I was on the computer today and I was on youtube.com. I like to look at all the fun videos. When I opend a very disturbing video of men skinning Racoons alive, and men kicking cages full of dogs and dropping them off the tops of truck, and bashing there heads in, the dogs the whole time are screaming for help, and crying out, but he MEN kill them and skin them. They were doing the same things with cats. I was so disturbed, I just wanted to KILL those men. But am I in the Wrong? I just want those stupid men to die the same way they are killing those innocent animals. Oh, its so discusting. How can a human do those things? And why does god let them do that? I feel so sick inside, I hate being a human, if that means I am like them, Because I am not like them. I am not, and will never be like them. And why can't we do anything about it? Why? Why?
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