My mom dumped off her fish on me so now my tank is in deep trouble. So now my 20 gallon high tank is in deep trouble. My stock before was:
2 german ram cichlids
2 south american bumblebee catfish
5 guppies(2 male 3 female)
1 bulldog pleco
1 mystery snail
Now that my mom dumped her fish on me, I have:
2 german ram cichlids
2 south american bumblebee catfish
7 guppies(4 male 3 female)
1 bulldog pleco
1 mystery snail
4 cherry barbs
I know my tank is incredibly overstocked because I was on the border between overstocked and not overstocked before, now I am basically screwed. I have the tank overfiltered and I have a jungle of plants so ammonia, nitrite, nitrates are not a problem. I am worried because having soo many fish in such a small space IS going to cause stress, and I can not get anymore tanks. So does anybody have any ideas on how I can improve the situation?
11 answers
asked by
fish guy