Never have I witnessed so much snobbery! I did not get my dog from a sub-quality breeder because she came intact. She will be tested by our vet for genetic disorders! It seems many of you people don't want the dog species to continue, or you think that the only lines that should be continued are AKC champions (by the way, the AKC doesn't recognize my dog. Their loss.) Shame on you for labeling dogs "only pet quality". A dog should be bred if she is free of genetic defects, temper vices, and conformation flaws. The shelters are overrun with grown up dogs that people buy on a whim and abandon when they get too tough to deal with. We should refrain from assuming things about people on this forum, and we should refrain from forcing others to agree with us. Name calling is never okay. Here's the deal. With store bought pet food, dogs are living only 13 years. If we all spay, what happens in 13 years? Some of us, the ones who care to do it right, must breed. And yes, my dog is "good enough"
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