Dear cat lovers,
I have two cats. Both female. an 8 year old, and the most recent addition, a 1 year old. The one year old, being rescued from a horsefarm, grew up for about 4 monthst LOVING the outdoors. so a year ago, we rescued her and brought her to my home. She STILL loves the outdoors. Every day, we regularly let her outside into my fenced backyard for around 3 or 4 hours. She used to be very very content just running around my nicely sized back yard; until yesterday, when she figured out how to climb my fences. My fences are 6 feet tall- and my cat is declawed in the front. Yet she uses the fence posts to shimmy up to the top. This is a BIG BIG problem considering there are busy cars where I live, little children, and open streets, ponds, and such. I live in a neighborhood- I can not have my cat running around. I am scared to death that she is going to get picked up and taken home, or hit by a car. PLEASE HELP ME. what can I do to keep her from going over the fence?
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