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Pets - 3 January 2007

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Birds · Cats · Dogs · Fish · Horses · Other - Pets · Reptiles · Rodents

2007-01-03 11:39:18 · 38 answers · asked by Anonymous in Dogs

like the ones where the hamster goes in n can run around the house without hiding i was wondering if i could do the same with a baby bearded dragon

2007-01-03 11:37:15 · 9 answers · asked by ~*dis girl*~ 2 in Reptiles

So...I'm 14 years old and i live in new jersey. I would like to know what type of animal community service their is where i dont just donate money but actually spend time with the animals and take care of them. I would like to know. i really like dogs and monkeys.thanks.:)

2007-01-03 11:36:51 · 5 answers · asked by Live2Run 4 in Other - Pets

I have a female kitten who is about 8 weeks now and just brought home what I thought was a girl 11 week old...however she is a he, lol. What is the time they can get pregnant?


2007-01-03 11:35:31 · 15 answers · asked by rachaelrb2004 2 in Cats

and arnt they the best dam thing ever. owners will know what im talking about.

2007-01-03 11:35:15 · 10 answers · asked by jillscowboys 2 in Dogs

I'm looking for the plain black one that says "My cat can beat up your cat." Ever notice that stupid little things are hard to find online? ;P

2007-01-03 11:34:44 · 12 answers · asked by silvershard 2 in Cats

We came back from vacation and noticed that our office room smells bad. Like a dead animal smell. It's been about 9 days since we have been back and it still smells. Could it be a dead rat in one of the walls?

How long would it take for a dead rat to decay and for the smell to go away?

2007-01-03 11:34:07 · 10 answers · asked by BMD 2 in Other - Pets

How many people heard that cats (and other animals) only need their first vaccines to be protected and not every year or every three years?

2007-01-03 11:31:00 · 12 answers · asked by cica-koshka 2 in Other - Pets

2007-01-03 11:30:45 · 8 answers · asked by crazy freak 1 in Other - Pets

So this isn't the greatest topic... sorry :) But my Lab is 7 months old and she hasn't yet pooped today. Normally she goes twice a day. I've read in other yahoo answers that something like a spoon of canned pumpkin or yams in their food will help. Is that true? Anyone know something better. Anyone with tips from experience would be greatly appreciated! Thanks!

2007-01-03 11:26:09 · 12 answers · asked by starsmoak 5 in Dogs

meggie is a very gentle and loving dog. Now acting
strangely sometimes aggressive. stomach seems tender upon touching and she growls when touch.
x-rays perfect, not even arthritis. blood drawn perfect. Slightly listless, tired looking and if was person would say pail, feces fine. No energy then sudden burst of aggression maybe once a week.
nothing new in home. Any idea? Vet put dog on rimadyl incase of hidden pain. But, would like answer to her anger situation as has attacked my smaller dog. Way, way, out of character for her.
Unbelieveable for her. I have had her 4 years, she is 6 now no aggression at all before. Must be medical reason. Please help me, i do not have
finances for exploritory testing cannine does not need. thank you

2007-01-03 11:22:49 · 3 answers · asked by meggiesue 2 in Dogs

i have a six month old miniature poodle and he can barely jump, and he only jumps around like 10 inches if he has a running start.
while i see other dogs jump really high and they look like they are running on the wall. is it like this for all poodles?

2007-01-03 11:21:57 · 19 answers · asked by Anonymous in Dogs

4 ingredients: non-sudsy ammonia, vinegar, liquid dishwashing soap, and water. I originally found it in a pet book because it's great on pet stains. Now I can't remember the proportions of each ingredient. Can anyone help?

2007-01-03 11:20:35 · 3 answers · asked by Anonymous in Other - Pets

the filter is good for 55 gallons but clogs in about 2 weeks my fish range from 4-7 inches. We will be moving soon and will build a new pond but in the mean time how can I keep it cleaner

2007-01-03 11:19:46 · 8 answers · asked by ogopogo 4 in Fish

I've been looking EVERYWHERE to find an online fish store that will ship live fish and supplies to canada, but i have not found one place yet, any help!!

2007-01-03 11:17:24 · 7 answers · asked by Flames Fan 3 in Fish

Hi i have a dobermann puppy and im thinking of feeding a barf diet but im concerned about the link between high protein intake and hip dysplasia so was going to feed equal amount boiled rice to meat weight. Is this ok for his health? He is 8.5 weeks old at the moment.

2007-01-03 11:13:34 · 11 answers · asked by Anonymous in Dogs

Please help me i can't afford to go to the vet and have a test done there and i need to know thanks Bye!!

2007-01-03 11:08:49 · 17 answers · asked by 11golda 2 in Dogs

I just did a water change how long shoudl i wait till i test

2007-01-03 11:07:13 · 11 answers · asked by Skittles 4 in Fish

my dog is very nice, I would like to clone her a friend, I don't let her out of the house, so I would like to clone her instead, how much?

2007-01-03 11:00:11 · 10 answers · asked by MiKe Drazen 4 in Dogs

my dog is eating pedigree and she has bine on for hre howl life or for years should i change her food.SHE HAS BINE ACTING WIERD AND I DON'T KNOW WHAT TO DO.

2007-01-03 10:59:26 · 17 answers · asked by Anonymous in Dogs

the air bubbles only appear out of the carbon filters every 7 to 12 seconds and not continuously as they did when I first installed it. I have tried cleaning it and adjusting all the pipes. It still keep the water clear.

2007-01-03 10:59:11 · 6 answers · asked by hammerette 1 in Fish

Goes outside an rolls in the dung ? Man's best friend seems to be a pig!

2007-01-03 10:58:46 · 9 answers · asked by Skeeter 5 in Dogs

I just got a cat 3 days ago. I got her trained to the litterbox already )which is pretty awesome since I havent had a pet in so many years) but i'm having a problem with her eating habits. At first she didnt seem to like dry food, but wet food made her breath smell SO BAD that i'm switching her back to dry. Anyway, she eats good now, but she doesnt drink her water. She used to be an outdoor cat (she's about 6 months old i think) and I adopted her and she is now an indoor cat. I clean the bowl daily but she doesnt touch it and she starts meowing with this raspy meow like she's thirsty but she wont drink it! And she wont drink milk either. I dont know why not. Can you help? She also sneezes a lot and I think she has a cold.

2007-01-03 10:58:34 · 11 answers · asked by o 2 in Cats

i have a 10 month old pug who is driving me crazy ,his 10 week old cousin is a female pug and he keeps trying to mount her ,I have seperated them but he whines like you would not believe ..i am going to get them both fixed this week but can i stop him from whinning so much

2007-01-03 10:58:12 · 8 answers · asked by Anonymous in Dogs

I have a 5 or 6 month old cat, and when she sits in my lap, she trys to eat my hair. She tries to eat my mom's too. Is this normal?

2007-01-03 10:57:41 · 9 answers · asked by sparks mcgee 2 in Cats

plastic cage

2007-01-03 10:57:38 · 10 answers · asked by *Starlet* 2 in Other - Pets

I can't decide if I want an Australian Terrier or a Jack Terrier. They are both small, adorable, and energetic but which one do you think is best for an apartment setting?

2007-01-03 10:57:15 · 9 answers · asked by Lizzie 2 in Dogs

her is black with a white spot, we found him in a sewer, he originally was mean, now if affectionate .

2007-01-03 10:56:55 · 21 answers · asked by Anonymous in Cats

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