11:30:30 · 2 answers · asked by Anonymous in Fish

killed like it was or tranquilized? I wish they would've killed it with grenades and shotguns instead of revolvers. And the animal rights whackos are saying, why didn't you tranquilize the cat? Because it had killed one guy, mauled 2 others, was standing by an alive victim, then mauled him again as the cops approached, and then the cat ran towards the officers. And they ask why did the cops kill the cat? Animal rights whackos are just that, WHACKOS. You agree?


2007-12-26 11:23:34 · 8 answers · asked by Anonymous in Cats

Just wondering

2007-12-26 11:18:22 · 6 answers · asked by LD 4 in Dogs

I had a friend call me tonight and ask for my advice on separating a fight...well fortunately we have never had an issue with our dogs fighting..they are all very well trained and know what is accepted..so I do not have much experience in this area....
My main concern was my friend getting hurt trying to stop the fight... He was home alone when it broke out and would pull one off and the other would jump back into the fight. I guess after about 20 minutes of fighting a friend showed up..rushed in and startled the dogs enough to get them apart....
The only advice I could give is to throw an ice cold bucket of water on the dogs... I told him it is foolish of him to think he can separate two 100lb plus dogs without suffering an injury himself

what techniques have you used?

2007-12-26 11:12:29 · 23 answers · asked by PFSA 5 in Dogs

my chihuahua is 12 weeks old and he hasnt had any shots because i don't have the money at the moment. Is it too late?

2007-12-26 11:11:40 · 12 answers · asked by Anonymous in Dogs

and ty!!

2007-12-26 11:09:44 · 7 answers · asked by Ashlee 1 in Dogs

Serious answers, please!

Well, my friend brought his 3 month old shih tzu (female) over. She is not spayed yet but since she is a female should she be "humping" other animals? She got on top of my cat when he was laying down and really started humping him.

2007-12-26 11:06:36 · 16 answers · asked by abnm 3 in Dogs

The whites of her eyes are red/bloodshot. Is it serious or just an irritant, do you think?

2007-12-26 11:04:05 · 11 answers · asked by liz 2 in Dogs

I have had Leo (my tortoise) for about 7 months and i was wondering when they are sexualy active and how to tell if they are male or female?

2007-12-26 11:01:57 · 2 answers · asked by Anonymous in Reptiles

Ok. My dog muffin is about a year old and she was perfectly fine when she was younger and soon she had to get fixed but she had her period and I guess we couldn't get her fixed and then she got tape worm. After that she got fleas and I washed her and did what i could hopefully got rid of it. Soon after that she began to scratch very hard near her butt and lost hair on her tail near the top and on the side of her back legs not very much hair. I changed her food a couple times and then changed it agian and she is growing back some of the hair but still bites herself, is it dry skin, mites, or still fleas ? What should I do? PLS help!

2007-12-26 11:00:36 · 6 answers · asked by Anonymous in Dogs

my friends dog got ranover it is doing fine but it has trouble sitting down and getting back up she can do it but when we bring her inside she has trouble doing it like sitting down/laying down and then getting up she has no internal injergies and some times she breaths hard ? ( i donbt think nothing is broken because she walks just fine and is happy) it happened on christmas eve do you think she could just be sore?

2007-12-26 10:58:44 · 16 answers · asked by hunter*jumper* = 2 in Dogs

we have about 17 cats that live out side and the possum keeps attacking them and we think that it already killed one and it was fighting with one of our dog who are both small can anyone help us but we cant aford a person to come get it and we dont want to kill it.

2007-12-26 10:55:10 · 9 answers · asked by Kelly 1 in Other - Pets

Given that I live in Massachusetts and would be buying a 1-2 year old filly.

I'm looking for prices of high quality (not luxury, but solid) training.

Thanks so much!

2007-12-26 10:54:12 · 15 answers · asked by Anonymous in Horses

I have a young bearded dragon. When I got him, he was eating a lot. I have been feeding him small crickets, small-medium mealworms, and kale. There isn't any sand in his tank, just paper towels, but at the pet store they had repti-sand or something like that. At first, he stopped eating mealworms and now he won't eat crickets. I don't know what to do. Are there any home remedies or anything? I already spent a lot of money in vet bills on my tortoise that wouldn't eat, so I can't afford to take this one to the vet. Any suggestions would be great.

2007-12-26 10:52:32 · 16 answers · asked by Anonymous in Reptiles